Veteran never die

Chapter 282 How can a soldier be special?

Chapter 282 How can a soldier be special?

0284 Why can soldiers do special things?

Wang Liang said earnestly: "The military is a dangerous profession. In 2013 and 2014, Chinese soldiers carried out peacekeeping missions in Mali. In ten months, there were 37 rocket attacks, suicide bombings or roadside bomb attacks. 32 times, grenade attacks four times, armed firefights four times, hijacking incidents three times, refugees seeking asylum three times, social unrest spread twice, epidemic hazards once, and natural disasters three times. I think the armed police special warfare station is on call 24 hours a day and ready to attack at any time Isn’t the danger you face less than that of peacekeepers?”

"Let's not talk about the distance, but let's talk about what happened in October last year. In Rui County, Gan Province, Ping An, where your hometown happened, a large truck collided with a fuel tanker. A driver was killed. Dead under the wheels of the truck. In order to rescue the injured in time, Lu Xin, the deputy squad leader of the local armed police fire department, led two fire fighters to dig the soil with their hands. At this time, the large truck suddenly slipped, Lu Xin was unfortunately pinned down, and all efforts to rescue failed , died in the early morning of the next day at the age of 10."

Wang Liang is worried for Guo Pingan. Soldiers are definitely a high-risk occupation.

Not to mention the special warfare of the armed police, but whenever any dangerous incident occurs in the society, they are the first to rush to deal with it.

360 five days a year, how many times have passed by the danger.

Every year, how many armed police soldiers are covered with the five-star red flag stained red with blood.

Attending too many memorial services, Wang Liang didn't want to see that scene again, where his wife, mother, daughter and son were crying to death beside the martyr's body.

It is good to be a martyr. You have harvested flowers and applause, full of honor, and left your name in history.

But what about your family?

What they need is companionship, care, and love.

There is no conflict between loyalty to the country and loyalty to the family.

When Wang Liang said this, he just wanted to let Guo Pingan understand this truth.

"The military is a hard job. The lowest temperature in Tahe County in the Greater Khingan Mountains in the north can reach minus 33 degrees Celsius. The officers and soldiers of the border guards stationed there need to patrol the border on foot every day in extremely cold weather. The training ground in the Northwest Desert How many times have I encountered wind and sand, the jungle camouflage of the soldiers has been turned into a desert camouflage. Daily training, crawling and rolling in the mud, from the private to the colonel, is covered in mud, and I am never tired."

"Soldiers are so dangerous and work so hard. Why do they gather less and leave more? When a flight attendant on the Spring Festival Railway Line marries a border guard; when a soldier couple receives an order to change defenses. I remember that there was a sergeant major stationed on the XZ Plateau , sticking to the plateau for 16 years, eight years of long-distance love running, he just never met his wife! More than 3000 letters."

Wang Liang cannot forget many things. In July 2017, a special wedding was held in a community in Shancheng.


What is special?
The groom turned out to be a woman.

It turned out that the groom who should have appeared at the wedding scene was a soldier. At that time, he was on an emergency mission in the northwest desert and could not rush home to get married.

But the invitations for the wedding have already been sent out, the date has already been set, and the marriage has to be concluded.

In the end, he could only let his own sister marry the bride for him.

The wedding of the bride alone is not an exception. The bride in the mountain city is not bad, with a younger sister marrying her brother on behalf of her brother.

But the military wife in Sichuan Province was not treated so well. On the day of her wedding, she greeted relatives and friends, was busy inside and out, and took care of everything.

There was no handsome groom beside her. When the wedding ceremony started, the mobile phone video was turned on, and the groom on the other side hung up in a hurry after less than a minute of talking.

Why can soldiers do something special?

Why can't they ask for leave and go home if there is a major event at home?
Who is used to their bad habits?
Sun Weimin started a live broadcast habitually. He knew that many of Wang Liang's fans were soldiers.

On rest days, many soldiers will take out their mobile phones to watch the playback of the live broadcast.

It is time for the soldiers to correct their mistakes. Parents are sick, wives give birth, and children go to school. As long as there is something at home and there are no special circumstances, they must ask for leave to go home. There is no discussion!

The voices in the comment area are already very high, and netizens have responded one after another, especially military members.

"The old chief is wise, and the old chief is mighty! When the parents are dying of illness, when the wife is giving birth to a child, and when the child is about to enter school, as long as there are no combat missions or special tasks that cannot be separated, they must ask for leave in time to go home. For parents Individual officers and soldiers who don’t go home when sick, don’t take care of their wives during childbirth, or don’t help their families when they’re in trouble, not only don’t praise them, don’t publicize them, but they also have to investigate their true character. This order is really reliable!”

"My husband is a 12-year veteran. He was supposed to change jobs this year, but because of work needs, he still has to stay in the team. We met through friends in 12 and got married the next year. We stayed together after we got married. In less than ten days, he went back to the army. Later, he had a child, and he came back on the fourth day after the child was born. Later, he didn’t visit relatives until the child’s first birthday. During the Chinese New Year, I gave him I sent a message asking him if he could come back to spend the new year with his parents and children. He said no, he had a mission. My husband hasn’t been at home for the New Year for [-] years, and he wasn’t around when the child was born. I just want to tell him that the army needs you You have to obey unconditionally, and I will support you unconditionally, but I hope that when you are at home on vacation, you can spend good time with your parents and children. Children need the company of their father, even if it is only a few dozen days of vacation, to play with them Play, tease him, you are a qualified soldier, and I believe you will also be a qualified father."

"Although I have already taken off my military uniform! But seeing that the life and treatment of soldiers are getting better and better! I am really happy! Yes, only those of us who have been soldiers know how hard it is to be a soldier!"

"This must be praised! Heart-warming, heart-warming, really heart-warming."

"It made me cry again, and I feel very heavy. Since ancient times, loyalty and filial piety have been a dilemma. I hope that in the future, all soldiers will not owe too much to their families."

"Hey, my son is going to be a soldier. Now that he is sick, he dare not tell him. Now both of us report good news to each other but not bad ones."

"What a heart-warming order, I want to cry when I see it. The child's grandfather has left. He is afraid that his son will be sad and cannot go home. He has kept it a secret for a year. He didn't tell him until this year when he went home to visit relatives. , I know that the child is blaming me, but I really don't want him to be sad in the army, I hope he can work in the army with peace of mind and do a good job."

(End of this chapter)

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