Veteran never die

Chapter 365 It is easy to shake the mountain, but difficult to shake the People's Liberation Ar

Chapter 365 It is easy to shake the mountain, but difficult to shake the People's Liberation Army!
0369 It's easy to shake the mountains, but hard to shake the People's Liberation Army!
[I stand in the green pasture in the morning]

【Seeing the eagle wearing that glow】

【Like a piece of auspicious cloud flying across the blue sky】

【Bring auspiciousness to the children of Tibetans】

[I stand on a high hill at dusk]

【Look forward to the railway repair to my hometown】

[A giant dragon crosses the mountains and ridges]

【Bring health to the snowy plateau】

【That is a magical road to heaven】

【Send the warmth of the world to the frontier】

[From then on, the mountain is no longer high and the road is no longer long]

【Sons and daughters of all ethnic groups gather together】

Sun Weimin played a song involuntarily, "Road to Heaven".

This is a typical outstanding song of XZ style.

She reproduced the desire of the XZ people to open the Qinghai-Tibet Railway.

I also commend the railway builders of our country, who overcame many difficulties and finally let the people of XZ have railway lines leading to all parts of the motherland, fulfilling the dream of the people of XZ for many years.

After taking a look at Sun Weimin, Wang Liang knew what his grandson was going to express.

Sun Weimin's father, Sun Haiquan, was also the son of Sun Desheng, the commander of the cavalry company.

In the 60s, Sun Haiquan participated in the construction of the Sichuan-Tibet line.

Today, Sun Haiquan, who dedicated his youth and health to the frontier of the motherland, is bedridden all year round due to illness.

When mentioning the sacred place of XZ, how could it not arouse the emotion of Sun Weimin, who is a son.

In that place, there are traces left by the parents.

There are countless loyal souls.

[I stand on a high hill at dusk]

【Look at the railway repaired to my hometown】

[A giant dragon crosses the mountains and ridges]

【Bring health to the snowy plateau】

【That is a magical road to heaven】

【Take us into paradise on earth】

[Highland barley wine and butter tea will be more fragrant and sweet]

【The singing of happiness spreads all over the world】

【That is a magical road to heaven】

【Take us into paradise on earth】

[Highland barley wine and butter tea will be more fragrant and sweet]

【The singing of happiness spreads all over the world】

【The singing of happiness spreads all over the world】

A line of lyrics drilled into Wang Liang's heart, and it was a vivid past.

He cannot be silent.

Wang Liang said: "Walking along the Sichuan-Tibet line, you can enjoy the beautiful scenery, but do you know how many Chinese People's Liberation Army left blood and sweat here on this road? They even sacrificed their lives!"

It's not that Wang Liang is hypocritical, when he thinks of this, tears well up.

Because there are too many heroic souls of martyrs buried here.

There are too many brave and fearless Sichuan-Tibet auto soldiers still on the road.

"There is danger within a hundred steps, and loyal bones are buried within ten miles."

"It's easy to shake the mountains, but hard to shake the People's Liberation Army!"

Wang Liang uttered these two sentences subconsciously, and thus, a piece of history was revealed again.

Before the 50s, the entire XZ didn't have a kilometer of road.

At that time, all transportation in XZ had to rely on manpower and animal power.

In [-], the People's Liberation Army received an order to liberate Xinjiang.

The highest order: "While marching, build roads at the same time."

Thus, the first road to Tibet began to be built.

"The Sichuan-Tibet line is the ancient tea-horse road in history, and now it is the Sichuan-Tibet Highway, the collective name of the Chuankang Highway and the Kangzang Highway. The Chuankang Highway was built in the 30s, and it was Chengdu to Ya'an, the capital of Xikang Province at that time. interprovincial highways."

"The construction of the Ya'an-Lhasa Kham-Tibet Highway began in [-]. After Xikang was withdrawn from the province, the two roads were merged into the Sichuan-Tibet Highway." Wang Liang introduced.

At that time, it was not an easy task to build roads on the plains.

What's more, it is on a plateau with an altitude of up to 6000 meters and a large undulating terrain.

It can be said that it is more difficult than ascending to the sky.

Building roads starts with knocking stones with bare hands.

Wang Liang still remembers the road construction back then.

He has participated in the planning and blueprint design, and he has been helping on the plateau for quite a long time during the construction.

Wang Liang introduced: "At that time, the standard of road construction had been lowered to the lowest level. Three layers of pavement, one layer of lime, one layer of clay, and one layer of gravel were rolled and flattened to form a road."

However, in front of the soldiers are [-] snow-capped mountains that are covered with snow all the year round.

And the harsh natural environment that has never been seen before.

The number of people who participated in the first phase of road construction alone reached more than [-].

Commanders and fighters of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, engineers and technicians, and migrant workers of all ethnic groups.

Tools: Steel pliers, hammer.

These are some of the most primitive tools.

It took four full years to do this.

"Why don't we want to use machinery to build roads, but at that time on the plateau, machinery and equipment could not be used at all, and everything could only be done manually." Wang Liang looked a little sad.

It is easier said than done to build a road on the edge of a cliff.

Almost every meter of advancement will cause landslides and landslides of varying sizes.

Wang Liang clearly remembers a number. In the first year of construction on the Sichuan-Tibet line alone, no less than [-] PLA ​​commanders and migrant workers gave their lives for it.

In conversion, in the 360 ​​five days of a year, the average number of sacrifices per day is five people.

"I remember that Que'er Mountain is just a small hill. On that hill alone, we sacrificed 300 people. A total of more than [-] people were sacrificed for the construction of the Kangzang Highway. If an average number is required, at least one officer and soldier will be sacrificed per kilometer." Five people!" Wang Liang said a shocking statistic.

At that time, the war was over and New China had been established.

In 1950, the "Land Reform Law of the People's Republic of China" was promulgated, which stipulated that the land ownership system of feudal exploitation by the landlord class should be abolished, and the land ownership system of farmers should be implemented.

The land of the landlords was confiscated and distributed to farmers with little or no land.

The soldiers who were born in hardship have already been allocated land, and having land means that there is hope for life.

Happy life is coming.

They did not die under the butcher's knife of the Japanese devils, did not fall under the bullets of the reactionary warlords, but
"At an altitude of 5000 meters, the temperature is minus [-] degrees Celsius, the boiling point of boiling water is [-] degrees Celsius, and our morale is [-] degrees Celsius!"

"Please rest assured that the party and the country will complete the task!"

"The road built the day before disappeared the next day—because the mountain collapsed! The river we waded the day before disappeared the next day—because it became a barrier lake!"

"Although we have left XZ, our comrades-in-arms are still in XZ, there are them all the way, every kilometer. We will never forget XZ."

"A platoon of soldiers tied a rope and fell onto a boulder halfway up the mountain to make a hole. Suddenly a boulder rolled down from the top of the mountain, and the entire platoon of soldiers rolled directly into the Parong River with that boulder. The entire platoon of soldiers All sacrificed."

These words were spoken by the soldiers who participated in the war.

There are lofty oaths.

face objective reality.

There is piercing pain.

The ups and downs of life, in the prime of life, in that era, I have tasted them all.

(End of this chapter)

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