Veteran never die

Chapter 318 That is a similar person who has been forgotten

Chapter 318 That's a Almost Forgotten Person
0320 That's a pretty much forgotten person
I saw Mao Zedong struggling and crawling forward, slowly approaching the enemy's bunker.

Some soldiers observed that *** did not have any weapons on his body: "But he doesn't have any explosives!"


From excitement to disappointment.

But at this moment, something unexpected happened. The policeman who had already crawled under the bunker suddenly bowed his waist and blocked the hole of the gun.

Perhaps the enemy was stunned by such a hideous face that suddenly appeared. How could they expect that someone would dare to block the hole of the gun and cooperate with the army's attack in this way.

The machine gun suddenly misfired.

The horn of charge sounded.

The soldiers were crying one by one, and the sound of killing was loud.

They are eager to start a hand-to-hand battle with the enemy, so that they can vent their inner hatred.

***'s body has been smashed by bullets, and his back is bloody, black and out of shape.

"The deeds of *** are praised because he is extremely brave and overcomes the instinct of human survival and fear. This kind of nobility is located on the top of the pyramid of human spirit, and most people cannot emulate it, but it cannot hinder people's admiration for this spirit, because it represents the ultimate direction of human courage."

"Some people can't understand that era, that war, those people. The spirit of desperately rushing to the front line. From the eyes of people who are used to life in peacetime, they find it incredible. If you can't do it yourself, you can't say that others can't do it either. There are also those who have learned a little bit of knowledge, and their analysis is impressive, saying that the body cannot block the hole of the gun."

"I would like to tell some people, if possible, I will apply and use you as an experiment to see if the body can block the hole of the gun!" Wang Liang said harshly.

Sun Weimin found out a photo of the hygienist sorting out the remains of the Communist martyrs and showed it to everyone.

*** sacrificed, is a martyr.

Some lackeys are alive, they are trolls, traitors, and they are rats who can't see just being beaten by everyone on the street.

Looking back on ***'s life course, it is not difficult to understand why he made such a choice at a critical juncture.

The ancestors of the Huang family have been poor farmers who have suffered for generations.

Before liberation, the landlords exploited their families, and the township chiefs, security chiefs, and armor chiefs rode over their heads to do their best.

The Huang family's few acres of land were forced to be pawned, and the family had little food and no clothing. It was a miserable day.

During the drought in [-], several children of the Huang family were starved and trapped on the bed, and they didn't even have the strength to move.

In [-], there was nothing to eat at home, so I went to the ditch to fish for shrimps, and happened to meet a dog owned by Jia Chang who was beaten to death in the ditch.

Indiscriminately, Chief Jia insisted that the police killed him, told him to carry the dead dog on his back, and asked the Huang family to pay for the dog's coffin and build a dojo.

Later, after liberation, the peasants turned around, distributed the land and settled down in their homes, and they had hope for their lives.

That hope cannot be understood by those who have never suffered from hunger or suffering.

*** To defend, to defend this hard-won happy life, even if the price is to pay life.

"Walking into the compound of a certain airborne force of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, there is a small three-story building not far from the gate of the courtyard. On the door of the innermost dormitory on the second floor, there is a sign, Class ***."

"*** lives there. His bed is the same as that of other soldiers, with clean white sheets and quilts folded into tofu cubes, without any wrinkles."

"The only difference that can be seen is that the armed belt on his bed is different from the ones in front of other pillows. His is the old brown one, while the other soldiers are the new black one."

In the evening, all the soldiers in that small building will gather in the small playground downstairs, roll call and comment on the day's training life.

The first call point of the company instructor: "***"

"Here!!!" A loud response pierced the night sky.

That was answered by hundreds of soldiers from the whole company.

When it was time to go to bed, the soldiers in the squad would open the bed for this comrade, and when the next morning, the soldiers would help him make the bed.

Wang Liang recalled: "It is a kind of honor for soldiers to tidy up the berths of Communist martyrs, and it is usually only the outstanding soldiers and squad leaders in the class who can do this."

Only when you put on the military uniform and come to this army can you truly appreciate this spirit.

"Too much talk, let's continue talking about the 84th military parade." Wang Liang suddenly realized that his chatterbox had opened up, and after talking so much, he quickly brought the topic back.

Walking in the airborne troops was a burly soldier, Li Minglong, the commander of the Japanese company.

In major battles on the border, Li Minglong led the sharp knife platoon to complete assault missions fifteen times, with outstanding achievements.

After the parachute of the airborne troops is gone, it is the phalanx of the female health soldiers.

"That was the first time that female health soldiers appeared in the sequence of the Republic's military parade, and it was the first female phalanx in the history of Chinese military parades." Wang Liang couldn't help feeling a little nostalgic as he spoke.

The faces of those female soldiers at that time were extraordinarily kind.

In Wang Liang's opinion, girls in military uniforms are the most beautiful.

The young female soldiers wore military caps with large brims and red cross armbands, and they looked heroic.

Wang Liang still remembers the impassioned introduction: "Our army has had a considerable number of female soldiers and female soldiers' formed companies in various periods of history. They followed the troops to the north and south, and made immortal contributions to the cause of the liberation of the Chinese nation."

"In the process of modernization of our army, female soldiers have played an important role in various fields and on all fronts. In the army, navy and air force, from the pilots who fly the blue sky to the female scientific researchers who control the rocket to the sky, from the clean From the hospital to the training ground in the wilderness, the women in the army have silently contributed their wisdom and sweat to the modernization of our army."

There is nothing wrong with this commentary, no matter when it is placed.

Female soldiers have played an important role in various fields and on all fronts.

Speaking of this, there is always a person in Wang Liang's mind, with a voice and a smile, which is vivid in his memory.

That's a pretty much forgotten man.

No, it should be said that he was completely forgotten!

(End of this chapter)

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