Veteran never die

Chapter 360 The meaning of life never lies in its length, its duration......

Chapter 360 The meaning of life never lies in its own length, its duration.
0364 The meaning of life never lies in its length and duration, but in its quality.

10 minutes passed.

All the car soldiers have completed their answers.

The substitute training squad leaders collected the test papers and judged them on the spot.

The result was satisfactory. Every auto soldier who participated in the retraining passed the assessment with zero mistakes.

After seeing the result, Wang Liang roared: "Good!"



Today is undoubtedly the best day for him.

Good soldier!
During the exams for the auto soldiers, Wang Liang went to their cars and saw refreshments such as cooling oil, coffee, and chili peppers.

Local traffic regulations stipulate that driving for four hours in a row must take a break.

But for military drivers, they sometimes need to train for five or six hours of continuous driving.

The purpose of high-intensity, anti-fatigue driving training is to cultivate the spirit of continuous combat and the style of tenacious fighting of military drivers.

Troop drivers are different from local drivers. The battlefield situation is complex and changeable. In many cases, due to combat needs, drivers may have to drive for several or even ten hours continuously.

If you dare not challenge the limit, you will not be able to break through the barrier of fatigue driving.

Wang Liang knows how dangerous it is to set up this subject.

Wang Liang knew better how much pressure the party committee of the training brigade had withstood and how much risk it took to include subjects such as long-distance driving, continuous driving on complex roads, and anti-fatigue driving into the training plan.

Everything is for these soldiers to come back alive from the complex and changeable battlefield.

Seeing this, Wang Liang was really happy, from the bottom of his heart.

"You! You can't charge forward like tigers on land, but you care about national defense and go forward bravely!"

"You! You can't smash the ocean like a thunderbolt from the deep sea, but you can gallop thousands of miles and move like the wind!"

"You guys! You can't swing into the sky like an eagle in the blue sky, but you can deliver thousands of miles and provide powerful protection!"

"You have a glorious and famous name: Auto Soldiers!"

"Good soldier! Salute—"

Facing the officers and soldiers of the training brigade, Wang Liang saluted a standard military salute.

This is an old general's tribute to them.

"It's all there! Salute!"

The auto soldiers returned the salute.

For everyone, this is an unforgettable day.

Disbanded, the car soldiers surrounded Wang Liang unwilling to leave.

Wang Liang is so popular, these young soldiers are his most loyal fans.

For many people, Wang Liang is the leader who understands them best.

A corporal asked cautiously: "Chief, are our auto soldiers really that great?"

"Of course, come on, everyone sit down, don't be so restrained, just treat me as your comrade-in-arms, let's talk." Wang Liang called the soldiers to sit down, intending to have a heart-to-heart talk with them.

Although Wang Liang used to be a military chief, he also did a lot of political work. He knew how to communicate with soldiers.

Seeing that the old chief and the one in the previous video were amiable, the soldiers gradually let go.

"Of course the Auto Soldiers are great. Today I will tell you a story with peaceful language, from a head-up perspective, and with calm thoughts, without sorrow, tears, or violent narration," Wang Liang said.

Wang Liang knows that with the continuous development of the economy, many people still think that being a soldier is a job with no future even though the salaries of the soldiers have been improved.

Two years of conscripts, retired and not given resettlement.

I was out of touch with society for two years and missed a lot of things.

A soldier is always a soldier.

Sergeant, always a soldier.

This is a concept engraved in the bone marrow of many people.

Is being a soldier a waste of time and life?
"The meaning of life never lies in its length, how long it lasts, but in its quality."

"On April 2012, 4, Liu Ling, who served as the captain of the ordnance transportation and oil unit of the logistics department directly under the Provincial Armed Police Corps, was ordered to lead a team to an oil depot of the Joint Logistics Department of the Guangzhou Military Region to haul combat oil."

At 23:510 p.m., when the oil tanker was traveling from south to north to the [-]-[-] km of the Beijing-Hong Kong-Macau Expressway.

There was a sudden abnormal sound from the vehicle. Liu Ling, who was sitting in the co-pilot position, had been working as an escort for 12 years, and he felt something was wrong.

She immediately said to the driver: "Don't panic, pull over and let me check."

Immediately afterwards, the vehicle's gearbox shattered and caught fire in an instant, causing the drive shaft to fall off and violently rubbed against the road surface to generate sparks.

The body is propped up, swinging left and right, and there is a possibility of overturning at any time.

Wang Liang said: "At that time, night fell, the Beijing-Hong Kong-Macao expressway was full of traffic, and the oil tanker was loaded with a full ten tons of fuel. If the handling was a little improper, the vehicle might roll over and cause the oil tank to explode. The consequences would be disastrous. .”

At that extremely critical moment, Liu Ling, who was the escort officer, was calm and calm.

She told the driver to hold the steering wheel firmly and make an emergency change to the emergency lane on the right to stop.

On the other side, desperately leaning his upper body out of the car window, he kept waving his hands to signal the vehicles behind to evade urgently.

Due to the proper handling, no traffic jam was caused, and the oil tanker slid 200 meters on the emergency road and stopped safely.

But at the moment when the tanker approached from the overtaking lane to the emergency lane, the body shook violently and the inertia was too large.

Liu Ling, who took off her seat belt in order to be able to stick her upper body out of the car window and wave to the vehicle behind for emergency avoidance, was thrown out of the car window heavily and fell to the dividing line between the driving lane and the emergency lane.

After being rushed to the hospital, Liu Ling was still ineffective despite all-out rescue efforts.


Wang Liangdao: "In 2000, she joined the army. She is the only female oil escort officer in the entire Hunan Provincial Armed Police Corps. Since 2006, she has been serving as a company assistant in the ordnance transportation oil section, and often escorts long distances."

"After she died, what was left behind was a gray-haired mother and a toddler son who was only [-] months old."

"With a life span of 30 years and a military career of 12 years, what she left most to her comrades-in-arms, husband and children was a bright smile.

"Her husband didn't know how to answer the child's question of 'where is mom?'."

"Even today, the female captain's family has not recovered from the loss of their daughter."

"If she doesn't unbuckle her seat belt, nothing will happen later, and she will definitely not be thrown out of the car. In other words, as an experienced escort officer, the moment she unbuckles her seat belt, she will do it." Ready to sacrifice."

"You say, great?"

——The meaning of life never lies in its length, its duration, but in its quality——

(End of this chapter)

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