Veteran never die

Chapter 238 1 piece of ice heart in the jade pot

Chapter 238 A piece of ice in the jade pot
0238 A piece of ice heart in jade pot
The students broke through the guards, rushed into the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and beat up Wang Zhengting, then Minister of Foreign Affairs.

"Down with the traitor!"

"Beat him to death!"

In this way, Wang Zhengting became the scapegoat of Chang Kaishen's policy of non-resistance. After struggling on the diplomatic stage for more than 20 years, he finally withdrew from the stage of history in this way.

It should be more helpless.

The students made a lot of trouble, Chang Kaishen was forced to come out to meet the students, and warned: "Use a calm mind and passionate blood to deal with national crises. If you are too impetuous, it will only add to the national humiliation. People in the government can accept petitions." If you have any opinions, you must do your due diligence and use your strength to handle them.”

This was the first time Zhang Huaimin met Chang Kaishen.

On the second day, Chang Kaishen met with the students from the Shanghai Stock Exchange who went to Beijing to petition for the second time, and lectured for a full hour.

The theme is to ask students to return to school to study. If they are willing to join the army, they can be incorporated into the volunteer team to participate in training.

In the second year, Chen Huaimin joined the army.

In troubled times, nowhere will you find a paradise.

Nowhere is quiet.

There is not room for a desk in the whole of China.

All will burn.

The only way is to throw a pen into the army, fight on the battlefield, and wrap your body in horse leather.

In January 1933, Zhang Huaimin was admitted to the Jianqiao Central Aviation School located in Hangzhou. Before the Anti-Japanese War in 1, this military school had trained a total of 1937 pilots.

Zhang Huaimin was fortunate to be one of them.

In the ancient town of Jianqiao, Zhang Huaimin began his arduous and long study.

Flight science, aviation science, aircraft structure, engine science, air force tactics, radio communication, English.
Complicated subjects, as well as abnormal physical training, students are eliminated by American instructors every day.

"There is no shortage of perfect people in this world, what is lacking is sincerity, justice, fearlessness, and sympathy from the heart.


The words of the American instructor made Zhang Huaimin think more, and his ambition became stronger.

The instructor gave a thumbs up and said to the students: "Guys, just watch, Zhang Huaimin will definitely be the best pilot in China in the future, history will remember him, and you will be remembered even more!"

The life in the military academy was enjoyable, and by chance, Zhang Huaimin met his own girl.

As the main player of the basketball team of the Central Aviation School, Zhang Huaimin came to Jiangsu and Zhejiang University to participate in the basketball game.

Here, he collided with Wang Lu, a female university student, and sparked a spark of love.

Wang Lu was born in a wealthy family, her father was a banker and her mother was a university professor.

As the only child in the family, she is much loved.

The appearance is there, and the temperament is also there.

What is even more commendable is that Wang Lu is a very kind-hearted girl,

Otherwise, Zhang Huaimin would not have fallen in love with her at first sight.

Love, sometimes it comes so suddenly, caught off guard.

Wang Lu loves sports. She was a member of the cheerleading team in the basketball game held at Jiangsu and Zhejiang University.

After a game, the handsome Zhang Huaimin met the beautiful and kind Wang Lu and fell in love.

In the film, many scenes are depicted.

They are all young people with aspirations. In the era when the war was raging and the country was ravaged by war, Wang Lu loved and understood Zhang Huaimin deeply.

Pilot, this is a busy job, but also a dangerous job.

The military academy often organizes closed training sessions, and sometimes they can't be contacted for a month. Wang Lu is worried and worried, for fear that something will happen to Zhang Huaimin.

In the blink of an eye, at the end of 1935, Zhang Huaimin, who was the fifth student of the Central Aviation School, was about to graduate, which meant that he was about to go to the battlefield to fight against the Japanese invaders.

Before graduation, according to the usual practice, Chang Kaishen arranged for the following to organize a grand 'respect party', and the students of the fifth period brought their parents to the banquet.

Zhang Huaimin's parents also went.

Chang Kaishen held Zhang Zixiang's hand and said, "Mr. went to Japan to study at a non-commissioned officer school, met Mr. Zhongshan, followed Mr. Sun in the anti-Qing revolution, and joined the Tongmenghui. The battle of Huanghuagang started and actively participated in the battle. Now, my son has become a I got a pilot. Your family is such a hero father and son!"

At this time, another character appeared.

There is Zhang Huaimin's younger sister, Zhang Tianle.

She was admitted to the Zhejiang Provincial Military Academy. At the age of 17, she was already Song Meiling's personal bodyguard. Because she was cute and clever, she was adopted as a foster daughter by Song.

Zhang Tianle is not an ordinary woman.

The relationship between her and her brother is also particularly behind.

In the film, this family relationship is not stingy, making people feel warm and comfortable after knowing the brothers and sisters.

After graduation, Zhang Huaimin was incorporated into the No.20 Third Squadron of the Fourth Brigade of the Chinese Air Force, with the rank of second lieutenant.

Because No.20 No. [-] Squadron is based in Changshi, that means Zhang Huaimin and Wang Lu, the lovers, will be separated.

Not long after arriving in Changshi, the July [-]th Incident occurred, and Zhang Huaimin's Air Force Fourth Brigade received an order to go north to fight.

Two days before leaving for the front line, Wang Lu rushed over from Hangzhou to bid farewell to the one she loved deeply.

She didn't know if this farewell would be a forever farewell, she didn't dare to think about it, she really didn't dare to think about it.

A strong heart is under tremendous pressure.

The love of each other, the loyalty of defending the family and the country.

Zhang Huaimin held Wang Lu's hand and stared at him, "Lu, our troops will soon be transferred to North China to fight. We raise troops for thousands of days and use them for a while. I am a pilot trained by the country with huge manpower and material resources. Now I am going to serve the country." You also know my profession. Once a pilot goes to the battlefield, he may sacrifice a lot."

"If I sacrifice, don't be too sad, life will always go on, there are better people around"

Before Zhang Huaimin finished speaking, his mouth was covered by Wang Lu's hand.

"Don't tell me, in this life, you won't marry." Wang Lu said with tears in her eyes. She was just a girl, the jewel in the palm of thousands of people.

At this moment, her heart was about to break.

The boyfriend is for the country, she can understand.

Where can we have a home without a country?

Later, Wang Lu gave Zhang Huaimin a set of Jingdezhen teapots as a token of love.

A line of words is engraved on the bottom of the teapot [July 1937, 7]

A piece of icy heart in the jade pot——

On August 1937, 8, the Nationalist Government issued the "Statement of the Nationalist Government's Self-Defense and Anti-Japanese War", and the Chinese Air Force began to fight against Japan.

Over the Jian Bridge in Hangzhou, Zhang Huaimin and his comrades drove fighter jets to engage in a fierce exchange of fire with Japanese fighter planes.

"Go to hell, little Japan!"

Da da da, da da da, da da da.
The war scenes were all based on Wang Liang's request, and all the RMB was burned in the later stage.

The purpose is to give the audience the most authentic feelings and truly understand that period of history.

Every plant and tree strives to restore the appearance of that era.

(End of this chapter)

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