Veteran never die

Chapter 221 Because We Are Not Afraid Of Death, Because We Dare To Die

Chapter 221 Because We Are Not Afraid Of Death, Because We Dare To Die
0221 Because we are not afraid of death, because we dare to die
"They are a group of silent sea souls."

Now, this is no longer a secret, and the names of the martyrs can finally be seen again.

Captain Zhang Minglong, Captain Acting Political Commissar Zhang Qianchong, Captain Deputy Captain Wang Mingxin, Captain Deputy Captain Bao Fenglin, Lieutenant Navigator Zhang Jin Zuoyin, Lieutenant Torpedo Chief Wang Wenkui, Second Lieutenant Electrical and Mechanical Officer Yan Xinzhi, Second Lieutenant Intern Torpedo Chief Li Jiezhong, Warrant Officer Fan Xiude.
Sergeant Major, Sergeant Sergeant, Sergeant, Corporal, Private.
They are China's first generation of submarine soldiers, selected from the army and elites who have received rigorous training.

If the submarine does not crash, they will have a better and brilliant future.

But, no if.

Comment area.

"Deeply mourn the 38 submariners who died for the country!"

"The sons and daughters of China will always remember you!"

"Tears, salute!"

"Admirable Chinese submarine soldier!"

"Thank you, the strength of the motherland cannot be separated from you."

"The wild waves sweep away Qingyun Zhi, and the revolutionary temperament stays in the world."

"Really, I miss you so much. Now I miss that era almost every day, and I miss those lovely people in that era. Let's go together through ups and downs. I really want to go home, I really want to go home. A dying veteran .”

The 418 officers and soldiers of the 38 submarine buried in the Zhoushan Islands Martyrs Cemetery: "If there is an afterlife, I will still be the Navy of the Chinese People's Liberation Army in the next life."

Their stories can never be finished. The 38 martyrs have their own stories behind them.

Wang Liang couldn't finish talking.

In a person's life, the story begins from the moment he is born.

No one is born a bad person, it is the environment that affects people.

There were many pure people in the pure age, and the pure people made mistakes because they were bewitched by bad people.

There is a long history, and there are so many stories that can't be told.

Zhang Qianchong, acting political commissar of the captain, was born in a peasant family in Liao Province in 1928. He started school at the age of eight.

Anti-Japanese, liberation.

The turbulent trend affected this teenager, and in 1946, the teenager was already a high school student.

In the classroom, the sound of reading aloud is accompanied by Zhang Qianchong's voice.

"Worry about the world's worries first, and enjoy the world's joys later."

"The rise and fall, everyone is responsible."

In the second year, Zhang Qianchong defected to the Liberated Area with his classmates, and was first arranged to temporarily assist in the work of the Xi'an Public Security Bureau.Later, after three months of hard study, he was sent to the Xi'an Teaching Brigade of the Second Division of Liao Province to officially enlist in the army.

Zhang Qianchong, the name was changed later.

"From today, I am determined to save the motherland and the people, to advance bravely for the cause of China's liberation, to charge forward, gallop on the battlefield, and put my life aside!" This is Zhang Qianchong's oath.

He participated in the smoky battle, and later served as a cultural cadre.

In 1952, the navy expanded, and Zhang Qianchong, who had a high degree of education, was selected.

In 1959, Zhang Qianchong's devolution period expired before performing the exercise mission, and he should have returned to work in the government.

But he was reluctant to part with the comrades on the boat, and he was reluctant to part with the life of the company.

It happened that the political commissar of the 418 submarine received the task temporarily, and Zhang Qianchong was appointed as the acting political commissar.

Until December 12, at 1:13 p.m., when the submarine crashed, the story of Zhang Qianchong came to an end.

This is just a rough idea, there must be many unknown interesting stories and anecdotes.

Touched, joyful, sad, and anxious.

Wang Liang often thinks that everyone is the protagonist in their own life, and if this role is played well or not, it will become history.

Perhaps, at that time, the officers and soldiers on the 418 submarine would not have thought that in 2017, there would be an old man telling their stories.

Someone else will remember them.

Just like today, we are all doing some seemingly mundane things.

But who knows, in the future 2088, 2117, will someone tell our story?
Thinking of this, Wang Liang smiled.

Yes, it feels good.

I will always be the protagonist of my own life, and there is nothing wrong with telling other people's stories.

[All of us on the boat will do our best and persevere until the end. Every comrade has performed very well! 】

[I have 95 yuan as the last party fee]

【Dear comrades, we may say goodbye forever】

[Long live the Communist Party of China! ***Long live! 】

When the submarine was salvaged, many suicide notes were found inside.

Before going to sea, the submarine officers and soldiers will write a unified copy, and the suicide notes that were discovered were written when the submarine crashed and the soldiers realized that they could not return to the shore alive.

That kind of firmness and composure, that kind of calmness in the face of danger, that kind of death.

This is why Fang Zhongcheng, Fu Pingshan, Du Hong, Huang Guotao and other martyrs are willing to sacrifice for the country.

Because we are accurate, because we are ruthless.

Because we are not afraid of death!Because we dare to die!
"Comrades, friends, maybe you think that the 418 submarine is too far away from us. In 1959, most of you here are born in the 50s and 21s. It is difficult to think of the picture in the [-]s. Then I will continue to talk about it. Talk about what happened in the [-]st century."

Wang Liang still had a lot to say, since he started this, he must continue.

"That was April 24, [-]."

At the junction of the Bohai Sea and the Yellow Sea, the Inner Changshan Islands, on a fishing boat.

"Hey, Old Sun, look what's floating over there?"

"Looks like a shark!"

"Impossible, such a big thing, how could it be a shark. I have been fishing for more than 20 years, and I have never seen such a big shark."

"It can't be a navy submarine, right? The navy often conducts training in this area."

"It looks like it, go and bring me the binoculars."

Wang Liang said: "It was the fishermen who first discovered the No. 361 submarine, but she had already wrecked eight days ago."

"That's right, it's a submarine. It must be the People's Liberation Army training again. Inform the chief mate that our ship should not get too close, so as not to affect them." The captain looked through the binoculars and saw the periscope on the submarine. The identity of the unknown object is then determined.


Just as the fishing boat was about to leave this sea area, a crew member couldn't help exclaiming: "Captain, it seems, something seems wrong!"

Seeing the panicked crew, the captain frowned: "What are you yelling for? What's wrong?"

"Captain, then, I saw that thing when we went out to sea, and it was floating there like that, with exactly the same posture!" The crew quickly explained.

"Are you sure?!" Now it was the captain's turn to yell. The last time the fishing boat passed by was a week ago. What does this mean?
An ominous premonition pervaded everyone's hearts.

(End of this chapter)

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