Veteran never die

Chapter 177 The Spirit of Xisha

Chapter 177 The Spirit of Xisha
0177 Spirit of Xisha
You always say that our army endures the provocations of the enemy, and then question the combat effectiveness of the army.

But ever knew them?
Those eighteen naval soldiers who died in the Xisha Naval Battle and were buried in the Martyrs Cemetery on Xisha Chen Hang Island?
War always kills people.

They sacrificed, sacrificed heroically.

Who remembers them now?
"Shi Zuo, the deputy pilot of the 389 ship, a boy from Hunan Province, born in 54, joined the army in 73, fought bravely in the Xisha naval battle, died with honor, and was 20 years old at the time. Second-class hero of the Republic, revolutionary martyr." Wang Liang Remember, every martyr's name is clearly remembered.

"After Shizuo died, his adopted son was brought up by his mother. The old mother is 80 years old and is still alive today."

That year, the mother who learned of her son's sacrifice wiped her tears and said: "He just joined the army not long ago, and he was about to go to sea to perform a mission. He was very seasick. I was very worried when he came back and told me about these things. He said that my mother You don't have to worry, I just need to lie down on the bed, and it will be much better. I never dreamed that my son died within a year after going out, and he hasn't turned 20 yet!"

Wang Liang tried his best to restrain his tears, and he couldn't bear some words.

"The reason why Shi Zuo joined the army was that his family was too poor to eat. Serving as a soldier is the best way out."

"He joined the army with this motivation, but the melting pot of the army changed his original thoughts. In the Xisha naval battle, the deputy pilot proved his absolute loyalty to the country with his life."

Wang Liang continued: "The sacrifices were all soldiers? In fact, they were not. Feng Songbai, political commissar of the 274 submarine hunter, joined the Chinese People's Liberation Army in 1955 and joined the Communist Party of China in 1959. He was 39 years old when he died."

"The political commissar of the ship did not have a military rank at that time, and was a regiment-level cadre."

"During the fierce battle with the enemy, Feng Songbai was shot in the head, the back of his head was sliced ​​off by shrapnel, and the blood flow continued. He kept fighting while dressing the wound himself, and finally fell down on his own battle position due to excessive blood loss."

Tears could not be controlled, aggrieved, uncomfortable.

The back of the head was sliced ​​off by shrapnel. What kind of picture is that?
Some people will never experience it in their lifetime.

What was Commissar Feng thinking at that moment.

With nearly 20 years of military service, he must know that he is going to sacrifice, and he must miss his family.

But he did not forget, endured the severe pain, and stuck to his battle position until he fell down and sacrificed.

Where is his battle position?

Always on the deck of the 274 boat at the forefront.

No matter how much Wang Liang said, he said it out, and said it happily.

"Political Commissar Feng has two daughters and a son, and his wife works as a kindergarten teacher at the naval base. The New Year's Day in 1974 just passed, and he and his wife made an appointment to go back to their hometown to celebrate the New Year together. But, he didn't come back! He didn't come back!"

"The organization found his widow and asked what she needed, but his wife didn't ask for anything. Later, many people wanted to help her find another one, but they were all rejected by the martyr's wife."

"She used her salary to raise her children and support the elders of the two families. Naturally, she lived a poor life. In [-], this strong military wife was awarded the title of "Excellent Hero Model Family" by the All-China Women's Federation."

Are these all made up?

It's all true, it happened just 44 years ago.

Now, in ordinary days, who would remember them?
Perhaps, only the family members of the martyrs think every year, every month and every day: "If he returns triumphantly and the family is reunited together, how wonderful and happy the life will be."

But they didn't come back, and outsiders will never experience the pain of their family members.

It is impossible to resurrect a person after death.

Gone, just gone, never coming back.

Think about it, in front of the widows of these martyrs, say: "The Chinese navy is not good, its combat effectiveness is not good. The only aircraft carrier is..."

How chilling they should be when they say this.

Their husbands and fathers died on the sea of ​​the motherland. They are the glorious navy and the navy of the Republic. Please treat them kindly.

"There is also Zhou Xitong, the deputy captain of the 274 submarine hunter, a native of Guangdong Province, born in 40 years, joined the army in 60 years, died in 74 years, at the age of 34, the second-class hero of the Republic. 34 years old, young life, great future, He also has a wife and children."

"During the battle, Deputy Captain Zhou stood on the ladder of the helm room behind the captain, concentrating on conveying orders. A 40mm artillery shell from the enemy ship hit him in the left front chest, pierced the heart and came out from the back chest, and the blood was shot from the back chest. The hole sprayed out more than five meters away, a heroic sacrifice."

How far is five meters?

If you remember, he will have no regrets.

Here is the weight of the uniform.

"Wang Zaixiong, who was 23 years old at the time, was a soldier in the 389 cabin section."

"Because of its largest size, the 389 ship became the enemy's key target. Not long after the naval battle started, the whole ship was shot in many places."

"Fierce sea water poured in from the aft quarters. Wang Zaixiong, a cabin soldier who was seriously injured, rushed through the fireworks and quickly came to the aft quarters to plug the leak. Because the warship was moving at high speed, the bullet hole was flooded with water. It couldn’t be blocked, the thick gunpowder smoke choked it out, and finally died on the plugging post.”

"A first-class hero of the Republic."

"Wang Zaixiong has a good voice, sings well, and often sings to his comrades in arms. After the war, the severely damaged 389 ship was towed back. In order to avoid sinking, it ran aground on an island. Later, it was towed back to Guangzhou. After repairing Return to service. But Wang Zaixiong's singing is no longer heard on the 389 ship."

Yang Songlin, the squad leader of the mine-sweeping electrician squad on the 389 ship, braved the hail of bullets during the battle to deliver shells to the comrades on the deck.

The enemy's firepower was very fierce, and a shell directly hit Yang Songlin on the deck, and his body was blown to pieces.

"There are martyr Yang Songlin's intestines and meat everywhere. After the battle, the comrades only found his upper body, and the rest was left forever in the Xisha sea area."

"A first-class hero of the Republic, at the age of 25."

"In the information age, technology is so advanced that it's not difficult to find photos of martyrs on the Internet. They all have young but handsome faces. If they don't lose, how come no one regards them as idols? Why no one likes them What about them? Are they not doing well enough?" Wang Liang said to himself, chanting, chanting.

Perhaps, this can pierce the hearts of netizens.

Wang Liang just wanted to make these martyrs who gave their young lives for the Republic known to the public.

It can't compare to those popular stars, the old man thought about it, smiled, and smiled.

good, very good!
"The 389 ship chose to rush to the beach because of the serious damage, and moved to the shore. Seeing the 389 ship burning raging fire and exploding one after another, the comrades rushed in again."

"They don't worry about their comrades who died, and they want to find their remains."

"At great risk, they went back. They found the upper body of Martyr Yang Songlin, the middle part of the body of Martyr Zhou Youfang, and the thighs and feet of several soldiers."

Brothers who have been together day and night, now, only the incomplete limbs are left.

Cry, cry heartbreakingly.

It took two full days before the fire on ship 389 was completely extinguished, but the temperature on board was still very high.

"Cool down the temperature by sprinkling water, suppress tears, and continue to search for the remains of comrades in arms."

They were all burnt into coke, and half a basket was filled.

"This is the war you are thinking about, and this is the Chinese navy."

(End of this chapter)

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