Chapter 329
0331 Gao Yuebao and Cheng Jianyuelang

Emperor's special envoy?

When Wang Liang said this, the audience was all excited.

So exciting!
This is a hard dish!

"Let's introduce these two Japanese officers first." As he spoke, a picture of the two Japanese devils appeared on the screen.

"This wretched-looking person is called Gao Yuebao, a native of Shimane Prefecture, Japan. He is considered a number one figure in the Japanese army. He has the title of baron. In addition, he also has a special title called [Sakura of Latvia] 】."

Latvia is a parliamentary republic located in northeastern Europe.

It is bordered by the Baltic Sea in the west, and together with Estonia in the north and Lithuania in the south, it is called the three Baltic states.

How did a Japanese military officer get involved with Latvia as far away as Europe?
"In July 1940, Latvia established the Latvian Soviet Socialist Republic. On August [-] of the same year, Latvia was annexed by the Soviet Union and became one of the republics of the Soviet Union."

Wang Liang continued to introduce: "Let's take a look at Gao Yuebao's resume again. In the tenth year of Taisho, that is, in 1921, Gao Guizi graduated from the No.30 third phase of the Japanese Army Non-commissioned Officer Academy. Although he was born in a noble family, this devil still studied very hard. He was known for his talent at the time.”

Speaking of this, Wang Liang remembered an interesting incident and couldn't help but share it.

When Gao Baoyue graduated, he ranked first among the students of the same period, and was indeed awarded a silver watch by the Emperor of Japan.

"Do you think it's a little strange that No.1 is rewarded with silver objects. In fact, the traditional reward of No.1 in the Japanese Army Non-commissioned Officer Academy is a dagger. The reason why the Japanese emperor awarded the dagger is because of this The training direction of the first batch of students was somewhat biased during their schooling, focusing on cultivating diplomatic and military talents. This determines that the students of this batch are unlikely to become senior generals in the future, so the Japanese emperor did not pay much attention to it.”

"Of course, there is also a rumor in the market. Jiang Baili, a Chinese student in the third batch, won the first place and brought the sword bestowed by the emperor back to China. The emperor lost the sword, so he had to give something else instead."

After graduation, Gao Yuebao was sent to work in the North Korean Army. Because of his excellent work performance, he was recommended by the Ministry of the Army to enter the 44th term of the Army University for further study.

"In our current language, it is Baoyan. I have to say that this is an important turning point in Gao Yuebao's life. If he hadn't gone to the Army University to study, maybe he wouldn't have died tragically under my gun." Wang Liang joked.

After entering the Army University, Gao Baoyue majored in strategy against the Soviet Union.

"It sounds like a high-profile major. In fact, under the historical background and international environment in the 20s, it was as unpopular as possible."

"Think about it. At that time, the Soviet Union was only a few years old, and it was still engaged in the collectivization of agriculture. The great famine was spreading, and the number of people who died could only be counted in tens of thousands. Strategy against the Soviet Union."

"It's like our current majors such as international Chinese education, national economic management, administrative management, social work, etc. It's not easy to get a job. In my opinion, Gao Baoyue might have been transferred at that time. If it wasn't for the military school graduation package distribution , he will never go there.”

After Wang Liang said this, the audience was so amused that they couldn't control themselves.

It's so funny, the audience never expected that the old chief who has always been known for his seriousness has such a side, and the audience's interest is even stronger.

Li Zhanqiu was also really taken aback, telling the story in a humorous way, close to life, grounded, it is simply too reliable!
"In the seventh year of the Showa era, that is, in 1932, Gao Yuebao graduated from the Army University and was assigned to Europe as a trainee military officer. Two years later, he served as the major military officer of the Japanese embassy in Latvia."

After Russia's collapse in World War I, the three Baltic states of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania took the opportunity to gain independence.

In order to avoid the fate of being annexed by the Soviet Union, these small countries joined the alliance with France, known as the Little Entente, and Riga, the capital of Latvia, became an important base for the outside world to collect Soviet intelligence.

Gao Yuebao, who specializes in Soviet strategy, is naturally good at collecting intelligence. He has provided important information about the Soviet Union to Japan many times.

During this period, Gao Yuebao wrote letters to friends in Japan, often calling himself "Sakura of Latvia".

Wang Liang said again: "Originally, this guy had nothing to do with China. But in 1938."

In 1938, Gao Yuebao was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Assistant, and he also applied for transfer back to China.

The intention of the Japanese army to invade China has been revealed without a doubt, and the Anti-Japanese War broke out. Gao Baoyue knew that serving as a diplomatic attache would have no future at all. He felt that this was a golden opportunity for him.

Gao Baoyue served as the squad leader of the combat squad in the Ministry of the Army, focusing on combat guidance on the Chinese battlefield.

During this period, he put forward his own ideas and strongly supported a full-scale aggression against China.

"At the same time, Gao Yuebao, as one of the main persons in charge, also participated in the command of the germ warfare against China, and was one of the five-member team guiding the germ warfare against China."

At this time, Wang Liang seemed to have changed his face, his face became extremely stern.

Speaking, the identity of another Japanese officer also surfaced.

It was a man as wretched as Gao Yuebao—Cheng Jianyuelang.

Cheng Kanetsuro was also of noble origin, and Gao Yuebao was a classmate of the Army Non-commissioned Officer Academy at the same time. After graduation, he was assigned to serve in the North Korean Army.

But this kid is a well-connected family, and the relationship is still very strong. In a few years, he got mixed into the upper class, and his military rank was promoted relatively quickly.

Cheng Jianetsuro reported his duties in North Korea, which also means that his work direction has been Korean colonial affairs for a long time.

"Before he came to China, he was the tactical instructor of the Army Non-commissioned Officer Academy and the chief of the Army's [-]st Brigade and the staff officer."

Wang Liang made an in-depth introduction: "When it comes to the First Brigade of the Japanese Army, I have to say that the chief of staff of this brigade, Li Yin, is Korean. After Japan annexed Korea, a large number of Korean royal children were sent to Japan for education. Li Eun was one of them, he was fanatical about Japan all his life, he was awarded the title of Lee Wang Eun in Changdeokgung Palace by Japan, and served as the head of the first brigade. "

"Although Li Yin looks very friendly to Japan, the Japanese military is still very worried about him, so the monitoring and control work falls on Cheng Kanetsu. So Cheng Kanetsu became a special brigade commander's attendant As a staff officer, in a sense, Mashikene Etsuro played a considerable role in consolidating Japan's colonial rule in Korea."

(End of this chapter)

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