Veteran never die

Chapter 340 Early morning of February 1979, 2

Chapter 340 Early morning of February 1979, 2

0342 Early morning of February 1979, 2

Jiang Limin looked at the anxious seventh squad leader, then shook the submachine gun in his hand and said: "Old squad leader, hold your breath, don't worry! Wait for the deputy instructor to lead the brothers in the second row to destroy Lang Wei's enemies and surround the unnamed highland from the east. Only after that can we launch an attack. If we fight early, the enemy is likely to escape in the dark, so the goal of total annihilation will not be achieved."

"Okay, I'll go do the work of comrades." The seventh squad leader is a veteran, and after the platoon leader said this, he understood.

The most urgent task is to stabilize the emotions of the soldiers.

The sound of gunfire in the two directions of the 1st row and the 2nd row became more and more intense, and the flamethrower spit out fire dragons, which made half of the night sky red.

Suddenly, the gunfire in the direction of the second row stopped, and there was no movement for a long time.

Jiang Limin was lying on a big rock, staring intently at the north side of the unnamed highland, as if searching for something through the night.

Suddenly, he clearly saw a red flashlight flashing three times in a row: the deputy instructor led the second platoon to fight over, and the unnamed highland has been surrounded from the northeast.

The red flashlights flashed two long and one short, which was a signal they agreed in advance.

"Liaison officer, hurry up and return the signal!"

Jiang Limin, who was on the battlefield for the first time, was very excited. It was finally time to make contributions. He immediately ordered all squads to quickly enter the battle according to the original battle plan.

"Father, I will be your pride." Jiang Limin said silently.

Jiang Limin, who was born in a military family, longs for his father's approval, even a word of praise.

But it is not so easy to get recognition from veterans who have experienced the War of Resistance Against Japan, the War of Liberation, and even the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea.

The second generation of red, who regard honor as their life, has red genes flowing in their bodies. In order to fight like their fathers, to win glory for their fathers, they are not afraid of bloodshed and sacrifice, and rush to the forefront in times of danger.
The unnamed highland is the highest mountain in the forward fortified positions of the Vietnamese army.

The two squads of the Vietnamese Army stationed here and built two circular fortifications, built shelters and several hidden firepower points, trying to use the hill as a support point to form an insurmountable barrier and control the access from the foot of the mountain to Gaoping Province. The main road of Nongxian Town.

Jiang Limin led the 3 platoons to attack the unnamed high ground. After a fierce battle, the enemy retreated along the trenches and traffic ditches to the hidden firepower points and shelters.

At this time, the deputy instructor also led the soldiers of the second row to rush up from the east side of the unnamed highland.

Jiang Limin reported the situation to the deputy instructor: "The Vietnamese army on the unnamed high ground resisted tenaciously with five or six concealed firepower points of the bunker. The machine gun firepower was very fierce, and the attack did not go smoothly. Yes, and several other soldiers were wounded."

"On the blasting team, each platoon adopts the tactics of point-by-point attack and advance upwards, covering the blasting team fighters to blow up the enemy's hidden firepower points."

After a quick exchange of opinions, the two cadres finally decided to blow up the enemy's hidden firepower first.

"I go!"

Although it was the first time to participate in actual combat, Jiang Limin was not timid at all.

He is a cadre, and a cadre must set an example.

Jiang Limin volunteered. He took down the four grenades in the grenade bag, crawled to the enemy's first hidden fire point, took advantage of the enemy's shooting interval, ignited the fuse, and fired the smoked grenade from the perforation. stuffed in.

There was only a loud "boom", the roof of the firepower point collapsed, and the mound of soil disappeared.

"Good job!"

The deputy instructor was very happy to see that Jiang Limin had succeeded, and quickly ordered the blasting team to follow up.

Immediately afterwards, the blasting team rushed to the second firepower point.

Under the cross-cover of light and heavy machine gun fire, the first blaster was wounded just a few steps up.

The second blaster was also shot and fell a few meters away from the enemy fire point.

Just as the third blaster was about to go up, Jiang Limin held him down unexpectedly, grabbed the explosive package, and jumped out of the trench.

Jiang Limin's figure flickered in the crossfire of the enemy and us shooting at each other.

I saw that he took advantage of the dead angle of the enemy's shooting, moved forward alertly and quickly, and soon approached the enemy's hidden firepower.

These skills are not entirely learned in the army.

During the days in the army compound, during those days when they didn't have to go to school, Jiang Limin and his little friends had been playing this kind of war games.

Blasting the enemy's firepower points with explosive packs is also one of their most frequently played projects.

Da da da, da da da, da da da——

Suddenly, the enemy's machine gun bullets shot at Jiang Limin like crazy, stirring up a cloud of dust around him.

In the light of the shooting, Jiang Limin was lying there motionless, as if he had been shot.

After all, war is not a game.

The deputy instructor who had been watching Jiang Limin nervously shouted anxiously: "Limin!"

Before the deputy instructor's voice fell to the ground, Jiang Limin stood up like a carp, ran a few steps, rushed to the firepower point, and firmly leaned the explosive package next to the firepower point's perforation.

I saw him pull the fire tube smoothly, and quickly rolled to the left. With a loud "boom", the second dark fire point became dumb again.

Originally, Jiang Limin wanted to continue to blast forward, but the grenades around him had all been used up. He asked the two soldiers to stay in place to monitor the enemy, and he ran back to the command position along the traffic trench.

Jiang Limin asked the assistant instructor while wiping his face, "What time is it?"

The assistant instructor looked at his watch and replied, "It's already 25:[-]."

"The time left for us is running out. We have to organize our firepower immediately. In any case, we must eliminate the enemy before five o'clock in the morning and ensure the penetration of the main force." Jiang Limin said.

"it is good"

As soon as the assistant instructor spoke, a long string of bullets fired from another hidden fire point of the enemy hit the trench slope, and dust splashed all over them.

Fortunately, Jiang Limin had quick eyes and quick hands, and he pushed the deputy instructor away, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

Looking at the enemy's dark firepower that was shooting wildly, the deputy instructor clenched his fists and said to Jiang Limin: "You stay here, this time I will go up and kill it!"

As he spoke, the assistant instructor quickly took off the grenade on his body and unscrewed the grenade cover.

Deputy instructors are not just political cadres, they can also step up at critical times.

Just when the assistant instructor was about to rush up, Jiang Limin stopped him and said, "I'll go this time, because I'm more familiar with the terrain than you."

"No! You stay! You've already done it once, I'll come this time!" the assistant instructor said firmly.

This was the revolutionary friendship of that era. "Both platoons depend on you to command, you can't go up." Jiang Limin took a step closer, suddenly snatched the grenade from the deputy instructor, and then jumped out of the trench.

The deputy instructor hurriedly picked up the light machine gun and suppressed the enemy's hidden firepower with fierce firepower.

Da da da, da da da, da da da.
(End of this chapter)

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