Veteran never die

Chapter 253 [You live in our hearts, we live in your career]

Chapter 253 [You live in our hearts, we live in your career]

0254 【You live in our hearts, we live in your career】

One cigarette after another, I can't finish talking for three days and three nights.

Facing each tombstone, Wang Liang could always see their youthful appearance in his mind.

They were all dressed in green military uniforms, elegant and majestic.

But their lives were less than halfway through, and they sacrificed. Wang Liang felt sorry for them.

"This prosperous world is as you wish, you should get up and have a look."

Wang Liang took a puff of smoke and said: "I know, I know that in these tombs, only your bodies, your spirits, and your souls are still alive in the hearts of the people and will always be alive! Live in the motherland You live in the hearts of hundreds of millions of people in the hearts of hundreds of millions of people, and in the 960 million square kilometers of the motherland. You, shine with the sun and moon, and coexist with mountains and rivers!"

In this way, Wang Liang, Sun Weimin, Zhou Tian and Ma Xiaogang, without knowing it, they accompanied the brothers all night in Malipo, in the Martyrs Cemetery.

The outside world is very exciting, with high-rise buildings, feasting and feasting, and luxurious life.

But as veterans, thinking about the brothers still lying here, I feel an indescribable pain in my heart.

It was dawn, and when the sun was rising, the brilliance shone on the earth, the dense fog in the mountains began to dissipate, and there were bursts of birdsong in the woods next to the Malipo Martyrs Cemetery.

Twittering, tactful and desolate.

Wang Liang suggested: "I suggest that the actors and staff of our crew, everyone, come here to have a look, walk around, and feel the atmosphere."

Wang Liang felt that only when he went to Malipo, the martyrs cemetery, and looked at the cold tombstones and those childish faces, could he truly experience the complex emotions.

Chen Guangyue, a native of Luliang County, Yunnan Province, the platoon leader of the 35001 Command of the PLA, a member of the Communist Party of China, joined the army in 1980, died on September 1984, 9, and won the third-class meritorious service.

Li Ronggui, a native of Yongsheng County, Yunnan Province, a soldier of the 35215th Division of the 59 Unit of the People's Liberation Army, and a member of the Communist Youth League, joined the army in January 1981, died on May 1, 1981, and won the third-class meritorious service.

Lu Xianghua, a native of Songtao County, Guizhou Province, deputy squad leader of the 35208th Division of the 56 Unit of the People's Liberation Army, and a member of the Communist Youth League, joined the army in January 1982, died on April 1, 1984, and won the third-class meritorious service.

Sun Enguang, a native of Qihe County, Shandong Province, is the company commander of the 35207th Division of the 40th Unit of the People's Liberation Army.Member of the Communist Party of China, enlisted in the army in January 1973, died on April 1, 1984, and won the third-class meritorious service.

930 seven tombstones, 930 seven martyrs, 930 seven simple but true stories.

Wang Liang felt that only when the staff of the crew understood these things could they create a classic and perfect film.

A work that is comparable to or surpasses "Blood in the Sky".

"Old Chief, I happen to have the same idea. I should come and have a look. Modern people live too comfortably, and there is something missing. You can find it here and pick it up." Ma Xiaogang agreed.

"Standing here, I can see my brothers, Fu Yuehua, Zhao Changjing, Duan Guogui, Hou Yurong, Geng Guangai, Feng Chaozhu, Li Jiali, Mao Shaoping, Yang Jianxun, Shen Jianyi, 17 years old, 19 years old, great years, the movement of life is just now It starts to play, and before it reaches a climax, it's over, it's down."

Sun Weimin had already burst into tears, not being hypocritical. When he set foot on this hot land, he, the old platoon leader, couldn't bear it anymore.

How could it be possible to bear it?
In this sad land, the damn bird is calling in the woods, the sound is heartbreaking, fragmented, it makes people want to cry, crying to death, crying him into darkness.

Wang Liang patted Sun Weimin on the shoulder, understanding, understanding.

If you weren't a veteran of the Vietnam War, you wouldn't be able to act like this.

For various reasons, I can only come here once or twice a year, so cry, and cry out if you feel aggrieved.

No one will laugh at us, because we are veterans, veterans who cannot be beaten to death.

After eight o'clock in the morning, the sun had already risen high, and old people in twos and threes walked into the martyrs' cemetery.

Wearing a 65-style military uniform, there is no rank mark.

The four pockets are veteran cadres, and the two pockets are veterans.

The cap emblem is a five-pointed star, and the collar is two red flags.

They are all veterans living in the local area, and now they have nothing to do, and the bus is so convenient, they basically come here every day.

Bring tea and tobacco leaves, sit next to the tombstones of old buddies and brothers, and have a chat.

Old people, old people, like to chatter when they are old, and talk about the past.

The sons and daughters are unwilling to listen, and the wife is tired of listening, so I simply chat with the old comrades to save them from loneliness.

The sun shines on the 15-meter-high Revolutionary Martyrs Memorial Tower.

The eight gold-plated characters inscribed by Chairman Mao during his lifetime are so dazzling.

On the back is the inscription "You live in our hearts, we live in your career" inscribed by Marshal Zhu, with the same gold-plated characters, a total of twenty.

On the left and right sides of the memorial tower, there is a monument inlaid with marble.

The inscriptions are the heroic deeds of the martyrs.

A memorial archway is built on the lower side of the monument, with flowing eaves and flying corners, carved dragons and painted phoenixes, and a pair of stone lions standing.

Young people may feel disdainful, but they, the veterans who have come through the flames of war, cherish this honor very much.

That weight is beyond the reach of young people today.

Touching the scene, Sun Weimin couldn't help but said, "I used to come here during the Ching Ming Festival. On that day, there were overwhelming wreaths, crowds of people, and earth-shattering cries. Tears wet the clothes, wet the tombstones, and wet the cemetery. Jiang Hai. Unconcealable grief, a fresh life."

What is it like.

The bullets shot over mercilessly, and I watched helplessly as a hole the size of a fist was punched in the chest of my comrade-in-arms.

Cannonballs are even more cold-blooded and cruel. A body with a living life has been deprived of it.

Flying with broken arms.

That scene will never be forgotten in a lifetime.

This is also the reason why Sun Weimin, the old platoon leader and the grassroots officer who charged at the front, felt uncomfortable.

During the Qingming Festival, tears flowed, and the garden was full of mourning and heartbroken.

Borrowing the tombstone as a relative, smoke and money are all over the monument.

Just when Wang Liang and his party were about to leave, a middle-aged man in 07 camouflage hurried over, "Hello, Chief!"

"Zi Pei?"

"It's me, chief, do you still remember me?" Zhang Zipei looked very excited when he heard Wang Liang call out his name in one gulp.

"Remember, how could you not remember? In 1995, when the veterans were resettled, there were so many well-paid positions in party and government agencies and public institutions. If you don't go, write down the application form to work in the Malipo Martyrs Cemetery. I thought you It was a momentary fever, but who would have thought that I have been working for 23 years, how could I not remember."

(End of this chapter)

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