Veteran never die

Chapter 219 Wreck

Chapter 219 Wreck
0219 Wreck
30 meters away, almost there.

"The disaster is getting closer and closer." The corners of Wang Liang's eyes were moist, and the scars were about to be exposed.

What the 418 submarine officers and soldiers did not know was that the Hengyang was right above them.

On the Hengyang, the officers and soldiers were cleaning the cannons on the deck. The tense exercise was finally over, and they could go back and have a good rest when they were connected to the 418 submarine.


Suddenly, the warship trembled.

However, this abnormal situation did not attract the attention of officers and soldiers, but this was a disaster for the 418 submarine.

The sharp bow of the warship cut the bridge of the 418 submarine in half, and in an instant, sea water poured into the cabin crazily.

In just a few minutes, the three cabins were flooded by sea water.

Because the watertight hatch was not closed properly, the submarine could not float up, and after staying in place for a while, it started to sink again.

"Seven submarine officers including captain Zhang Minglong and seventeen soldiers were killed on the spot."

Speaking of this, Wang Liang felt unspeakably uncomfortable.

Zhang Minglong left forever without even looking at his own bones.

The surviving officers and soldiers quickly took emergency measures.

Sergeant Major Wang Faquan heard someone knocking on the watertight door in the next cabin, so he quickly picked up the microphone and directed the battle.

"Drain the fifth compartment immediately! Drain the fifth compartment immediately!"

The submarine shook violently and lost contact with the command module. The officers and soldiers could only rescue themselves under the command of the sergeant major.

Sergeant Wang Faquan undoubtedly became the backbone.

He ran in the direction of the drain valve, which had been in disrepair for a long time, and the drain valve was rarely used, so it was broken.

The distraught sergeant major hurriedly found out the toolbox and opened the drain valve with a screwdriver.


Like a pressure cooker, a huge pressure gushes out.

They have no experience, so they can only make remedies based on their poor knowledge.

After a long time, the Sergeant Major Wang Faquan found that everything was futile, the seawater poured into the cabin frantically, and it was impossible to complete the plugging.

No one has ever encountered such a situation.

"Evacuate quickly! Go to cabin six! Get oxygen and life-saving tools!"

After some tossing, the situation on the boat was cleared up.

All the officers have been sacrificed, and the rest are all soldiers, a total of 15 people.

In addition to Wang Faquan, the sergeant major also has an electrician named Wang Chuanjing.

"At that time, the submarine force had a set of rules. If the submarine crashed, no escape was allowed without the command of the commander, and no escape was allowed in enemy-occupied areas. Self-rescue should be organized as much as possible."

"It's blank, it's blank. It was the first time our submarine participated in the exercise, and there was no experience for reference. In addition, the commander died at the moment of impact, and the soldiers were at a loss for a while."

Wang Liang sighed helplessly.

Where there is struggle there is sacrifice, and death is a common occurrence.

When they were selected as submariners, they already knew what they were facing.

But the death came suddenly, and it was hard for the soldiers to accept it.

Various self-rescue measures, various attempts, all ended in failure.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and the Hengyang warship on the water naturally didn't know what happened under the sea.

Fifteen hours later.

The oxygen in the cabin has been exhausted, and the terrifying feeling of suffocation is coming.

There was no choice but to choose to escape.

"How much does the depth gauge show?" Wang Faquan asked.

The soldier ran to the depth gauge to check it, and reported: "Master Sergeant, the current depth is eight meters."

"Eight meters, it shouldn't be a big problem if it floats out. It's dawn now, as long as it can surface, it will definitely be spotted by warships on the surface." Wang Faquan analyzed.

"I agree, the oxygen is getting thinner and can't be consumed any longer." The other sergeant major nodded in agreement.

In this way, the fifteen officers and soldiers who survived began to prepare for their escape.

If a person rises from the bottom of the sea to the surface of the sea quickly, the sudden change in pressure will cause damage to human organs and cause a high mortality rate.

These are common sense.

All submarine officers and soldiers know it.

But what is achieved on paper is superficial in the end, and I know that this matter must be practiced.

If you haven't felt the pressure of the rapid rise of the seabed to the surface, how do you know how terrifying it is?

"What's more, the depth is actually eight meters. Is it really eight meters? In fact, the wrecked submarine has been falling deeper, and the water depth is now 40 meters!" Wang Liang said.

Sergeant Wang Faquan has received long-term relevant training and has some experience. He repeatedly told the soldiers: "Attention everyone, after going out, you must first grasp the railing on the side of the boat, stop for a while and then go up. Don't worry, pay attention to the speed of going up and the pressure. It will cause harm to the human body, so everyone should hold some heavy objects as much as possible."

"Understood, Sergeant Major."

The soldiers responded and started groping one after another.

Boards, axes, rifles, magazines.
Some fighters don't believe in that evil, and feel that the depth is only eight meters, so there is no big problem, so they simply choose to float up empty-handed.

"Are you all ready?"

"All right."

"Open the torpedo tubes."

"The torpedo tubes have been opened."

"Don't worry, go out one by one, remember my words."


As the sergeant major, Wang Faquan was in charge of the rear, and he left only after all the soldiers had successfully exited the cabin.

Before leaving, consider what if you don't meet the rescue team?
You guys can't be hungry or thirsty, right?
Wang Faquan went back and took a few water bottles and a few packs of compressed biscuits.

As everyone knows, this action saved his life.

After getting out of the cabin, Wang Faquan felt that his body was out of control, and he floated up quickly.

The water pressure around him made him unable to breathe, and the feeling of squeezing gave Wang Faquan the illusion that his body was about to explode.

Wang Faquan realized that this is definitely not a depth of eight meters!

The several military water bottles strapped to his body played a vital role, which kept Wang Faquan from rising too fast.

Wang Faquan exhaled slowly, his lungs were about to explode.

He didn't dare to breathe too fast, because he would be suffocated to death.

Finally, Wang Faquan surfaced, but he did not see his comrades in arms.

The surface of the sea was dark, and there was a light not far away, which seemed to be a warship.

It was December at that time, the sea water was freezing cold, and he was indescribably uncomfortable all over. Wang Faquan knew that he was exhausted and couldn't hold on for much longer, so he swam desperately towards the light.

When you get close, call for help.

What Wang Faquan couldn't see was that his ears, nose, and mouth were full of blood!

As soon as the waves of the sea hit, the blood was washed away.

Wang Faquan only felt salty in his mouth.





Finally, the soldiers on duty on the deck found him, threw the life buoy, put the sampan, and finally threw a cable.

(End of this chapter)

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