Veteran never die

Chapter 315 Strategic Nuclear Missile

Chapter 315 Strategic Nuclear Missile

0317 Strategic nuclear missiles

The reason why Wang Liang has always emphasized to let everyone remember 1959 is because there was no military parade for 24 years afterwards.

24 years.

Generation after generation of soldiers.

They are eager to join the parade team and accept the people's review.

However, they failed to fulfill their wish, and they failed to walk through Tiananmen Square in a heroic manner like the soldiers of the past, and missed the opportunity.

That is a lifetime regret.

In 1959, it became the best memory of countless soldiers of the Republic.

Wang Liang explained: "Because of the Communist Party of China and economic difficulties, the scale of the National Day was reduced. It was changed to a five-year small celebration and a ten-year grand celebration. From then on, the military parade was no longer held every year on the National Day. In 1964, it was the five-year small celebration of the National Day. to celebrate, but because the national economy has just recovered, the central government decided not to hold a military parade."

"Later, due to well-known reasons, the National Day military parade has not been held for 24 years."

Until 1981, according to Comrade Xiaoping's suggestion, it was finally decided to resume the military parade.

And on the 1984th anniversary of the National Day in 35, the first large-scale National Day military parade was held after the resumption of the military parade.

"The military parade in 1984 was the one with the largest scale, the latest equipment and the highest degree of mechanization since the founding of the People's Republic of China. It marked that the modernization of my country's armed forces has entered a new era." Wang Liang said.

1984, a special year.

At that time, the self-defense counterattack against Vietnam had just ended, and many soldiers in the parade had just returned from fighting on the front line.

There is so much vigor and arrogance in his butt, but there is a faint murderous look in his brows and eyes, which is natural and fierce.

"In 1984, I still remember that as soon as the strategic missile team came out, it stole the limelight. Neither the solid-fire strategic missiles in 1999 nor the early warning aircraft in 2009 can match it."

Knowing that there are still many netizens who have no idea about this, Wang Liang couldn't help asking: "What is a strategic missile?"

"Strategic missiles refer to missiles used to strike strategic targets. It is the main component of strategic weapons. Usually carrying nuclear warheads, strategic ballistic missiles usually have a range of more than one thousand kilometers and are used to strike political and economic centers, military and industrial bases, Targets such as nuclear arsenals, transportation hubs, and intercepting incoming strategic ballistic missiles."

"Strategic nuclear missiles are one of the main indicators to measure a country's comprehensive development capabilities of strategic nuclear forces and military science and technology."

Wang Liang further introduced: "The best partner of a strategic missile is a nuclear warhead, which is what we call an atomic bomb."

When mentioning the atomic bomb, Wang Liang couldn't help recalling many past events.

At 1964:10 pm on October 16, 3, in the Lop Nur area of ​​Northwest China.

With a loud bang, a mushroom cloud enveloped the sky. Amid the cheers, China's first atomic bomb exploded successfully.

Since then, China has become the fifth country with an atomic bomb after the United States, the Soviet Union, France, and the United Kingdom.

For that moment of success, the researchers spent nine years.

In 1955, he made up his mind to develop his own nuclear weapons.

That year, the 4521st Regiment of the Chinese People's Liberation Army finally discovered the first uranium (the raw material of the atomic bomb) mine in the Dulong Mountains in the west at the cost of sacrificing more than a dozen officers and soldiers.

This is just the beginning of the story. Hundreds of scientists, generals and soldiers came to the Gobi in the northwest and took root for nine years.

Poor logistical supplies, poor food and clothing.

Because that was the most difficult time for the Republic.

Countries with nuclear weapons keep their technology strictly confidential. Therefore, all the details need to be explored by our scientific researchers a little bit, and then conduct experiments. There is no object for reference.

"How difficult is it? For example, without providing any technical support, let people living in the Qing Dynasty make a TV set." Wang Liang said.

Because this task must be kept in absolute secrecy, many staff involved have to remain anonymous and become unsung heroes.

There are even many people, many years after the first atomic bomb was exploded, no one knows that they participated in the task of developing the atomic bomb.

In nine years, from nothing to something, from zero to a hundred.

That is the perseverance of the older generation, that is the true belief, the support of the belief that is regarded as worthless by modern people, and it can persist.

Wang Liang still remembers the reaction of other nuclear-armed countries when China announced the successful detonation of the first atomic bomb.


That's the best word to describe it.

We all know the difficulty of developing nuclear weapons, otherwise there would be only four nuclear-armed countries. Even if they were killed, the country that used millet and rifles a few years ago independently developed an atomic bomb!
When announcing the explosion of China's first atomic bomb, we also announced to the outside world: "At any time and under any circumstances, China will not be the first to use nuclear weapons."

Soviet experts once patted their chests and promised: "China will not be able to build an atomic bomb in 20 years."

clap clap-

Big Brother's face turned yellow, presumably it was because it was too cold in the north, so he had painted it with wax.

Why is Big Brother's face red again, presumably it's because of us.

At that time, Big Brother himself was still messing around, and only reported on China's development of the atomic bomb in a small space in the newspaper.

But on another page of the newspaper, a large page was devoted to reporting Australia's opposition to China's development of an atomic bomb.

The reaction of the United States is very interesting. After they learned that China exploded the atomic bomb, they published a commentary article through the New York Times: "China is still a poor and weak country, so there is nothing to fear. The United States will still protect Asian countries."

But it didn't take long for the United States to change its strategy and establish diplomatic relations with China.

Britain said: "It is deeply regretful that China has developed an atomic bomb."

France, which was four years earlier than China's bombing success, was the most honest, saying pertinently: "China's first atomic bomb explosion changed China's status in the world overnight."

People who have not experienced that era will not understand that sense of pride and honor.

That was the glory that belonged to that era and to the Chinese people.

His waist straightened, and his speech became stiff.

"We have nuclear weapons, but we need strategic missiles to get them out. In 1964, China only had the Dongfeng-1 ballistic missile, and the range of the missile was only [-] kilometers. It has not been deployed in actual combat, so it can be described as fake." Wang Liang said.

Time goes back to October 1984, 10.

"Hello, comrades!"

"Hello, Chief!"

"Comrades have worked hard!"

"Serve the people!"

The cordial greetings from Comrade Xiaoping and the resounding answers from the officers and soldiers under review merged into a huge wave of overwhelming sound that resounded through the ten-mile long street.

From today's point of view, this is nothing unusual.

But Wang Liang knew that this was a milestone moment.

(End of this chapter)

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