Veteran never die

Chapter 210 Share

Chapter 210 Share
0210 share
If the actions of the armed police soldiers had not been recorded by Wang Liang's camera, not many people would know about them except passers-by.

But they did it without hesitation. This is the sacredness of the military uniform, and this is the soldier.

You don't need to remember me, because the motherland will not forget, and will not forget me.

Netizens opened up the chatterbox one after another, sharing some of their own experiences.

"Coordinated in the capital city, I was itchy by the old chief's documentary about raising the national flag. Yesterday, on a whim, I went to Tiananmen Square at three o'clock in the morning to watch the national flag raising ceremony. At four o'clock in the morning, an old lady in grade came. Sitting in a wheelchair, holding two national flags in her hand, her daughter pushed her. At that time, the security gate had not yet opened, and we were all waiting in line there. It was cold in the morning, and there was a cold wind, and then an armed police soldier came over , young, when he saw that old lady, he asked her daughter to push her into the security room to keep warm, and he felt unspeakably comfortable at that time."

"I cried too, and felt very wronged. About ten years ago, I returned to the army on vacation as a soldier. Because the journey was very far away, it was not much worse than taking a train, so I chose to take a plane. At the airport I met an aunt who was alone, because she carried too much luggage, and I didn’t bring much, so I helped her carry the luggage on the plane, including placing it, and then I helped her carry it when she got off the plane. Come down, and then accompany her to wait for the luggage, and help her carry it. I haven't finished writing, continue downstairs."

"In the end, I didn't feel relieved until she found her daughter who came to pick her up. My aunt asked me where I worked, and she insisted on thanking me, so I replied, 'I am a soldier, and these are what I should do.' At that time, I was extremely proud and proud. Today, I have been discharged from the army for seven years, and I still remember the past very clearly. I am currently working as a security guard in a bank. Although this profession is looked down upon by many people, I will share it in my heart Pride and pride have been lost, and I have never bent my waist to anyone. No matter how the times change, no matter how indifferent this society becomes, if something like that happens again, I will fight out. Soldiers, always be loyal!"

Wang Liang was about to cry.

Sad and bitter, isn't that true for Li Guowu, who was also a security guard and sacrificed himself to save people?
After retiring from the army, life was not as good as it should be.

Once, now, and in the future, they are silently contributing to the country.

Soldiers, always loyal.

Don't say, no one will remember, I just hope that the motherland will not forget.

Forget those ordinary but great soldiers.

What Wang Liang has to do is to help them build up their self-confidence, let them stand up and talk about what they have done, what they have experienced, and share their touch.

"Six years ago, my mother or wife took the train from Jin City to Guangdong Province with my four-year-old son. Because the ticket was gone, I only bought a station ticket. I remember very clearly that I just got on the train at that time. When we started, a young guy stood up and gave us the seat. I asked him where he was going, and he replied Nanchang. My mother didn't want to sit after hearing that. It was two in the morning and it was four in the afternoon. It took me a long time to get to Nanchang, and my mother said, "We went there too. It's too far away. We brought our own stools. You can sit down, young man. Thank you." I just remember that young man replied: "I I'm a soldier, it's okay to stand, I'm used to it, just sit with your child. "After that, he turned around and left. How can I describe my mood at that time? I was moved and wanted to cry. I have always regretted not saying thank you personally. Today, here, I just want to say to him: 'Thank you, with you, Nice to have you!'"

"I am a veteran who has been out of the army for nearly three years. Let me tell you about the feeling of wearing a military uniform. After wearing the military uniform, I have a sense of sacred mission in my heart. I must not discredit the Chinese People's Liberation Army, even if I die. Discredit! I watched the live broadcast of the old chief today. I am very happy. The comrades-in-arms are all doing well, and the fine traditions of our army have not been lost at all. It can be seen that they are all born in the [-]s, and the private soldiers may even be born in the [-]s. Good soldier! Salute!"

"Two years ago, I served as a soldier in Xinjiang Province. I once performed a stability maintenance mission and patrolled the streets. In summer, I was thirsty, so I went to a nearby store to buy a bottle of mineral water. The shopkeeper was a Uighur. The old man insisted on refusing to accept my money, saying that we were too hard and tired to patrol the streets wearing such heavy equipment in such a hot day to protect their safety, and forced it to us when we left. a big watermelon"

"Finally, when we were leaving, we secretly stuffed the money in the drawer. Regardless of whether the old man knew it or not, we still gave it. We gave 50 yuan for six bottles of mineral water and a big watermelon. Later, every time we patrolled When we passed by that store, we could always see the old man smiling and saying hello to us. Sometimes our patrol car parked nearby, and the old man would give us mineral water to drink when he saw it. Thinking about it now, I really miss it. ——The veterans of the 69365 troops passed by, and they will never regret being a soldier in this life!"

There are many stories. There are countless veterans in the Republic. Everyone has their own stories and their own emotions.

That touch should not be buried in my heart.

Share and warm others.

Soldiers, when they do things, they never ask for rewards, nor do they ask to be remembered by others, they just ask for a clear conscience.

What is lacking in this era is not perfect people, what is lacking is sincerity, justice, fearlessness and sympathy given from the bottom of my heart.

【Mountains know me and rivers know me】

【The motherland will never forget, never forget me】

【Mountains know me and rivers know me】

【The motherland will never forget, never forget me】

【Won't Forget Me】

【Won't Forget Me】

The song was over, and it was time for Wang Liang and Sun Weimin to go back to the hotel to catch up on sleep.

And while the two were sound asleep, "National Hero" started broadcasting.

Cai Bingyan, this strange name appeared in the audience's field of vision, and under the interpretation of the army's literary and art workers, it changed from strange to familiar.

Cai Bingyan: "How can a family exist if the country is not protected?"

On August 25, [-], Cai Bingyan let those Japanese devils who did not know the heights of heaven and earth know what Chinese soldiers are.

He fought and fought with the enemy, and finally fell on the way of charging. The youngest son was only one year old when he died.

Presenting the two family letters to everyone brought tears to their eyes.

"My generation has only two paths, the enemy lives, and I die! I live, and the enemy dies!!"

"The soldiers of this brigade swear to live and die with the battlefield, those who advance live, and those who retreat die."

"I don't know that the difficulty is so far, it has reached the last moment, the country will not be protected, and how can the family survive?!"

General Cai's roar was deafening.

(End of this chapter)

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