Veteran never die

Chapter 183 An avalanche of sinking, endless grief.

Chapter 183 An avalanche of sinking, endless grief.

0183 An avalanche of sinking, endless grief.

Suicide note: [When the motherland is about to perish and the whole meaning of my life is destroyed, I can no longer live. My age and the life course I have gone through give me the right to die. I fought to the last breath of my life.The country is in a catastrophe, the country is divided, the economy is collapsing, the society is morally degraded, that is the truth.However, corresponding measures were not taken in time, and I think this is also obvious to you.Although everyone understands what to do, I still want to emphasize that sooner or later someone will be responsible for the division of the Soviet Union.This is not the logic of rebellion, it is the inevitable price of harshness. 】

"This is my answer. When my country is about to perish and the whole meaning of my life is destroyed, I can no longer live. My age and the journey of my life give me the right to die. I fight to the end of my life. It's over."

Wang Liang's expression was resolute, just like that of former Soviet Marshal Sergey Akhromeyev.

In those difficult war years, he struggled to survive.

However, an era of sudden chaos came, and the belief and morale of the country and the army collapsed at a rapid speed. Many people chose to remain silent, and chose to wait and see quietly.

But he can't. For a veteran who has fought his whole life for this country, what is more sad and hopeless than dedicating his life to it, but watching his faith collapse and the motherland perish?
He can only, must fight like a warrior for the faith.

Fight to the death.

What do veterans not die?

People will die eventually.

But some things live forever.

Wang Liang said: "The first note was left for his family members, which read [For me, the main duty is always a soldier and a citizen. You are in the secondary position. Today I will fulfill the first duty before you. Please go through these days bravely, support each other, and don't give the enemy a reason to gloat.]”

The night before the marshal committed suicide was spent at the home of his youngest daughter Natalia. No one knew what the veteran's mental journey was like.

Natalia recalled: "My father came home from get off work very early that day. Our family sat together to eat and bought a big watermelon. We talked for a long time at the table. My father told us that he was waiting to be arrested. In In the huge Kremlin, no one dared to take the initiative to approach him. My father also said, I understand that it will be difficult for you, and now so much sewage is pouring on our house. But I can't do it."

Before going to bed at night, the veteran also promised to take his granddaughter to the park to play on the swings tomorrow.

The veteran is still worried about who will pick up his wife at the airport tomorrow.

Before hanging himself, the veteran sitting in the Kremlin office also received a call from his daughter.

The daughter still remembers that the father's mood and voice were normal throughout the call, and he even talked about what to eat at home in the evening, broth or red cabbage soup?

How can it be?

How could you possibly imagine that?
After just a few 10 minutes, he committed suicide?

How could he be willing?
Wife, daughter, and lovely granddaughter, a happy family, how happy are you?

He has fought for this country all his life, how can he just leave?

Why did he leave?Because his country is gone, he wants to go with her.

Here, he can no longer find his soul.

When a soldier full of idealism and romanticism faced the flag with five stars, sickle and hammer, he lowered sadly.

When a huge armed force of 600 million people silently accepted the reality that the superpower Soviet Union collapsed.

For four full months, this veteran has used his life to make the final fight and struggle, but he regrets that he has tried his best but failed to wake up the army that once terrified the German army and the Japanese army. A terrified and frightened army.

No matter how many film and television works and literary works emerge one after another, no one will ever experience the psychological feelings of that veteran when he parted.

Wang Liang doesn't make many comments, but only states the facts, right and wrong, and has his own conclusions.

This is not singing a requiem for that superpower, but just letting everyone know what a veteran really means.

That unforgettable connotation.

The former Soviet Union had veterans like Akhromeyev, but China doesn't?
Yes, but you don't know it.

If Wang Liang hadn't left, sooner or later, he would know.

Wang Liang said: "The second and third notes are for Sokolov, and the content is: Please help my relatives deal with my funeral, and don't let my family live in grief. My departure will definitely catch them by surprise, but I Thinking is the best choice."

"Don Quixote" created by Cervantes vividly depicts the contradiction between ideal and reality.

The protagonist in the novel, Don Quixote, lived in an era when knights had been extinct for more than a century. Because he was addicted to knight novels, he often fantasized that he was a medieval knight, and then he proclaimed himself a guardian, and took his neighbor Sancho to be his servant. Travel the world.

Made some unbelievable behaviors that were contrary to the times, and the result was naturally bumping into walls everywhere.

Full of illusory ideals, fighting the windmill with a spear, this is Don Quixote.

The veteran who hanged himself is not like this, using the meaninglessness like Don Quixote to stop the sadness of the sinking of the motherland and the army.

Wang Liang introduced: "Sokolov is his comrade-in-arms and Marshal of the Soviet Union, but at that time Sokolov had been dismissed for many years and only served as a special adviser to the Ministry of National Defense. The content of the third note is to ask Sokolov to Husband helped to repay the 50 rubles he owed to the Kremlin canteen."

Comment area.

"At this moment, I seem to understand a little bit, and understand what the old chief wants to express."

"People with faith deserve respect."

"This is the integrity of a veteran! The integrity of a soldier!"

"Being able to sacrifice for one's own beliefs, apart from anything else, is a patriotic spirit worthy of our admiration."

"Old soldiers never die, only leave."

"Understood, when the country perishes, when the faith collapses, and you are already old and unable to change, the only way out is death."

An avalanche of sinking, endless grief.

The fourth note is the suicide note.

The final note, by itself, is the veteran's take on suicide: "I'm such a terrible expert when it comes to choosing a suicide tool. The first attempt failed and the rope broke. I'm trying to repeat myself..."

A few days after Akhromeyev's death, in the noisy and chaotic streets, only a few old men with old medals on their chests held a funeral for the suicide "Marshal Sergey Akhromeyev" .

Before closing the coffin, the marshal's wife kissed her husband's cold forehead for the last time, and said sadly: "He has participated in the battle against the German Communist Party since the beginning, but now our country has been captured by the democrats from within. .”

1991 12 Month 25 Day.

Four months after the veteran died.

The weather that day was not considered cold, and it was far worse than the icy and snowy climate when the veterans fought bloody battles in Leningrad.

On that day, the sickle and ax flag was discarded like waste paper.

When the magnificent bell of St. Basil's Cathedral rang again, Feiyang's soul took a last look at the country in the reverberating bell.

A country that once defeated Japan and created countless human brilliance has since perished.

Xun Xun Xun Mi, indifferently deserted, miserable.

Desolate, sad.

But one thing is gratifying, this country has at least one loyal veteran who died for her.

Even though the veteran's grave at Moscow's Troekurov cemetery was vandalized just days after he was buried
After finishing speaking, finally finished speaking, Wang Liang took a long breath and said: "Just like his long-term opponent, an American general commented and was written on the veteran's tombstone: "A real Communist Party is buried here." Communist, Patriot, Warrior, Marshal of the Soviet Union. 'Old soldiers don't die, really don't die."


PS: This chapter is very difficult, there are too many things to express, Wenqing disease is also committed, the effect of expression is not satisfactory, I hope there will be resonance.

The sinking of the country and the army in an avalanche has left the veterans with endless grief.

(End of this chapter)

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