Veteran never die

Chapter 264 Accompanying is the longest confession of love.

Chapter 264 Accompanying is the longest confession of love.

0265 Accompanying is the longest confession of love.

Wang Liang said: "Freedom, you must be free. If you stay here for the rest of your life, you will be finished. The idea of ​​leaving is getting stronger and stronger, and you must escape from this home! But when the eldest sister is about to put it into action, the ancient The family also started corresponding actions—consummating the house.”

In 1924, the Second Zhifeng War was in full swing, and the people were in dire straits.

The Nobel Prize Awards Ceremony was held and the jury announced that the Peace Prize would be absent from now on.

In the gloomy age, the 16-year-old eldest sister was tied up and held a wedding ceremony with her husband, and started a married life.

Although she and her husband have known each other for ten years and have been brewing for ten years, the eldest sister doesn't like the man who is four years older than herself at all.

Although farmers in the traditional sense are honest and honest, they have been eroded to the marrow by traditional feudal thinking.

In his eyes, his wife is nothing more than a tool to give birth to a child.

At that time, love seemed so extravagant.

A marriage without love is doomed to be unhappy. Even though he is married, the husband still treats his wife like a girl, beating and scolding, and the relationship is not much better.

"The eldest sister told me about her experience. Once, she went up the mountain to cut firewood as usual, but it rained heavily on the way. The eldest sister ran home desperately with the chopped firewood on her back. One accidentally fell It's a big somersault. I'm 16 years old, I'm still a child, I'm wronged, I'm very wronged." Wang Liang recalled.

A 16-year-old girl, now, who is not the apple of the eye at home?
What parent wouldn't treat her like a princess?
The eldest sister was wronged and sad, she was thinking, if her father was still alive, it would be great, and she would not become someone else's maid.

She doesn't hate her mother, she knows that her mother has no choice but to save herself and her sisters.

Following this somersault, covered in mud, the eldest sister couldn't hold back at all.

The rain is mixed with tears, cry as much as you want, no one will see.

When they got home, the eldest sister was drenched in rain. Before she could wipe her hair, the Gu family came back from the field.

The mother-in-law who wanted to change clothes couldn't find any dry clothes, so she couldn't help pointing at the eldest sister's nose and yelling: "Why didn't you wash the clothes? What do you do for food? I give you so much food for nothing every day!"

I don't know where the courage came from, but the elder sister pushed back, "I'm going to work too, so I don't have time to wash your clothes!"


As soon as the words fell, her husband slapped her, and then punched and kicked her.

The mouth was broken, the nose was bleeding, the whole body was bruised, and the hair was loose.

At this moment, the eldest sister was completely desperate, her heart died.

She staggered out of the house, and came to the well at the head of the village in a trance, wanting to plunge into it, and it was done.

As a result, he was rescued by the villagers of the same village.

"Son, there's nothing you can't think about. It's better to live than to die. We women are destined to suffer. When a man beats us, we stand next to him. When a man scolds us, we just listen. It's been like this since ancient times. Why are you so stubborn?"

"I'm over 60 years old this year, so I still have to go to the fields, chop firewood, or be beaten and scolded? Accept your fate, boy, stop making trouble, go home, be soft, admit your mistakes. Be obedient .”

Several old women tried to comfort her again and again, and then the eldest sister gave up the idea of ​​committing suicide, and returned home, heartbroken, she must be accepting her fate,
Bow your head to fate, and be a "good woman" who works hard, beats and scolds.

"History is not stagnant, the times are always developing and progressing, and the tide of change is rolling in. That year, the Northern Expeditionary Army arrived in Hunan Province and the county where the eldest sister lived." When it came to the turning point, Wang Liang was finally I can breathe a sigh of relief.

After the Northern Expeditionary Army entered the county, they actively carried out mass work, and those activities that were originally secretly carried out underground were also transferred to the ground.

[In order to realize the only need of the Chinese people——to build a unified government——to consolidate the base areas of the national revolution, our party must send troops to eliminate the forces of traitorous warlords.The party pleads for the people, eliminates traitors for the country, regardless of success or failure, and does not hesitate to make any sacrifices. 】

【Long live the construction of a unified government!】

【Long live the success of the national revolution!】

【Long live the freedom and liberation of the Chinese people!】

[Long live the Chinese National Revolutionary Army!]

Although the eldest sister has never read a book, she knows that this detachment is revolutionary, and the revolution is the fate of feudalism.

Accept fate?

Never accept fate!

She participated in the revolution, engaged in propaganda, made military shoes, and helped the Northern Expeditionary Army collect food.

Who would have thought that a soft and weak woman would have such organizational skills.

In the second year, he was elected as a member of the Women's Federation of the region.

"Later, the eldest sister joined the Communist Party of China." Wang Liang said.

After joining the party, the in-law's family was afraid that she would hurt their family, so they quickly issued a divorce letter and kicked the eldest sister out of the house.

Being divorced, the eldest sister is very happy. This freedom is hard-won.

As a result, she can also devote herself wholeheartedly to revolutionary work.

"At that time, the eldest sister's mother was sick, and it became more and more serious. She had no money to seek medical treatment and was in danger. At this critical moment, a person appeared. He took out all his living allowances and asked the relevant comrades to pass them on to Big lady."

"The doctor diagnosed, prescribed the medicine, and the treatment was timely. The mother's life was saved, and the tragedy did not happen again. At the same time, the eldest sister also met the important person in her life."

Sitting on the ground, Wang Liang lit a cigarette for himself, smoked and talked.

Normally, he doesn't smoke, but he can't talk about these past events without the stimulation of nicotine.

The one who took out the living allowance was the eldest sister's direct leader, the secretary of the district committee.

There are ups and downs in the revolution, and good times don’t last long. On April 1927, 4, the Kuomintang New Right led by Chang Kaishen launched an armed coup against the Kuomintang leftists and the Communist Party in Shanghai, massacring Communists, Kuomintang leftists and revolutionary masses.

A large family of the secretary of the district committee who helped the eldest sister, including his wife, daughter, parents, and brothers, were all killed by the reactionaries.

In order to help the benefactor get over the grief of losing a loved one, the eldest sister delivered meals and vegetables, and helped the benefactor make shoes and wash clothes.

Companionship is the longest confession of love.

Staying together is the warmest promise.

Heartfelt love is the most obsessive waiting.

Tacit understanding is the most silent love words.

The flower of love blooms here.

"In that era, love was a luxury for us." Wang Liang hesitated to speak.

(End of this chapter)

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