Veteran never die

Chapter 247 The eagle breaks its wings and must bear the pain.

Chapter 247 The eagle breaks its wings and must bear the pain.

0247 The eagle breaks its wings and must bear the pain.


"A total of 1960 pilots and martyrs died between January 1 and December 1969."


Wang Liang said, followed by a list of photos, lists and personal names on the big screen.

The photos are all the portraits left by the sacrificed pilots and martyrs. Most of the pilots in the 60s used black and white photos. Because of the age, some people didn't even have a photo.

In other words, later generations don't remember what they looked like at all.

There are dense names listed on the list, and the staff try to make the font as large as possible and keep it on the screen for a longer time.

Although this is only a drop in the bucket, as long as it can stay on the TV screen for a while longer in the future, it is also meaningful to have a viewer with "ulterior motives" who can take screenshots and transcribe these names.

In a popular TV series, a phone number is accidentally exposed, and then that number will be blown up.

What about exposing those names?
Will anyone be willing to be patient and collect the stories behind the names one by one?
There will always be.

"A total of 1980 pilots and martyrs died between January 1 and December 1989."



"In the Tangshan Aviation Museum, the [Air Force Martyrs Monument] was built in 2009 to commemorate the 720th anniversary of the founding of the Air Force. All [-] martyrs who died were engraved on the monument."

"From January 2010 to December 1, there were a total of pilots and martyrs who died. By that time, I want this number to be zero, but"

Wang Liang couldn't say it anymore, how could it be zero.

On the morning of April 2010, 4, a new J-22 fighter jet of the Air Force crashed in Shatian Township, Dao County, Hunan Province. The pilot who died was Senior Colonel Xie Fengliang, commander of a fighter aviation division of the Guangzhou Military Region Air Force.

A big school teacher!

On October 2016, 10, the Mi-12 crashed in the outskirts of Lhasa, Tibet Province. The victims included three members of the crew, Sun Lijun, deputy chief of staff of the Second Helicopter Brigade of the Army Aviation Corps, Xue Yanjun, the pilot director of the Ninth Air Division, and Wang Liehu, the commander of the Ninth Air Division. .

On November 2016, 11, Yu Xu, the first batch of female fighter pilots of the Chinese Air Force and the first female J-12 pilot, died during flight training. The degree of tragedy cannot be repeated.

The eagle breaks its wings and must bear the pain.

Having said so much, the specific form of performance belonging to "National Heroes" should also start, and the curtain of history has been reopened.

[April 2001, 4, a naval aviation base]

The originally calm base suddenly sounded the alarm.

"What's the situation?" The cadre on duty hurried to the command room after hearing the alarm.

"An enemy plane has been spotted in the southeast waters!"

"Which country is the enemy plane?"

"EP-3 reconnaissance aircraft."

EP-3 reconnaissance aircraft, once the name is reported, the answer will be known.

The size and speed of the EP-3 electronic reconnaissance aircraft are roughly similar to those of the Boeing-747 airliner. It is the most advanced reconnaissance aircraft in the world, and it is loaded with various advanced instruments and equipment.

The tasks performed daily are electronic signal reconnaissance, photography, and underwater acoustic signal reconnaissance.

It is the old opponent of the Chinese Air Force.

"Where are you now?"

"The 70 nautical miles to the southeast have already entered my country's exclusive economic zone."

"Send two J-8II fighter planes to expel them and let them leave immediately!"


Once the order was issued, two J-8II fighter jets flew into the blue sky.

The pilot of the Chinese Air Force approached the enemy's reconnaissance plane with a fighter plane, and shouted continuously in Chinese and English: "You are about to enter China's airspace, leave immediately! Leave immediately! I am the Chinese Naval Air Force."

"You are about to enter Chinese airspace, leave immediately! Leave immediately! I am the Chinese Naval Air Force."

"You-are- going -to -enter- China -Sky- airspace -and- leave -at once! Leave -at -once! I'm -a -Chinese- Navy- airman!"

Three times confrontation.

The first time it approached the US reconnaissance plane, the distance between the two sides was about ten feet. The Chinese pilot saluted the US plane and left immediately.

The second time the U.S. reconnaissance plane was flown, they were at the same altitude, only five feet apart.

The Chinese pilot made a forward gesture to the crew of the EP-3E reconnaissance plane, signaling to leave immediately.

The last confrontation took place at 9:7.

When the J-8II fighter plane approached the enemy reconnaissance plane for the third time, because the enemy plane suddenly slowed down, the Chinese fighter plane missed the opportunity to approach the enemy reconnaissance plane.

When the Chinese plane was trying to raise its nose to slow down, the vertical tail of the plane collided with the fuselage of the EP-3E reconnaissance plane and the No. 1 engine propeller.

Tower: "Call 81192, this is 553, I am ordered to take over your aircraft to carry out the cruise mission, please return!"

The pilot has realized the serious consequences in the violent shaking, "81192 received, I can't return, you keep going, repeat, you keep going!"

In an instant, the J-8II fighter plane broke into two pieces, and the EP-3E reconnaissance plane was severely damaged.

The whereabouts of Chinese pilot Wang Wei are unknown after his parachute jump.

The EP-3E reconnaissance plane then entered China's airspace without China's permission and landed at Lingshui Airport on the island at 9:33.

"This is 81192, this is 81192, I'm the pilot Wang Wei, I can't return, please keep going!!"

The last phone call of Wang Wei, the pilot who died in the crash, was played over and over again.

The original sound, this is the last trace of the hero left in this world.

For the rest, it is Wang Liang's turn to say: "On that day of that year, the high-speed interceptor J-8 collided with EP3 at low altitude and low speed, and the enemy plane made an emergency landing at the airport on the island. The large-scale search and rescue launched at the same time could not find the missing pilot Wang Wei."

"Later, confirm the sacrifice."

"The fighter aircraft researchers of the Chinese Air Force cried bitterly holding the advanced reconnaissance aircraft that the pilots exchanged for their lives."

There is no exaggerated plot in the whole process, and it is all restored exactly.

I didn't deliberately exaggerate how great and fearless the pilot is, everything is self-evident.

Some words cannot be said in front of the media: "The Chinese Air Force fights at the cost of their lives with fighter planes that are nearly 20 years behind the United States. They are fearless. Are you tough? Then crush your steel teeth and swallow your blood If you go down, you will raise your unyielding head."

Perhaps, China's greatest luck is that there will always be an endless stream of national heroes.

Perhaps, China's greatest misfortune is the lack of people who can remember national heroes.

(End of this chapter)

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