Veteran never die

Chapter 262 My wish is to be able to eat 1 meals a day

Chapter 262 My wish is to be able to eat three meals a day

0263 My wish is to be able to eat three meals a day!
Wang Liang can imagine the future of these children, guarding the mountain all his life, farming, herding cattle and sheep.

They have no power of choice.

"Why herd sheep?"

"To make money."

"What do you earn money for?"

"Build a house."

"What are you building a house for?"

"Marry a wife."

"Why marry a wife?"

"Have a baby."

"What are you doing to have a baby?"


And so on and on.

This is not a joke, it happened here.

The world in their eyes is very simple, and their outlook on the world, outlook on life, and values ​​are also very simple.

After handing over the meager pension to the martyrs, Wang Liang left with tears in his eyes, but he never forgot this place or these children.

Immediately afterwards, money was remitted one after another.

First, it helped the children of the martyrs, and later, the children in the village also sponsored them.

With Wang Liang's efforts, a school was built.

That kind grandfather general was remembered by hundreds of children.

The first group of children receiving sponsorship is now nearly 40 years old. Many of them have joined the army, some have been promoted to be officers, and some have become sergeants.

Some became teachers and stayed in this mountain, chasing and realizing their dreams.

And doctors, nurses, workers.
The hat of poverty has not been taken off, but life is getting better day by day.

After talking with the teacher, it was time to eat. Seeing the children's meals and the way they were eating, Wang Liang felt unspeakably sad.

There is no cafeteria, so you can only eat in the open air.

In remote mountainous areas, transportation is inconvenient, coupled with high altitude and barren land, rice cannot be grown in most places, only corn and potatoes can be grown.

Wang Liang asked Sun Weimin to remove the ham sausage and canned food from the car and distribute them to the children.

Who would have thought that today, when the children in the city are tired of eating milk and eggs, there are still children deep in the mountains who can only eat two meals a day and go to class hungry.

Facing the live broadcast camera, the children expressed their wishes one by one.

"My wish is to be able to eat three meals a day!"

"I, I want the dormitory to stop leaking."

"My biggest wish is to eat a big watermelon, hahaha."

"I want to study hard. In the future, I will walk out of the mountains and earn a lot of money, so that my parents will not have to work so hard."

"I, want to eat white rice~"

Innocent children describe their desires, simple and unadorned, not even wishes.

Three meals a day, eat watermelon, eat rice, the dormitory no longer leaks, is this difficult to do?

But this happened in a corner of China. The children covered in dirt stared at them with big piercing eyes.

Wang Liang introduced the situation here to netizens: "They are all Miao people in impoverished mountainous areas."

"Perhaps it is difficult for everyone to imagine that today, when we complain that the dishes are not rich enough and the food is not delicious enough, the children in these mountainous areas can feel satisfied with a bowl of rice."

"The kid's name is Han Zhuang, and he is in preschool. Because his father passed away early, the whole family of six depended on his mother's farming to support him, and his annual income was less than 5000 yuan."

In the camera, Han Zhuang and his sister share a lunch, a steamed bun, two bowls of clear porridge, and of course the ham that was just distributed.

Wang Liang explained: "Poor students can't afford lunch. Although the Ministry of Education has a policy of two exemptions and one subsidy, they can eat lunch for free, but Han Zhuang in the preschool can only eat a portion with his sister."

Here, the most common food for children is potatoes.

Because this is abundant in the mountains, I was so hungry that I ate the washed potatoes raw.

Fires cannot be built, as wood is wasted whether roasted or boiled.

"I have a date with potatoes. This is a poor area that has received two exemptions and one subsidy policy from the Ministry of Education. There is a free lunch policy. But potatoes with almost no nutritional value can hardly disappear on the table. Limited meal expenses, Potatoes are the only produce for many poor families”

Wang Liang came to the warehouse, where there were mountains of potatoes.

Potatoes are a good thing and can be used as a vegetable to make delicacies or as a staple food.

Eating 0.25 kg of fresh potatoes per person per day can produce more than 100 kcal of heat, and there is a good feeling of fullness after eating, so potatoes are very resistant to hunger, and potatoes have no abnormal taste, so they can be used as a staple food .

Studies have shown that potatoes also have the miraculous effect of detoxification and laxative.

Yes, it can also be processed into the favorite potato chips of the children in the city.

Although potatoes are good, the content of protein, calcium, and vitamin A is very low. Eating potatoes every day, if not supplemented with whole milk, will cause severe malnutrition in the body.

"Grandpa General, what does milk taste like?"

Looking at the child's frail body and the helpless eyes, Wang Liang felt particularly heavy: "Milk is very fragrant, very sweet, and delicious. I'll bring it to you when grandpa comes next time, okay?"

"Okay!" The children jumped up happily, and they had a new expectation, which was to drink the legendary milk.

Zhang Zhijun, Miao nationality, 11 years old.

My father died of illness in 2009, and my mother planted five acres of mountain land. The family's annual income was only 2000 yuan.

Zhijun has to walk four miles to school every day. After school, he has to help his mother feed the cows, sweep the floor, wash vegetables, and cook.

He only eats two meals a day.

The dilapidated house at home is muddy, and a hole can be cut out with fingers. There is a black and white TV set, which is the only way for Xiao Zhijun to understand the outside world.

Xiong Da Xiong Er, Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf, brought him joy.

But not long ago, the TV at home broke down, and I don’t know when I will have the opportunity to take it to the town to have it repaired. It would be great if my father was still there.

Miao Kejiao, Miao nationality, 13 years old.

There are five people in the family. Both parents are farmers. They also plant five acres of mountain land, mainly corn.

The per capita income of the family is [-] yuan, and the little girl also only eats two meals a day, and helps cook and wash clothes after school.

Comment area.

"It really hurts to see."

"I can know what that kind of bitterness is like. I lived like that when I was a child, and it was so difficult at home."

"Those kids are so poor."

"I want to donate!"

"Children, don't complain, study hard, this is the only way to change your destiny."

"Old chief, thank you, thank you for helping them silently, thank you, let me see them, let me understand the value and meaning of life, I have the courage to make my own choice. Children, the teacher is here ,wait for me!"

"The old chief is too great, learn from the old chief!"

(End of this chapter)

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