Veteran never die

Chapter 311 Katyusha Rocket Launcher

Chapter 311 Katyusha Rocket Launcher

0313 Katyusha rocket launcher

"My friends' suggestions are very good. You can consider opening a story telling story about Lao Wang, which will only tell stories about my past, Lao Wang." Wang Liang replied with a smile.

October 1949, 10, was a day that attracted worldwide attention.

It is not only the Chinese people who pay great attention to the founding ceremony and military parade of the People's Republic of China, but also foreigners.

They are eager to learn about New China and what kind of regime will be established on this fertile land.

Is this country tough enough?

Will she fall in a few years, or even a few days, as previous regimes have done?

Can their countries reap the benefits here?
These are the concerns of many foreigners.

The autumn of 1949 was an extraordinary season in Chinese history. People could not feel the coolness of the autumn wind, but their hearts were filled with endless warmth.

Like spring, warm flowers bloom.

Like summer, the sun is like fire.

After driving away the darkness, dawn came quietly.

The founding ceremony is scheduled to start at [-]:[-] pm, and tens of thousands of staff have been busy since the early morning.

The reason why the founding ceremony was set in the afternoon was to prevent Chang Kaishen from desperately sending the air force to attack Beiping.

Although at this moment Chang Kaishen didn't know that several of his generals, Hen Ha, had been caught by the security department, but the risk of change still had to be fully considered.

After all, the Nationalist Army has an air force with strong combat effectiveness, and the People's Liberation Army has only [-] aircraft in total.

And there is no air defense radar, and ground air defense artillery fire may not be able to work.

Therefore, once the Kuomintang's air force comes to sneak attack, it basically has no power to parry, and it will cause an irreversible consequence.

In the comment area, netizens asked: "Three o'clock? Why is it three o'clock? Could it be that people who set the time at three o'clock won't come?"

Wang Liang gave a scientific answer: "Three o'clock in the afternoon, that time was calculated after careful calculation."

"At that time, the plane used by the Kuomintang for bombing was an American-made B-24 bomber, with a speed of 480 kilometers per hour and a maximum range of 380 kilometers."

"Take off from the Zhoushan Islands in Zhejiang, and the distance between Beiping and Peiping is 230 kilometers. If you take off in the morning, you can arrive in Peiping in about three hours, and you can return safely after completing the bombing mission."

"But if the operation is in the afternoon, there is no way for the plane that has completed the bombing mission to return safely, because the night flight capability of the b-24 is terrible."

This is the thick and unknown history, looking back now, it is not a good feeling.

In fact, Chang Kaishen did not give the order to bomb Beiping in the end.

Maybe they don't want to see the Tiananmen Gate tower being annihilated by artillery fire.

Maybe it's because I don't want to see those young pilots sacrificed.

After all, we are all Chinese, and the blood of Chinese descendants flows in our veins.

Accompanied by the March of the Volunteers and the cheers of the people below the city tower, Chairman Mao announced to the whole of China and the world: "The Central People's Government of the People's Republic of China has been established today!"

As the chairman pressed the electric button, in the majestic melody of the national anthem "March of the Volunteers", the bright five-star red flag rose slowly in the solemn eyes of the crowd.

30 people stood together and looked up at the first national flag of New China. People's hearts were surging and their blood was boiling.

Wang Liang recalled an interesting incident back then, and said: "Perhaps many people don't know that the national flag pole back then also had a great origin. People may not believe it, but it is made of water pipes. "

"At that time, New China was poor and empty, and there was a lot of waste to be done. We had to use water pipes to make the national flag flagpole. Four water pipes with different diameters were selected, and they were put together one by one, and finally welded to a length of 22. Mi's flagpole took ten days."

"In order to ensure the success of the automatic lift, the staff have put in a lot of hard work and repeated experiments, and it will be considered a success only after it is confirmed that there is no problem."

"Nowadays, China is already a powerful industrial country, and such an embarrassing situation will never happen again. The flagpole back then is now in the collection of the National Museum of China. When I am free, I will visit her."

In and out of the words, Wang Liang revealed a feeling.

People of their age are old and gone, and there are not many left.

When people with the same experience are gone, the feelings will be revealed more and more.

Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom

One hundred and eight salutes of the salute team fired 28 rounds.

The grand ceremony was brought to a climax in no time.

The military parade ceremony began. Commander-in-Chief Zhu De, dressed in military uniform, and accompanied by Nie Rongzhen, took a military parade car to inspect the navy representative troops lined up on East Chang'an Avenue, the Army's infantry division, artillery division, tank division and West Chang'an Avenue. cavalry division.

The commander-in-chief waved to the soldiers again and again, and the excited soldiers responded with the loudest voice: "I wish the commander-in-chief healthy!"

Although the words were simple, they were very simple, and they also called out the aspirations of all the soldiers.

Then came the highlight of the parade, and the first to pass through Tiananmen Square was the navy formation wearing new military uniforms.

The two squadrons of the Northeast Naval Academy and the East China Naval Fleet passed through Tiananmen Square, followed by the Haicheng Naval Advanced Artillery Academy squadron led by Wang Liang.

"Now passing through Tiananmen Square is a team from the Haicheng Naval Advanced Artillery School. They are the young People's Navy. They are marching towards the Kangzhuang Avenue! The team leaders are Wang Liang and Gao Dashan."

Wang Liang will never forget that day, that moment, those people.

His heart was surging, this was the truest portrayal of his heart at that time.

A strong country, a strong people's army.

There was a sense of pride and pride.

Although starting from scratch, although there is still a long way to go, but!At this moment, China is proud.

After the navy phalanx, the army phalanx followed.

The infantry division was inspected with three formed infantry regiments and a temporary battalion of submachine guns, light machine guns, communications, heavy machine guns, light mortars, heavy mortars, anti-aircraft artillery, and mountain artillery battalions.

The artillery division appeared on Tiananmen Square with a lineup of 75mm field guns, 105mm howitzers, and 37mm and 75mm anti-aircraft guns.

The artillery advances in sequence from small to large, from low to high, and they are all towed by medium-sized trucks or ten-wheeled trucks. The scene is quite spectacular.

The chariot division is composed of a regiment each of motorized infantry, armored infantry and tank corps.

When the chariot division entered Tiananmen Square, the air force flew in formations of two and three planes, one after another, to the sky, echoing the chariot troops on the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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