Veteran never die

Chapter 233 Rare Warmth

Chapter 233 Rare Warmth

0233 Rare warmth

Wang Liang continued: "At the end of 46, under the strong insistence of his wife, and in order to let her get over the grief of losing a child, the father of the martyr Pang Jun agreed to his wife's proposal to have another child. At that time , the husband and wife are both [-] years old."

"It's not easy to have a baby at this age! The only way is through IVF. In two years, the couple tried four times in a row. Finally, on May [-], [-] In January, the couple conceived a child as they wished."

Having said that, the doubts in the hearts of the audience were completely resolved.

No wonder, the 48-year-old couple are desperate to have another baby.

The tears of the audience were not stingy for the middle-aged couple who lost their son, and of course, there was also the martyr who was only 24 years old and not yet married.

No one knows what the parents of the martyrs endured.

Few people know that as early as [-], Pang Jun's father, who worked as a chef in a restaurant, was diagnosed with tuberculosis during a physical examination. His condition was so serious that he had to go back to his hometown for treatment.

Six months of treatment, 20 yuan in expenses, the family owed a lot of foreign debts.

Few people know that in [-], on the way to work, Pang Jun's mother suddenly fainted to the ground.

Cerebral infarction.

This disease almost killed her, and after returning from a circle before the gate of hell, she lost consciousness in her right hand and completely lost her labor force.

Few people know that Pang Jun's mother has been unable to work since Nian's illness.

The family can only be maintained by Pang Jun's father working alone on the construction site.

If you work for a long time, you can get 3000 yuan a month, but if you work for a short time, you can only get more than 2000 yuan in wages.

With a monthly income of two to three thousand, how can I support this pair of twins?
Few people know that since the end of [-], when the mother of a martyr was preparing to have a child, the mother of a martyr had to be injected with anti-thrombotic medicine every day until the day of the caesarean section.

The martyr's parents are 48 years old, which means that they will be 66 years old when the two children become adults!
Right now, milk powder and diapers need to be pre-paid.

In the future, the expenses of going to school and daily life will only increase a lot.

There are more worries and more burdens.

After the story Wang Liang wanted to share was finished, the host quickly announced the next session when the atmosphere was a bit heavy.

After all the stories told and the show taking too long to wrap up, it's time to wrap up.

"Finally, let's see what stories netizens share about military families."

The director signaled the staff to choose a few light-hearted and interesting stories, and relieve the heavy atmosphere by the way.

Netizen Little Red Riding Hood: "My husband is a soldier. I remember one time I went to visit relatives in the army where he was, and stayed there. I experienced a lot of funny things. I felt uncomfortable in the room, so I wandered around the camp. I saw a man walking towards me. A fourth-rank sergeant major, much older than me, at forty by visual inspection, would say "Hi sister-in-law" when we met. I learned from my husband later that in the army, even if they are older, as long as they are single, they call sister-in-law. This is the custom. "

Anonymous netizen: "My husband is a soldier. At first, my parents didn't agree with me marrying a soldier, because my parents felt that soldiers are arbitrary, unsmiling, and difficult to get along with. They worried that I would be bullied after marriage. But on the contrary, my family He is polite and gentle. He will patiently communicate with me and listen carefully to my views. Later, when he has children, he will teach them to read and write, and he is never in a hurry. I enjoy this kind of life very much, warm and relaxed ,free."

A netizen with a baby: "The soldiers in my family are like the old chief. They dote on their daughters and respond to everything they ask for. Once at home, the meal was ready, and the daughter clamored for KFC. Without saying a word, my father hugged her and went; the daughter He was hospitalized with blisters, and his father asked for leave to stay with him; his daughter asked for a Barbie doll dream mansion villa suit worth more than 2000 yuan, and my father bought it without blinking, but his vest was torn and he didn’t even replace it with a new one.”

A period of warmth diluted the sadness just now, and the atmosphere finally came back.

After recording the program, Wang Liang and his son and daughter returned to the home of the third child, and had a reunion dinner together while the second child was still at home.

Oh, Wang Liang inevitably made an advertisement for the movie "Blood in the Sky" which will be released on the first day of the Chinese New Year at the "Chinese Story Conference".

In response to Fatty Zhou's plea, Wang Liang has posted a microblog to promote the movie almost every day these days.

Fatty Zhou had bad luck this year. The referee Fahani blew the whistle on the U23 ball game held in Changshi. Although Wang Liang tried his best to turn the tide, the attendance rate of the next few games was greatly reduced.

With an investment of 2000 million yuan, it seems that more than half of it is in vain.

There is still 4000 million invested in the production of "Blood Stained Sky". The actors' remuneration has been reduced to the minimum, and the focus is on modeling and post-production. If the film can't even get back the money, I'm afraid there will be no funds to film Vietnam Veterans next year. up.

Therefore, Fatty Zhou strongly begged Wang Liang to advertise the movie anytime and anywhere.

No way, Wang Liang plans to promote it on the last issue of "National Heroes" at the end of the year.

As I wrote and wrote, I thought of a lot, so let me say something that is not off-topic.

The author's grandmother is considered a child of a hero. During the Battle of Huaihai, her father went to support the army and never came back. At that time, my grandmother was only three years old, and she had no impression of her father.

In the war-torn era, dead bodies were never found.

The three-year-old grandmother and mother depended on each other for life. Later, when the mother remarried, she lived with her grandmother again.

Fate did not give her the right to choose, and she had not been able to see her father since she could remember, and her mother passed away not long after she remarried.

The pain, she knew.

On the eve of the Spring Festival this year, my 72-year-old grandmother complained of leg pain and went to the hospital for an examination, thinking it was a malignant tumor.

The author felt that the sky was going to collapse, why? !Why? !Why is fate so unfair?
Everyone has only one chance to come to this world, why are some sweet and some bitter?
After nearly ten examinations, the doctor made a diagnosis that the possibility of malignant tumor was high, and it was suggested to use extended resection to remove the tumor.

Grandma said with a smile: "I have never been in a hospital in my life. I didn't expect to be admitted to such a big hospital as soon as I entered."

The operation was performed before the Spring Festival. The walnut-sized tumor was excised and sent for pathology. (Only by pathological section can the final determination of whether the tumor is malignant, malignant = cancer)


Fate always likes to play tricks on people. After hearing this result, the family was relieved.

What do I want to express?
I no longer know what I want to express.

Now my grandma is recuperating at my house. I looked at my grandma sitting in the living room watching TV, with tears in my eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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