Chapter 165

0164 General's tears

"Someone once asked me, where do heroes come from without fighting? I want to ask, is Li Xiangqun a hero? Huh?"

Wang Liang raised his voice unconsciously.

The last 'huh? ', as if yelling out the anger in my heart.

Times are developing, society is progressing, and people are gradually living a better life.

Some people are beginning to forget their roots.

The heroes who originally went to study and sing were questioned.

Over the years, it's really not uncommon.

Wang Liang really saw too much, and he couldn't laugh it off like ordinary people, because those who were questioned and discredited were his comrades in arms.

Yes, fought side by side.

Some have never met before, but they are comrades-in-arms, even brothers.

Looking at the old accounts of history now, Wang Liang doesn't want to complain, but just wants people to remember them.

Those who gave their young and precious lives for the future of the Republic.

No one wants to die, soldiers are only willing to die for you.

Do not give soldiers dignity, but make them die when fighting.

In terms of emotion and reason, it doesn't make sense.

If one day war comes.
"The majestic rise of the Three Gorges Project on the Yangtze River means that the fierce floods like those in [-] will never come again. The great river goes east, and the waves wash away."

"But the spirit of fighting against floods in [-] must be kept in mind! In the face of the catastrophic flood of the Yangtze River that has not happened in a century, the Chinese nation is united and united. , has accumulated in our blood vessels, in our character, and will live forever!"

This is Wang Liang's warning to the younger generation as a senior.

In the exhibition hall, there are many people.

Listening to the old song "For Whom", I followed Wang Liang's thoughts and flew to [-].

The visitors seemed to be beside Li Xiangqun, witnessing the birth of a hero.

Many people could not hold back tears.


Nearly 20 years have passed in a flash.

Those children who were rescued from the mouth of the flood by PLA soldiers, should they grow up?
Many of the soldiers of the People's Liberation Army who participated in the flood fighting back then have disarmed and returned to the fields, right?

Thinking about these, I can't help but feel sad and feel a dull pain in my heart.

Seeing that there were more and more people in the [-] Flood Fighting Exhibition Hall, and many reporters came to videotape, Wang Liang thought about it and decided to continue.

"I said that there are two people to talk about. Comrade Li Xiangqun is one of them, and there is another one. Today, here, I want to talk about him because the old man passed away on February 2 this year."

With the help of Wang Shuo and Lin Jia, Wang Liang put on a loudspeaker, so that visitors who are farther away can hear clearly.

"General Dong Wanrui!"

"It's General Dong! The general who fought against floods back then!"

As soon as Wang Liang completed the introduction, many visitors named Dong Wanrui, another anti-flood hero.

"Yes, he is my old colleague and comrade-in-arms, General Dong Wanrui, who served as the commander-in-chief of the Nanshi Military Region's Jiujiang flood-fighting frontline during the Yangtze River flood in [-]." Wang Liangliang nodded. Many people knew General Dong.

"In [-], General Dong was promoted from major general to lieutenant general. In [-], he ushered in his own title examination. History has proved that in this examination, he handed over a Satisfactory answer."

Through the multimedia touch all-in-one machine, Wang Liang found such a photo - "The General's Tears"

At that time, the monstrous flood had receded.

On the platform to bid farewell to the flood fighters, the military column was about to set off. A dark-faced general stared at the car window and looked at the soldiers who had not been washed from the mud. He could not help but burst into tears.

"In the eyes of most people, this is an ordinary photo of a general sending off soldiers with tears. In fact, this photo contains a lot of information." Wang Liang's words have no deep meaning.

Just as the crowd whispered.

Just when netizens were swiping their screens in the comment area.

Wang Liang spoke again: "I know what General Dong was thinking at that time."

"He was thinking, the officers and soldiers put their lives at risk, jumped into the torrential flood, carried sandbags on their shoulders until their shoulders were peeled off, their skin was ripped apart, their flesh was bruised and bloody, they could only use the sky as their bed and the earth as their bed, they could only quench their thirst with mineral water and satisfy their hunger with instant noodles. Why? ? Why can't you wash off the mud and treat every wound on your body?"

"He was wondering why he couldn't give every soldier a hug. Yes, every soldier smelled of sweat. But General Dong was no exception. He even thought it was the best smell in the world, belonging to Glory to every soldier."

"He was thinking, why, why do these young kids have to come out in the heat of summer and suffer like this, and suffer like this? Why can't they hide in a cool room like everyone else, blowing a fan, eating watermelon .”

"He was thinking, today, the officers and soldiers are going back to the army and the old army. Why, why can't we see so many faces? Where is Gao Jiancheng, the instructor of the 225th Battalion of the Air Force Artillery Regiment stationed in Han? Soldiers Tian Hua, Zhu Rentang , Yi Zhiyong, Huang Xiaosheng, and the others? Yang Dewen and Ye Hualin from the Provincial Military Region's Boat Bridge Brigade? Where's Li Xiangqun from Gui 75121 Unit?"

"Are they deserting? Where are the pickets? Bring them back! They must be 'punished' properly! Why are they deserting?! Who allowed them to desert?!"

Speaking of this, Wang Liang couldn't help wiping away his tears.

It's love, it's hate.

Hate and love.

A disaster re-acquainted these soldiers.

However, the price is too heavy.

The face that never expressed joy or anger, at the moment when the train whistle was shining, tears were shining.

Behind the general, there are people who spontaneously came to see him off, the local garrison, and local officials.

The general didn't want to look back, and he didn't want to pay attention to some people.

The officers and soldiers were unkempt, dark-skinned, emaciated, and ragged.
Some people have shiny leather shoes, shirts as white as snow, and big round bellies
Bad guys can't escape the law.

God does not hide rape.

"If you ask me what impression I have of General Dong, I can only say that he is a 'lunatic'."

"During the breach blocking campaign, he went to the front line himself, didn't sleep for five days, and didn't eat for three days and nights. He was 58 years old at the time, and he was no longer a strong boy. He still fought like that, not a 'crazy' ?” Wang Liang asked back.

Continue to search, and found another photo.

It's a photo of General Dong and a second lieutenant.

"Brother Dahu, a father and son soldier in battle, the second lieutenant is none other than General Dong's son, a platoon leader of the Red Sharp Knife Company." Wang Liang introduced.

"The lieutenant general's father, the second lieutenant's son, today, it's easy for people to connect with bad places. I think many people have some ideas in their minds subconsciously?"

(End of this chapter)

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