Veteran never die

Chapter 189 The Veteran Behaving Weirdly

Chapter 189 The Veteran Behaving Weirdly
0189 Veteran with strange behavior
After a moment of silence, there was warm applause in the studio hall.

This applause is more for Fu Pingshan and those veterans who fought in the southern border of the motherland in the 70s and 80s.

The wheel of history is rolling forward, but the military spirit cannot be forgotten, and they cannot be forgotten.

At that time, the Vietnamese army found two compressed biscuits from Fu Pingshan's body, and later put them in their exhibition hall.

At that time, the commander of the Vietnam Army reprimanded his subordinates at the meeting, saying: "Five of them died, but they still couldn't catch one with a broken leg."

Come to think of it, this is the highest evaluation for this deputy battalion reconnaissance staff officer.

Wang Liang, an old man who is about to turn [-] years old, where did he get so much sadness?

Probably because he knew too much.

After [-], every New Year's Day, Wang Liang couldn't help but think of Fu Pingshan. He didn't dare to forget, and he couldn't forget.

Duty, honor, country, loyalty.

In the blink of an eye, 30 years have passed, and David TV's New Year's Eve Gala is in full swing. On that day, thousands of families must be lit up.

Perhaps, among thousands of lights, few lights are lit for them who have passed away.

Wang Liang noticed that the Vietnam War veterans sitting in the front row were already crying to death, and the audience behind them were also wiping their tears.

This world should change, why?
Why is an actor in power, but a veteran is begging outside?
Today's recording is over, and the rest will be handed over to those young people to edit and deal with.

Backstage lounge, Wang Liang saw Sun Weimin, sobbing on the dressing table.

Wang Liang felt uncomfortable again for no reason.

Back then, we were not so vulnerable when we were wearing military uniforms, but now, we have become like this.

Like a bitter woman, feeling sad.

Sun Weimin participated in the Vietnam War, and Fu Pingshan was his comrade in arms.

"Okay, stop crying, kid, I'll arrange a job for you." Wang Liang said.

Sun Weimin stood up quickly and wiped away his tears. Although his eyes were still red, he was much more energetic.

"Grandpa, what's the job?"

Young people have to wake up and fight.

"Did you notice those people in the front row of the auditorium? They are all veterans who participated in the Vietnam War. The program team specially invited them to participate in the recording. Go and invite them here, just say that I want to treat them to dinner Have a meal." Wang Liang instructed.

"Okay." Sun Weimin agreed, and went to do it immediately.

A group of nine people left the Yangshi Building.

The restaurant Wang Liang has already booked, it's a good restaurant, affordable and delicious.

Veterans are not people who talk about ostentation.

Obviously, nine people cannot ride in one car.

Wang Liang can carry four people here, and Sun Weimin will take the remaining three veterans into a taxi.

"No, don't drag me, I won't go, I won't eat! Why didn't the senior chief meet me? I don't care! I don't care!" One of the veterans was a little abnormal, and kept roaring when he got into Wang Liang's car.

Comrades Wang Dong and Lin Zhuo comforted him.

Said to appease, but actually held him down.

Wang Dong: "Hey, Hong Lin, you can go."

Lin Zhuo: "Yes, the old chief specially invited you."

Huang Honglin, that is, the veteran who looked a bit abnormal, got excited, and said: "Specially invite me? Does I have such a big face? Well, since he is the one who specially invited me, what about others? Why didn't I look at others? ? This is definitely not a sincere request!"

"Hong Lin, what are you talking about? This is a good intention from the old chief," Wang Dong said.

It was already dark, and Wang Liang was wearing a hat. Several veterans didn't notice that the driver was the old chief who wanted to invite them to dinner.

Wang Liang did not interrupt the whole process, and drove quietly.

From time to time, he still observed Huang Honglin through the rearview mirror of the car.

This time, it's not just as simple as eating.

"Driver, can you hurry up, sitting there all afternoon, my back hurts, and I feel so uncomfortable. If it wasn't for Staff Officer Fu, I would have left a long time ago. Defend the motherland, defend the frontier, dedicate oneself to the party, and show military power Confidence in the national prestige, and actively prepare for the war," Huang Honglin kept muttering in his mouth, saying some irrelevant words from time to time.

"Comrade driver, I'm really sorry, my friend." Several comrades apologized subtly for Huang Honglin.

Wang Liang smiled and said: "It's nothing, they are all temperamental. I like temper, so I will speed up."

The car drove all the way and finally arrived at the hotel.

Within a few minutes, a taxi taken by Sun Weimin and the others also came.

A group of nine people entered the hotel lobby and went to the private room under the guidance of the lobby manager.

Lin Zhuo, who was traveling with him, noticed Wang Liang at this time, his expression was slightly astonished, but he didn't speak.

After entering the private room to sit down, Huang Honglin spoke again, and asked Sun Weimin, "Platoon Leader Sun, where is the old chief you're talking about? We're all here, why didn't we see him? Did he sincerely want to invite us to dinner? Don't Don’t you want to make fun of our veterans? Platoon Leader Sun, you fought in the Vietnam War, and I respect you, but those grandsons have never been to the battlefields in southern and southern Xinjiang, so I don’t accept them! It doesn’t matter how senior he is, that’s it.”

Lin Zhuo glanced at Wang Liang, and he had roughly guessed that the protagonist of today's meal was the old chief.

Lin Zhuo quickly stopped and said, "Honglin!"

Sun Weimin smiled and said, "Squad Leader Huang, isn't the old chief just sitting there? He came with you."

Everyone at the table was very surprised except for Lin Zhuo who had already seen the clue.

Unexpectedly, the driver turned out to be the chief.

"Huh? Aren't you the No. 001 commentator today? Why are you still the head? Civilian cadres? I won't eat this meal!" Huang Honglin patted the table, showing a very irritable temper.

Standing up and putting on clothes is about to leave, and a few comrades-in-arms can't hold back when they get up and go.

"You all don't fucking stop me! Back then, I rushed to the main peak alone and killed four Yue monkeys. I held the position for more than 20 hours and completed the task assigned by my superiors. First-class merit! I am a fighting hero! Don't follow me!" What kind of bullshit civilian heads sit at the same table to eat."

Huang Honglin broke free from several comrades in arms, and shouted: "The world has changed now! Anyone who sings can become a general. Don't stop me, and stop me to die for you to see."

Speaking of this, Lin Zhuo, Wang Dong, and Feng Xiong all let go of their hands, not daring to stop them.

They knew the temper of this comrade-in-arms and this brother, Huang Honglin really could do anything, he was not the kind of person who joked.

In 1999, when the Chinese embassy in Yugoslavia was bombed, he built a bunker on the top floor of his house, reinforced and thickened it, prepared tents, shovels, food and water, and prepared for battle.

In 2007, in a fit of rage, he burned down the local Civil Affairs Bureau and blew up his motorcycle.

As soon as the explosion sounded, he yelled: "Bring the gun, follow me, charge me!"

This comrade-in-arms named Huang Honglin can really do anything, including dying.

(End of this chapter)

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