Veteran never die

Chapter 323 Why did the Chinese Air Force not participate in the war?

Chapter 323 Why did the Chinese Air Force not participate in the war?

0325 Why didn't the Chinese Air Force participate in the war?

"We have such a powerful naval missile force guarding our thousands of miles of waters. When those silvery and majestic missile-laden trucks drove past Tiananmen Square, the excited crowd continued to applaud the naval commanders and fighters." Wang Liang was full of nostalgia. remembering.

More and more people flocked to the live broadcast room, and it was unbelievable that the number of people reached seven figures!

Millions of people watched Wang Liang's live broadcast at the same time.

It turned out that all the major media were vying to promote Wang Liang's extraordinary memories of the military parade, and even a series of official media such as People's Daily Online, Xinhua Net, China Net, National Museum of Art, and the Communist Youth League all carried out Amway.

Can it be hot?
The technical apes on Weibo were not idle either, and quickly found out the military parade videos over the years, organized and edited them, and put these materials up, it would be more appropriate to match Wang Liang's introduction.

"Wow, Kaka, the army is here to report!"

"Damn little devil, don't forget the national humiliation! Revitalize China!"

"I admire the martyr Benhua from the bottom of my heart. Compared with her, our generation is really far behind."

"Chenghua, Guo Rongrong, why haven't we heard the names of these heroes? Is it because we are ignorant? I don't think so, it should be that the current media is not doing its job properly!"

"The old chief has touched us too much. Thank you, the father of the Republic. You are a true patriot and a national hero!"

"The military parade in 1984 was really magnificent, and it gave people a feeling of elation."

"I feel that I have gained an in-depth understanding of the situation of the Republic in the 50s. History textbooks always make people form a stereotype and prejudice against certain years. After listening to the introduction of the old chief, I am now full of those past events. desire to explore."

"It is a great blessing that China has an old chief. How much insensitivity has been awakened by this elder!"


No matter whether the popularity is high or low, Wang Liang remains unmoved and continues his narration.

With the support of technical apes, the video of the military parade in 1984 was cut out, and the audience's sense of substitution was even stronger.

Immediately after the Navy's missile formation passed Tiananmen Square, the Air Force's surface-to-air missile formation consisted of eight rows of 32 surface-to-air missiles pulled by 32 missile vehicles.

The Air Force's surface-to-air missile phalanx was formed in 1959 and has made outstanding achievements.

This force shot down seven U-2 aircraft and unmanned high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft that invaded our airspace, smashing the conspiracy of the hostile country to spy on our military secrets.

Wang Liang said: "In this army, as of October 1984, 10 soldiers have won the first-class merit. Just half a year before this military parade, the officers and soldiers attacked the enemy plane that invaded the airspace of Guangxi Province. On that day, they came to Tiananmen Square with the good news of victory, and presented a birthday gift to the motherland."

Cut from the military parade video.

On the ground, the gold and iron horses galloped.

In the sky, the war eagle spread its wings and soared.

When the Air Force's anti-aircraft missile unit passed Tiananmen Square, the first echelon in the air formed a nine-aircraft formation. The team leader and division commander Xu Shuixiang drove a H-6 bomber to fly over Tiananmen, and eight JJ-5 fighter jets lined up on both sides to guard.

Thousands of people in the square raised their heads, and the guard plane pulled out eight gorgeous colored smoke, and saw red, green, blue, and yellow colors dancing in the air.

Eighteen bombers in the second echelon of the H-6 followed closely behind.

Air Force 94 four air echelons consisting of jet bombers, attack planes and fighters flew over Tiananmen Square to be reviewed with hundreds of thousands of air force officers and soldiers wishing the Republic well.

Having said that, netizens raised many questions.

Among them, the most popular one is undoubtedly asking why the Air Force did not participate in the self-defense counterattack back then?

This is a question that netizens are very concerned about.

Wang Liang also noticed that this is an unavoidable problem.

Wang Liang replied: "There are two reasons. First, this is determined by the nature of the war. As we all know, the self-defense counterattack is a punitive border war. The fundamental reason why the Chinese Air Force does not participate in the war is to show that Our attitude of not wanting the war to escalate is out of political considerations."

"The principle formulated at that time was that neither the enemy nor us should be fully prepared and patrol the airspace over the border area for battle. The task of the Air Force is to strengthen patrols in the border area and be ready to annihilate the invading enemy at any time."

"Note that I'm talking about the border area. The south is naturally included, and the north cannot be missed."

Anyone who has studied history will know that the relationship with Big Brother at that time was already.
The air force has a long way to go to defend against monkeys in the south and polar bears in the north.

"Of course, we cannot avoid the second reason. The level of combat effectiveness of the Chinese Air Force at that time was far behind that of the Vietnamese Air Force in terms of personnel quality."

"At that time, our air force's flight safety situation was very severe. According to statistics, the rate of flight accidents per 0.4 hours of the air force was above [-], which reflected from the side the problems of our air force's flight technology, equipment maintenance, and mental state of personnel. "

Wang Liang's answer is very objective, not bragging, seeking truth from facts.

"On the other hand, our opponents have just experienced the baptism of the Vietnam Air War not long ago. Vietnam shot down more than 220 American aircraft of various types in the air battle. The main force of each flying unit is the ace pilot who participated in the Vietnam War. The quality of personnel is higher than ours."

There are many more Wang Liang, so I can't say more, this involves military secrets.

Wang Liang said so much to let netizens understand that launching a war is far from as simple and easy as imagined, and there are many factors that need to be considered and weighed.

In what form to start the war, and in what way to end it, these all need to be considered by the commander.

In the late 70s, the Chinese Air Force mainly relied on the guidance of the ground to conduct operations.

The problems exposed by relying on ground guidance during homeland air defense are not obvious, but when it comes to going abroad for combat, the disadvantages are fully exposed.

It is not that the Air Force has never considered going abroad to fight. In order to solve the problem of ground guidance, on the basis of the original radar network, dozens of mobile radars were deployed near the front to meet the needs of long-distance guidance of large fleets.

However, because some radar stations were too close to the front, they were repeatedly bombarded by the artillery fire of the Vietnamese army. The officers and soldiers of the radar stations had to brave the enemy's artillery fire to start their work, which was too dangerous.

There was another fatal factor. At that time, the threat of Vietnam's surface-to-air missiles was very serious.

From the analysis of the data, the Vietnamese surface-to-air missile force shot down more than 300 American aircraft of various types during the Vietnam War.

(End of this chapter)

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