Veteran never die

Chapter 367 Although the body is dead, the spirit will last forever.

Chapter 367 Although the body is dead, the spirit will last forever.

0371 Although the body is dead, the spirit remains forever.

Wang Liang only knew the general situation, but he didn't know the exact situation: "When the squad led by the commander of the [-]th company, Yang Xingchun, was advancing from the west end to the dangerous area, and trying to meet Li Xianwen, the deputy instructor of the battalion, there was a sudden earth-shattering shock. Loud noise"

A huge landslide broke out.

Ten officers and soldiers in the danger zone including Li Xianwen and Yang Xingchun died heroically.

No one knows how they ended their last lives.

In the danger zone, they have experienced everything.

We only know that they gave their magnificent youth.

Ten heroes died on the Sichuan-Tibet Highway, and their spirits also shine on the Qianli Sichuan-Tibet Highway.

In [-], under a special historical background.

When people were deeply affected by the big storm and lost their way.

They stick to their posts.

In order to be able to transport the materials up, in order to be able to open a passage, they paid the price of their lives.

Why does Wang Liang feel a lot of emotion every time these things are mentioned?

Battalion Assistant Instructor.

Today in [-], this is nothing.

In the eyes of many people, this is not even an official.

At this level, it may be difficult for even the deputy chief staff member to change jobs.

But in [-], the battalion deputy instructor, company commander, deputy company commander, deputy instructor, platoon leader, squad leader, even an ordinary soldier, would be respected.

It was an era of incomparably respecting the army and supporting the army.


It is a great honor to have a soldier in the family.

For some reason, Wang Liang always remembered the events at that time very clearly.

One month after the sacrifice of ten heroes on the Sichuan-Tibet line, my country's first generation of self-developed shore-to-ship missiles was successfully ignited and launched.

Two months after the sacrifice of the ten heroes on the Sichuan-Tibet Line, my country’s first transistor large-scale digital computer 109C was successfully developed, with a word length of 48 bits and an average calculation speed of [-] times per second; the first automatic stereo camera was successfully developed .

Perhaps, this is the special historical complex.

In 1977, the Sichuan-Tibet line underwent a large-scale transformation, upgrading from a third-grade road surface to a sixth-grade road surface.

In 1978, the reconstruction of the Sichuan-Tibet line was stagnated due to lack of funds, and the road conditions were deteriorating day by day.

From 1979 to 1984, the average annual disconnection time was as long as 160 four days.

From 1985 to 1992, the average annual disconnection time was 180 days, and the Sichuan-Tibet line was basically paralyzed.

In 1996, the Armed Police Traffic Sichuan-Tibet Highway Mechanized Maintenance Detachment was established, but the funds were insufficient to support the road surface repair.

Many people have dedicated their youth and life to this road.

Wang Liang remembers, the motherland remembers.

Wang Liangdao: "The Fourth Detachment of the Armed Police Traffic Corps is the first unit in the history of the Armed Police Traffic Corps whose main task is to maintain traffic. They are responsible for guarding the [-]-kilometer section of the Sichuan-Tibet line with the most difficult environment and the highest altitude. From From Zhubalong on the border of Sichuan and Tibet to Dongjiu Township in Nyingchi.”

"There, landslides, avalanches and mudslides occur most frequently. Among them, Ranwugou avalanches and Lengqu River landslides are the most geological disasters in the world! But under the careful maintenance of the officers and soldiers of the four detachments, this section of road has never been less than a year. The six-month opening time has been increased to the current eleven months!"

There are a total of [-] road classes and [-] road maintenance workers in the work area on the Sichuan-Tibet line.

This highway has been open to traffic for more than 40 years, basically without major repairs, but it is still open to traffic, which is a miracle in the history of road construction in the world.

Wang Liang has been there and learned about the conditions of the Taoist workers.

Lived at high altitude for decades.

In winter, they can only rely on melting ice to get water.

In summer, floods blocked the mainland, and they could only eat rice with salt and chili to satisfy their hunger.

They have no earth-shattering great achievements, only silent dedication.

Only year after year, day after day of emergency rescue and disaster relief, to maintain the smooth flow of roads.

There is a huge stone monument, which is located in the south of XZ Lhasa, on the banks of the Lhasa River.

Wang Liang said: "It was built on December 25, [-], to commemorate the [-]th anniversary of the opening of the Qinghai-Tibet Highway and the Sichuan-Tibet Highway, and to remember the glorious achievements and great sacrifices of the Chinese People's Liberation Army. inscription."

[At the beginning of the founding of the People's Republic of China, in order to realize the great cause of the reunification of the motherland, enhance national unity, and build the southwest frontier, the central government ordered to liberate Xinjiang and build the Sichuan-Tibet and Qinghai-Tibet highways.The Sichuan-Tibet Highway starts from Chengdu in the east and was first built in April 360; the Qinghai-Tibet Highway starts from Xining in the north and started construction in June 25. The total length of the two roads is more than [-] kilometers. It will open to traffic in Lhasa on the [-]th at the same time. 】

[The roof of the world, a vast territory, high cold and hypoxia, and snow-capped mountains.The Sichuan-Tibet and Qinghai-Tibet roads cross the Nujiang River and climb Hengduan, and cross the sky and Kunlun. The rivers are turbulent and the peaks and mountains are steep. 】

The inscription is simple and clear, using the most simple words to explain the natural characteristics of the roof of the world.

[11 Tibetan-Han military and civilian road construction workers worked hard and braved the wind and snow, and worked together to conquer many natural dangers.More than 3000 million cubic meters of earth and rock were excavated and filled, and more than [-] bridges were built. 】

[Wuyi cold and heat, extremely difficult.Three thousand people with lofty ideals died heroically, and the deeds of a generation will go down in history forever. Over the past 30 years, the state has invested huge sums of money, and the two roads have been rebuilt several times.The Qinghai-Tibet Highway was built with asphalt pavement.Plateau Highway, an ancient miracle.It is famous all over the world and praised by five states. 】

No division is allowed, friendship lasts forever.

Heroes are eternal.

[The majestic plateau is connected by two roads.Beijing and Lhasa are closely connected.Brotherhood, closeness. 】

[The highways in Tibet extend in all directions, the economy and culture are prosperous, and the appearance of urban and rural areas has changed.The Tibetan and Han compatriots, singing and dancing gracefully, praised it as "Rainbow" and called it "Golden Bridge".The new XZ has a bright future, and people of all ethnic groups move forward hand in hand. 】

[On the occasion of the [-]th anniversary of the opening of the two roads, I am grateful to the central government, remember the heroes, set up stones in Lhasa, and commemorate Yongzhi. 】

【XZ Autonomous Region People's Government】

【December 25, [-]】

【The [-]th round of the Tibetan calendar, the [-]th day of the [-]th month of Huiyang Wood Rat Year】

Comment area.

"When I was substituted into that era and tried to use the way of thinking of that era to understand that period of history, I couldn't help but feel turbulent. Thousands of words were stuck in my throat. Thank you, thank you!"

"Remember the martyrs and pay tribute to the heroes. Although the body is dead, the spirit will last forever."

"That's what people should remember and be grateful for."

"11 officers and soldiers and the masses used their hands and similar primitive tools to drill rocks, break rocks, repair slopes and build roads. During the entire Sichuan-Tibet line road construction project, nearly [-] officers and soldiers dedicated their flesh and blood to this heroic road. On average, the bones of [-] heroes are buried every kilometer! How majestic! Salute!"

"Brave commanders and fighters of the [-]th Army! Great old XZ spirit."

"Composed the national spirit and national spirit."

"They are all heroes!"

"For the stability and development of the southwestern frontier defense, generations of people on the Sichuan-Tibet line have supported this life-and-death line with hardships and heroism, and silently guarded this national defense transportation line with hard work and selfless dedication."

"They didn't enjoy a day of happiness in their lives. How much did I pay for the border defense of the motherland after the sacrifice? Thinking about the comrades who sacrificed, what else do I have to be satisfied with?"

This is not just an ideological and political work done by Wang Liang for the young auto soldiers.

At this moment, millions of Chinese people know about them and their heroic deeds.

They are no longer alone.

[PS: Ten Heroes on the Sichuan-Tibet Line: Battalion Deputy Instructor Li Xianwen, Company Commander Yang Xingchun, Deputy Company Commander Chen Hongguang, Deputy Instructors Cheng Defeng and Tan Rengui, Platoon Leader Qu Yuelun, Squad Leaders Yang Qingzhong and Li Rongchang, Soldiers Chen Changyuan and Li Xingfu. On November 1968, 11, the Central Military Commission issued an order to award ten officers and soldiers including Li Xianwen the honorary title of "Ten Heroes on the Sichuan-Tibet Line Unlimitedly Loyal to the Communist Party" and called on all military commanders to learn from them.In the next 14 years, the material troops passing by the Martyrs Monument will pay their highest respect to their predecessors by honking their horns. 】

(End of this chapter)

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