Veteran never die

Chapter 335 This is the military command agent in that era

Chapter 335 This is the military command agent in that era
0337 This is the military command agent in that era
"At the scene of the attempted assassination of Wang Shijing, president of the Puppet North China Reserve Bank, trace experts from the Japanese Gendarmerie found important clues," said Wang Liang.

Ma Kedi and his comrades used shell pistols and fired a total of seven shots, leaving one bullet and seven shell casings at the scene.

In the assassination case of the Japanese emperor's special envoy, the murderer also used a shell gun.

The Wang puppet authorities, who had always had doubts about the assassination of the two emperor's special envoys, suspected that the two cases were related, so they ordered trace experts to compare and analyze the warheads from the on-site investigation.

Soon, the results of the comparison came out, and the bullet casings left at the scene were exactly the same as the two bullet casings found at the scene of the assassination of the special envoy, so the Japanese army judged that the case was committed by the same group.

Wang Liang regretted: "Then the Japanese and puppet authorities intensified their search and arrest efforts, and there were traitors who betrayed them."

After the assassination of the emperor's special envoy, Mogawa, head of the Japanese North China Secret Service, sent Pei Jisan to investigate.

Considering that the audience is not familiar with Pei Jiesan, Wang Liang introduced: "Pei Jiesan was originally a subordinate of the warlord Wu Junsheng. During the Central Plains War, when Dai Li went to Peking for activities, he felt that the military command was too weak in the north, so Vigorously absorbing manpower, intending to expand its strength in North China."

"At that time, Wu Junsheng's son, Wu Taixun, and Dai Li were wine and meat friends. Wu Taixun was named a major general in the military command, so Dai Li asked him to recommend some people from the north. Afterwards, Wu Taixun introduced Pei and others to join the military command."

"Pei Classan went straight to the sky, and it didn't take long for him to become the stationmaster of the military command station in Tianjin. Later, because of Wang Tianmu's rebellion, Pei Classan was arrested by the Japanese military police and immediately defected to the enemy. After the rebellion, Pei Classan was familiar with the internal situation of the military command. , brought great damage to the North China military organization, and committed many crimes."

After receiving the order from the Japanese master, Pei Jisan, who had decided to be a traitor, commanded the spies to search for the military agents in Beiping.

Liu Wenxiu, the head of the Beiping Station of the Military Command, Ma Kedi's superior, felt that the assassination of the special envoy had passed because of his paralysis, so he relaxed his vigilance and went out publicly at an untimely time.

As a result, he was recognized and captured by Pei Jiesan's men on the tram.

In prison, Liu Wenxiu could not bear the torture and was forced to rebel. Based on Liu Xiuwen's confession, Pei Jiesan captured Ren Guolun, a military special agent in charge of transportation.

After Ren Guolun was arrested, he also rebelled immediately, and a fuse was ignited. The military reunification agents who participated in the assassination of the Japanese emperor's special envoy were arrested one after another.

Those arrested successively included Bo Youling, head of the North China District of the Military Command, Ma Kedi and Qiu Guofeng, members of the First Action Team of the Military Command, Zhou Liangfu, leader of the Second Action Team, Zhang Qingjiang, leader of the First Intelligence Team, Zhang Chengfu, Jin Lang, Liu Just wait.

Most of the secret agents of the military command in Beiping lost more than half, and they were almost paralyzed.

Wang Liang said: "Speaking of this, some people may have raised questions. Why did the former thief Ma Yuankai take the initiative to admit that he was the special envoy of the Japanese emperor that he assassinated?"

"The Japanese and puppet authorities also want to find out the answer. Could it be that Ma Yuankai is still related to the military?"

In fact, things are not complicated. Ma Yuankai was tortured and tortured by the Japanese army in the prison. He knew that he would die, but he was unwilling.

In order to be remembered by later generations, he simply claimed to be the killer who assassinated the two special envoys. This undoubtedly hit it off with the Wang Puppet Police Station who was eager to solve the case and concocted false confessions.

In the torrent of history, Ma Yuankai is destined to be obliterated.

Wang Liang said: "Let's not discuss other people first, let's talk about Ma Kedi. Ma Kedi has good marksmanship and courage, but his biggest shortcoming is that he is not calm enough and eager to make meritorious service. A qualified agent only has high enthusiasm. It is far from enough, and it is necessary to have the ability to fully grasp the situation and clear logical analysis."

Wang Liang clearly remembered that after the assassination of the two special envoys Gao Yuebao and Cheng Jianyuelang, the Wang puppet authorities naturally wanted to conduct a large-scale raid and completely blockade Beiping City.

At that time, all the intersections of Beiping streets and alleys were guarded by military police agents, and the certificates of good citizens were checked.Gendarmerie agents would break into residents' homes anytime and anywhere, searching for the assassins.

Even the floor and kang have to be dismantled and searched.

Many innocent residents were arrested and tortured.

Residents were not allowed to enter or leave the city gate until a week later.

Wang Liang and his brothers took this opportunity to get away quickly. According to the survival rules of agents, leaving Peiping is the most sensible way.

However, Ma Kedi was praised by the headquarters of the Military Command Bureau for his meritorious service, and he was encouraged. He insisted on staying in Beiping and continued to make contributions to the party and the country, so he lived in his brother's house in Houhai, Beihai, eager to make new contributions.

"But what we have to admit is that Ma Kedi is a real Chinese." Speaking of this, Wang Liang couldn't help feeling sad.

That is a person of his own age.

Decades have passed, and Wang Liang can still remember Ma Kedi's appearance and voice. Although he has a bandit spirit, he dared to confront the Japanese and puppet authorities in that era full of Japanese terror.

An upright Chinese.

In addition to the assassination of the Japanese emperor's special envoy on November 1940, 11, the Japanese army's complaint against Ma Kedi also mentioned their crimes of killing, raping, and robbing Japanese civilians during the Tongzhou Mutiny.

Of course, these are all fabricated by the Japanese, and they are all fictitious.

Later, the special search squad of the Japanese Gendarmerie in Beiping took over the case and conducted a brutal interrogation of Ma Kedi.

After being tortured continuously for a week, Ma Kedi confessed the process of the assassination, and explained the place where he abandoned his guns—the lake in Beihai Park.

In December, in the middle of winter, the lake is freezing cold.

The Japanese army spent a lot of money to hire coolies to go into the water to find the guns but failed. Then they realized that Ma Kedi was playing with them, and the frenzied Japanese army tortured Ma Kedi again.

In the end, the shell gun was found in a crack in the wall of his home.

After verification, the bullet fired by the discovered shell gun was consistent with the screw hole of the bullet in Gao Yuebao's intestines, which became an important evidence for the finalization of the case.

Soon, Ma Kedi and others were sentenced to death at the military law meeting held by the North China Front Army Command of the Japanese Army.

On February 1941, 2, Ma Kedi was shot to death in Tianqiao Execution Ground.

This is the end of the story.

Wang Liang stood at attention involuntarily, saluting the sacrificed Chinese soldiers.

These were the military agents of that era. They were a group of aspiring young people who were unwilling to accept the enslavement and oppression of the Japanese invaders. They had the courage and courage to fight against the Japanese.

Even if the price you pay in the end is your life.

(End of this chapter)

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