Veteran never die

Chapter 375 Individual Combat and Tactical Coordination

Chapter 375 Individual Combat and Tactical Coordination

0379 Individual combat and tactical coordination

Unknowingly, this has become a popularization course of military knowledge.

Wang Liang, who has experienced war, is very clear that war means death, sacrifice, and plunder.

War is very painful.

It will not greet you in advance before it arrives, so that you are prepared.

World War II was a bloody example. According to statistics, 7000 million Soviet soldiers and civilians were willing to sacrifice their lives in order to protect the country from being invaded.

In this world war, every country is wounded.

Among them, France, which claims to be the number one army in Europe, suffered a strong attack from Germany. After the last six weeks, it chose to admit defeat and surrender.

However, the United States, after 7 casualties, is still hesitant and unable to make up its mind.

Looking at the Soviet Union again, although there were hundreds of thousands of casualties, more people joined the army enthusiastically, swarming endlessly, and all the people became soldiers.

Wang Liang often thinks that when the British, French and Eight-Power Allied Forces invaded China, the Chinese people could stand up and resist.

Even if it is not for oneself, it is only for future generations to be able to stand upright.

What kind of situation would that be.

Perhaps, the war of aggression against China would not have happened.

Although the Japanese have wolf ambitions, they will not dare to launch a war of all people because they are afraid of a powerful China.

100 years ago, there was no such awareness.

Paid a heavy price.

100 years later, today in [-], Wang Liang wants to sound the alarm to all Chinese people.

Understand the military, study the military, and be ready to fight to defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity at any time.

It's not alarmist talk, it's not unfounded worry.

Perhaps, tomorrow is war.

Along the way, Wang Liang has seen too many things.

In the war-torn African land, human life is so humble that it is worthless.

Wang Liang returned to the main topic: "Plainly speaking, roundabout combat is similar to attacking eastward and westward. The Japanese devils violently attacked the side of the Chinese defenders, and then sent a troop roundabout to attack the weak defense, thus opening a breakthrough. "

This tactic of the Japanese devils once caused heavy losses to the Chinese army.

On August [-], [-], the Battle of Songhu broke out.

The Japanese army attacked the northern part of Shanghai Province with fierce firepower, trying to quickly annex Shanghai in order to achieve the ambition of quickly destroying China.

However, what the Japanese Army Staff Headquarters did not expect was that the Chinese army defended Shanghai Province and fought bloody battles, resisting the crazy attacks launched by the Japanese army time and time again.

After two months of stalemate in the battle, the Japanese army secretly mobilized a fleet and detoured south of Shanghai Province.

Taking advantage of the time when the Chinese defenders supported the northern battlefield, they saw the right time and quickly landed in Hangzhou Bay to attack Shanghai.

Afterwards, Shanghai Province fell, and Japan announced more than 4 casualties, while the Chinese army suffered nearly 30 casualties.

This is a typical example of a roundabout tactic.

When he was engaged in teaching work in the military academy, Wang Liang took out this battle and gave the students an in-depth analysis.

Now, most of the students that Wang Liang led were still in the army, and most of them had four stars or one general star on their shoulders.

Wang Liang said with emotion: "In fact, it was not just the Battle of Songhu, the Battle of Dongyangguan in Shanxi, the Battle of Niangziguan, etc. The Japanese army used blitzkrieg, roundabout warfare, and various tactics to attack the Chinese army in close coordination."

"In the early days of the Anti-Japanese War, the Sichuan army, which was extremely inexperienced in combat, faced a well-trained Japanese army that could quickly switch tactics. One can imagine how much sacrifice it took to stop the devil's iron hoof."


Empty patriotism, how can it match the gap in reality.

Wang Liang continued: "Devils are powerful individually, and their ability to cooperate is particularly strong. When I say this, please don't blame me for growing others' ambitions and destroying my own prestige. Let me take a battle I commanded as an example."

In 1939, a certain Japanese army stronghold in Hebei Province.

It was a thrilling ambush.

In order to retaliate against the Japanese army, Wang Liang, then head of the Independent Regiment, personally led two full battalions to launch a fierce attack on the Japanese stronghold.

The drunkard doesn't mean wine.

Wang Liang's purpose was not to take down the stronghold of the devils, but to destroy the reinforcements that came to support them.

Help around the point.

For this battle, in order to mobilize troops several times larger than the enemy, and tried every means to add some heavy firepower equipment.

Wang Liang said: "I made the battle plan by myself. At that time, we had a geographical advantage. The Japanese army would never have thought that we would have such troops and wait for them to come after we lay in ambush."

"This battle is doomed to catch a turtle in a urn. As soon as the battle started, the Japanese troops stationed nearby came to support."

The commander of the reconnaissance company, Kite, hurried over to report: "Reporting commander, the devils are here, and they will enter our ambush circle in 3 minutes."

"Okay, tell the artillery company and the machine gun company to get ready. As long as the devils enter the ambush circle, they will immediately implement artillery coverage and build a firepower network!" Wang Liang ordered.



Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom

Da da da, da da da, da da da, da da da

At the beginning of the battle, the artillery company's fire coverage was quickly completed, killing and wounding a large number of Japanese troops on the spot.

With heavy troops ambushing, occupying geographical advantages, and fighting to support the troops eager to march, the battle should be over soon.

But something happened that Wang Liang didn't expect at that time. After being attacked violently, the Japanese army of just a few hundred numbers quickly found a hidden point, and then formed a cross-fire cover to fight back.

The speed is astounding.

Wang Liang even had an illusion, did the devil commander already know there was an ambush?

But the battle plan is only known to the cadres above the battalion. These people have been baptized by the flames of war. Let them be traitors?
Unless the child born to the Emperor of Japan has no asshole.

Not very realistic.

Subsequently, under the command of Wang Liang, the soldiers fought fierce hand-to-hand combat with the Japanese devils.

The battle, which was thought to be over soon, actually lasted from morning to ten o'clock in the evening.

This army of devils was completely annihilated at the cost of the lives of hundreds of soldiers.

A Japanese officer with the rank of Major was seriously wounded and captured by soldiers of the Eighth Route Army.

After being identified by other captured Japanese devils, this guy is called Shan Ze, and he is the commander of this unit.

In a short interrogation, Wang Liang completely ruled out the possibility of information leakage, and thus gained a deeper understanding of the Japanese army's individual combat capabilities and tactical coordination capabilities.

At the end of the battle, according to statistics, a total of 380 nine Japanese soldiers were killed and 24 captured in this battle.

The Wang Liang Independent Regiment sacrificed [-] soldiers and injured more than [-] people.

(End of this chapter)

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