Veteran never die

Chapter 358 Honk the Veteran's Horn in Salute! ! !

Chapter 358 Honk the Veteran's Horn in Salute! ! !

0362 Honk the whistle to the veterans! ! !

Wang Liang asked: "How to defend vehicles? How to practice?"

"From the front of the car to the rear, from the cabin to the compartment, from the top of the car to the bottom of the car, the flexible and maneuverable driving trainee must complete a back and forth on the moving car within the specified time to be considered qualified. Shooting, fighting , building a defense line, and relying on automobiles to launch defense”

When Wang Liang served as the commander on the island, he focused on actual combat research on vehicle defense and wrote several papers.

At present, some of Wang Liang's research results are included in the training program formulated for vehicle defense in the army.

Just as Wang Liang finished speaking, the walkie-talkie rang.

"01, 01, I'm 02, I'm reporting a situation now."

The vehicle Wang Liang and the lieutenant colonel were in was 01, and the 02 vehicle was the lead vehicle of the convoy.

The lieutenant colonel picked up the walkie-talkie: "This is 01, please speak to 02."

I only heard 02 on the other end say: "It's like this, there is a person wearing 07-style jungle camouflage on the side of the road ahead, saluting and watching our passing military vehicles. He should be a veteran."

I saw the lieutenant colonel switched the channel: "All attention, after seeing the veterans in the 07-style jungle camouflage ahead
Blow the whistle to return the salute. "

"Repeat, when you see a veteran wearing 07-style jungle camouflage in front of you, honk your horn in return."

"Roger that!"

"Roger that!"

"Roger that!"

Drop drop-

Drop drop-

Drop drop-

The veteran who had already taken off his military rank and armband looked at the convoy passing by, and felt very kind when he thought that he had also been a soldier.

He saluted the convoy with the feeling of missing the army, but he did not expect that the brothers in the convoy also honked their horns in return.

This scene was also recorded by Sun Weimin's camera and synchronized to the Internet.

What Wang Liang didn't expect was that such a video, such a small clip, would cause a huge sensation.

In the comment area, comments keep coming.

"I'm also a veteran, and my blood boils when I see a soldier. I hope that all the boys in the army today will be famous heroes."

"I have never been a soldier, so I don't understand the feelings of veterans, but I respect soldiers very much! Without a strong army, how can there be a stable country. Give the soldiers of the Republic a thumbs up!!!"

"Only the people of a country that worships soldiers can defeat all enemies that come against them."

"Chinese military vehicles are the most qualified. The roads along the Qinghai-Tibet line are narrow. When the military vehicle convoy starts off, they will turn right if they think you can overtake another vehicle. If there is an oncoming vehicle that cannot overtake, they will turn left. Every time I am moved, my eyes turn red. Soldiers of the motherland. /thumbs up

"I have never been a soldier, but tears fill my eyes every time I see these! Be safe! Be down-to-earth! I love you! Chinese soldiers!"

"I was also a soldier more than 30 years ago. Seeing that our army is so strong now, I am proud of our country and our army. Long live China, long live Chinese soldiers."

"Every time I see them, I feel very kind. It's like seeing relatives."

"I was moved to tears. Come on, the cutest person!"

"For the country's life and the people's death, the red flag is sprinkled with blood and the battle is endless!"

"Horn the whistle to return the salute. Once the battalion sentry, the convoy went out. More than 100 vehicles saluted for four or 10 minutes. Every car would return the salute. The last car was the political commissar's car. Get off the car and come to me in person to return the salute. It's special. Touched, retired armed policeman!"

"After watching the video, my throat was a little choked, and my eyes started to moisten. I recalled my comrades who were soldiers. How are you doing?"

The power of new media has once again been witnessed.

Just such a short video, once it was released, it was reposted and commented crazily.

It is not unusual for Wang Liang's live broadcast to be popular on Weibo.

Kuaishou APP, Douyin APP, WeChat, QQ, Volcano.
As long as this video appears, it will be reposted by countless netizens. More and more people see this video and shed tears of emotion.

Even if he is not a soldier, he has nothing to do with the army.

"He never left his heart, and he is a touching soldier."

"A solemn military salute, the response of two whistles! Veteran, you have not left, and your heart will always be with the troops, with your comrades-in-arms, and with the motherland! Salute!"

"My tears fell involuntarily. You and I used to be soldiers. I feel the same way. This is the complex of our soldiers."

"Think about our soldiers, and then compare those little fresh meat, star chasing idiots!"

"When I drive a military vehicle. No matter who gives me a sign. Say hello. Salute. I will honk my horn in return!!"

"All the military vehicles blew their horns in return. It seems that the convoy has a special whistle sound in return: beep."

"Tears almost came out! Once a soldier, you will be a soldier all your life! The siren is a tribute to the veterans! This is enough!!!"

"Comrades in arms are like brothers, and the revolution calls us together. You are from the frontier and he is from the interior, and we are all children of the people. Comrades in arms, this lofty honor as it is affectionately called, unites us into a steel collective, a steel collective !"

Wang Liang quietly scrolled through the comments, reading one by one, feeling warm in his heart at this moment.

Similarly, there are thousands of netizens.

It was an unexpected touch.

"Never confront our Chinese army, because you don't understand what a brotherly friendship is."

"After retiring from the army, we found out that we are like lost children [crying tears] [crying tears] and never going back home."

"This is why our soldiers are willing to shed blood and sacrifice silently."

"Although we are retired, we are still soldiers, regardless of the arms. We are all brothers and comrades-in-arms. Salute to the veterans in the video! I wish the comrades-in-arms smooth work and all the best. Salute!"

"Hearing Che Wu's return gift, I burst into tears. It's been 27 years since I was discharged from the army. It's like yesterday."

"Wear a military uniform for a day, and you will always be a soldier. The veteran of [-] promised that if there is a war, he will return!"

"Whenever cars pass by one by one, the crisp beeping sound makes me unable to control my miss for my comrades!!! My dearest comrades, how are you all?"

01 In the car, a song keeps playing
【That is the rainbow plucked from the rising sun】

【No one does not love your color】

【The most beautiful face in the world】

【Nobody misses your face】

【You are like a lamp illuminating the road ahead】

[When I stay in the dreamland and look at the future]

【When I leave home】

【You blow the horn with affection】

[The red flag is fluttering, the red flag is fluttering, fluttering]

【Volunteering in the sky is like a white cloud flying higher and higher】

[The red flag is fluttering, the red flag is fluttering, fluttering]

【A young heart never ages】

【Five-star red flag, you are my pride】

【Five-star red flag, I am proud of you】

【Cheers for you, I pray for you】

【Your name is more important than my life】

(End of this chapter)

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