Chapter 271
0273 The Difficult Years
He pushed the girl out of the car window. At this time, the bruise was better than being burned alive.

When this was done, the major groped around in the carriage again, for fear of missing anyone, until he was sure that there was no one in the carriage, he felt a sense of relief.

At the same time, he felt dizzy for no reason, and he fell to the floor.

The fire consumed him.

The best fighter can't hold on any longer, he has exhausted his last sliver of strength.

The police car came roaring with its siren on.

Two policemen covered their noses with wet cloths, rushed in, and then lifted him, the 180-jin Great Wall of Steel, out.

The hair has been burnt, and there is still smoke on it, and the smell of fully burned protein is particularly pungent.

Major, his whole body was burnt, and the few pieces of clothes left on his body were still burning.

"Quick! Tell them the location, tell them that there are seriously injured people here, and let them rush over as quickly as possible."

"Notify the traffic police in the city to open a green channel for the ambulance! Quick!"

The police were deeply shocked by the major, a member of the Chinese People's Liberation Army who tried his best to rescue 41 passengers.

Admiration from the bottom of my heart.

None of the 41 passengers were seriously injured, the most serious being burns.

The major, however, was beyond recognition, dying.

The bloody scene stimulated the hearts of everyone present.

The police car cleared the way, and the ambulance arrived here in less than 10 minutes.

First, he was sent to the county hospital for emergency treatment, and later transferred to the military hospital.

90% of his body was burned, 30% in the second degree and 50% in the third degree.

Severe inhalation injury.

The pulse reached 180 beats/minute.

"Establish an artificial airway, and ventilate to assist ventilation."

"Open up a vein."

"Head nurse, I can't find a blood vessel, so I can't give a needle."

"I'll do it! You are in charge of debridement."

Anti-shock, anti-infection, debridement, maintain acid-base balance.

First aid measures were used and equipment was used.

The military hospital and her mother's family spared no effort to rescue the major officer who was severely burned trying to save others.

"Have you had a blood test?"

"Type AB."

"Hurry up and notify the blood bank to prepare sixty units of AB blood."

"Director, the blood bank said that type AB blood is in urgent need, and there are less than ten units left."

"Organize the whole hospital to donate blood! I am type AB, I will come first."

Among 100 people, there are 42 people with type O blood, 28 people with type A blood, and 24 people with type B blood.

There are few people with type AB blood, only seven out of one hundred people.

But that's it, all the military hospitals with 300 people donated [-] units of AB blood, just to pull their comrades back from the line of life and death.

In just 24 hours, the major received [-] milliliters of fluid and [-] milliliters of blood.

Finally, finally, he was rescued.

But because of the seriousness of his injuries, the major was in a coma for a whole week, and his vital signs were very unstable.

In the intensive care unit, the passengers he rescued from the raging fire visited their benefactor through the glass.

There were several young men who regretted their incompetence at the time.

When a disaster really strikes, the vast majority of people still have to be afraid after all.

How many active soldiers and veterans can come forward.

Those are all people with a military flavor, whether they are wearing military uniforms or taking off their military uniforms, the military flavor will never dissipate.

As long as there is one day in the history of serving as a soldier in life, the soldier's smell will remain forever.

Bloodliness and responsibility.

In the study of a residential area in a certain county in a certain province, the former major recalled that period of the past.

In 2000, I received numerous honors and flowers.

Now that 18 years have passed, I thought no one would remember.

But when he saw Duan Haifeng, the captain and company commander who had been looking for him in the live broadcast, memories flooded out frantically.

The child who was rescued by him has become another self. The former major of the Republic feels extremely gratified.

Still 2000 years.

A week after being wounded, the major woke up.

When the head of the army came to visit him, the major asked the nurse to hold the endotracheal tube in his throat, and said intermittently: "Sir, I didn't embarrass our army, did I?"

After that sentence was finished, none of the soldiers present couldn't help weeping.

Even if it is a soldier and horse all his life, he has fought on the front line and is used to seeing the chief of life and death.

"Good soldier!" The chief saluted the major and gave a thumbs up, "Good soldier, we are waiting for your return!"

For the major, even greater challenges lie ahead.

He just saved his life. In order to rescue the passengers, his limbs were severely burned. If repair surgery is not performed in time, he will never stand up again.

I don't even have the ability to carry things.

Less than a week after being released from the operating room, another operation was due.

Risking possible infection and enduring great pain, the flap transplantation operation began.

The growth cycle of the skin is 28 days, 28 days of nightmare life.

The burnt place continuously bleeds and festers, and the pain is excruciating, as if thousands of steel needles were pierced into the skin at the same time.

It's better to have someone to accompany you during the day.

But in the dead of night, the pain was so painful that he couldn't sleep at all, and he didn't dare to yell for fear of disturbing others.

Even if he could fall asleep, he couldn't sleep, because he didn't sleep honestly, as long as he turned over, he would tear the surgical site, and all the efforts would be in vain.

One month later, the skin grew back and the painful period was over.

But then it entered the itching period again, new flesh grew, and the damaged nerves began to recover.

Itching is a normal phenomenon, and the major with extensive burns means that his whole body will be unbearably itchy, as if countless ants and mosquitoes are biting him.

And you can only bear it, you can't touch it, let alone scratch it.

What kind of experience is it like to not be able to sleep for half a year?

The weight of 180 catties dropped to [-] kg.

The military songs are often carried over.

The fire can't burn, the pain can't be knocked down.

Finally, after a year and a half and numerous treatments, he was back on his feet and took his first steps after the injury.

The major also reaped a sincere and pure love, and his wife was the female passenger who was finally pushed out of the car window by him.

During that difficult year and more, the girl stayed with him all the time, because of emotion, because of admiration, and finally, because of love.

In the process of being together, the two gradually bloomed the flower of love.

This is also an important reason why the major was able to survive those difficult years.

(End of this chapter)

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