Veteran never die

Chapter 355 The love at that time was so good, the people at that time were so good

Chapter 355 The love at that time was so good, the people at that time were so good

0358 The love at that time was so good, and the people at that time were so good

Wang Liang introduced: "This was written by Comrade Daluan to Sister Deng on July 18, [-], and Sun De and Hu Guangbiao mentioned in it were staff members of the No.[-] Army Group of the National Revolutionary Army in Chongqing. Dr. Wang was the director of surgery at the Geleshan Central Hospital in Shancheng, and Comrade Daluan had some physical problems at that time."

"However, in my opinion, the biggest bright spot in this letter is the eight words [Wish you cherished, kiss you thousands of times], textbook-style love, and study hard as you pass by." Wang Liang joked after a long absence .

Talking here, the comment area is no longer calm.

He is the common idol of the people of the whole country.

"Before I suddenly wanted to be a volunteer guide at the Zhou Deng Memorial Hall, so I started watching it. But I was not selected in the end, and I cried."

"I miss him so much!"

"I miss that time."

"After reading their correspondence anthology, the two often live in different places, so they often say that the words are as close as possible, and the lines between the lines are extremely simple. Maybe it is because of the war years, but the Prime Minister himself is also a person who pursues simplicity. Sometimes , our eloquent thousands of words may not be able to express anything, but two simple words - miss you, can express our emotions very well. I admire the prime minister's lofty ambition and sigh for his beautiful love .”

"I want to cry so much, it hurts in my heart."

"This is true love."

Wang Liang said, "Let's take a look at the reply letter from the eldest sister to her husband four days later."

[Lai: I was thinking of you, and I received a letter from Tai Long, knowing that you slept well last night, and that you were not affected by the conversations of many people during the day. My suspenseful heart felt like a heavy burden was relieved, and I felt comfortable and relaxed! 】

【Really, since you were admitted to the hospital, my mind, body and spirit have always been restless and suspenseful like a heavy stone.Especially in the previous week, anxiety hit my heart even more, so I couldn't help but go to see you enthusiastically. I hope I can pay attention to your symptoms in time and help you! 】

[Now, you are getting better every day, and you are about to be discharged from the hospital, I am so happy!Although it should not be exaggerated to say that the days felt like years in the past, I did feel that the days were long and heavy-if I hadn't visited you.I hope that these days will pass more quickly, and I hope you are welcome to leave the hospital as scheduled.I think that once you come back, I can let go of a heavy stone burdened inside and outside of my body and mind, and be liberated, how happy I will be! 】

【I won't come to see you tomorrow, and I don't plan to come again. I wholeheartedly welcome you back. I'm already cleaning up our house to welcome you.Now I just want to remind you that before leaving the hospital, you must ask Dr. Wang in detail about various matters that you should pay attention to in the future. Don't neglect to hope for it! 】

[Has Baiyao been applied?Do you want to keep some of it?I plan to visit Brother Nairu tomorrow night and give him medicine.Love is long but paper is short, I still kiss you thousands of times! 】

[Signed: Yingmei.hand grass.On the eve of July [-]th. 】

[Supplement: It is best to try walking around one or two days before leaving the hospital. What do you think?I hope to ask Dr. Wang! 】

The lines are full of concern for Comrade Daluan, especially the phrase "love is long but paper is short, and I still kiss you thousands of times" has abused countless single dogs.

Once upon a time, this letter made countless young men and women yearn for pure revolutionary love.

Compare to now.
Many innocent things have already passed away with the years.

Wang Liang longed to go back to the past and slowly enjoy that fascinating and intoxicating time.

Wang Liang briefly introduced several letters in vernacular: "On November 1944, 11, Deng Zhizhou, Comrade Da Luan left Yanshi for Shancheng. The six words profoundly interpret the feeling of longing for not seeing each other in a day, like three autumns.'You left, it seems that my mood and spirit have been taken away!'At the end of the letter, I kiss you deeply! Kiss you gently !'”

On November 1944, 11, Comrade Daluan had already left for the mountain city for eight days. The eldest sister wrote: "It's warm inside the kiln. I hope you can come back soon to enjoy some warmth!"

On February 1950, 2, the elder sister had a heart attack and was recuperating at home. Her concern for her husband did not diminish at all. She wrote in the letter: "Sleep more, drink less alcohol, and take a bath frequently. This is my most important thing. Those who care about it, come back and check it!"

On April 1955, 4, the eldest sister was ill and wrote a pen: "It's only been three days, but I can't help but write a few words to you... For the benefit of the people, for the noble cause of human progress, and for you to do more work, You must be good at defending yourself. In this regard, you must also win the struggle against the enemy. I sincerely wish you a victorious and safe return! I look forward to welcoming you warmly."

Signed: "Your confidant and good wife".

Wang Liang briefly introduced the background: "Everyone should know the background of this letter on April 1955, 4. The agents of the Taiwan Security Bureau planted explosives on the Kashmir Princess airliner. hijacked. But the staff of the delegation on board were killed”

"The love at that time was really good. In a few days, I will sort out the letters between me and my wife and share them with you."

Because of their common aspirations, Comrade Daluan and Sister Deng have experienced the pain of losing their son in the atmosphere of white terror during their 51-year revolutionary road.

Losing a child twice resulted in a lifelong inability to conceive.
We have walked the [-]-mile Long March together...

We have faced all kinds of difficulties, obstacles and storms in life together.

From beginning to end, we will stay together forever.

At this moment, Wang Liang said a lot of what was in his heart: "A lot of people ask me, they are already retired, why are you still working so hard, what are you trying to do? I would like to borrow a sentence from Comrade Da Luan as an answer: 'Revolution will always come. There are sacrifices. We are survivors, as long as we breathe, we must work for the party and the country!' This sentence has been practiced all his life. I will also practice it all my life!"

In June 1974, his condition deteriorated and he was admitted to the hospital, but he still worked hard day and night at work.

Wang Liang found a photo and introduced: "This is a photo of Comrade Da Luan's desk calendar used during his lifetime. The desk calendar recorded his schedule for an ordinary working day during his illness."

The schedule on the desk calendar is very concise and clear: get up at [-]:[-] pm, talk with Nyerere (President of Tanzania) at [-]:[-] pm, accompany Nyerere at [-]:[-] pm, political bureau meeting at [-]:[-] pm, civil aviation appointment at [-]:[-] am Bureau comrades have a meeting, work at [-]:[-] in the morning, go to the eastern suburbs to meet Prince Sihanouk and Queen at [-]:[-] noon, and rest at [-]:[-] pm.

"That day, he worked 23 hours straight."

Wang Liang didn't want to say that at that time his body had serious problems, and he was so thin that he couldn't weigh more than a hundred catties.

(End of this chapter)

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