Veteran never die

Chapter 155 Interrogation Report of the United Nations Army

Chapter 155 Interrogation Report of the United Nations Army

0154 UN Army interrogation report

Seeing that Wang Shuo was going to give a speech, the 'rivals' in the comment area put forward their opinions.

"If you want to be the boyfriend of a goddess, pass our test first, brothers, come up with the questions quickly, and you must stump him!"

"Let this kid talk about something difficult!"

"We must be made to cry!"

"You can't follow the scriptures, you have to be careful, tell the story with your heart and emotion, tell the connotation and tell the spirit. Let us audiences come with a heart of admiration for Chicheng, and leave with an excited heart. Let us focus , let us applaud involuntarily and nod affirmatively. Let the teenagers in the new era consciously salute to the military uniform, let the soldiers smile proudly when they see the strength of the army, and omit a thousand words in the end.”

"Just obey the old man above."

"It feels a little too much, this request is too difficult for the little brother of the People's Liberation Army, right?"

"666, it depends on the warrant officer's performance."

Wang Liang hugged his arms, in short he has confidence in his grandson.

Lin Jia also looked at Wang Shuo expectantly. Soldiers always face difficulties. She was looking forward to a unique commentary from the subject.

"Okay, then today I will tell you about a battle in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea." Wang Shuo began his narration.

The most famous battle that took place in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea was the Battle of Shangganling.

There is no military academy in the world that does not include this battle as a case in its textbooks.

The battle was tragic and tragic.

There are many little known facts and figures that have been kept secret for almost half a century.

On October [-], [-], the Battle of Shangganling, the most famous battle to resist US aggression and aid Korea, started.

Wang Shuo's explanation is not empty, there are photos and cultural relics.

An oil painting called "Shangganling on the Heroes' Field" created by Fan Dikuan brought everyone into that period of history.

In the middle of this oil painting, after the machine gun fortification of the 135st Company of the 1th Volunteer Regiment was destroyed by the enemy, Chen Zhiguo, a soldier of the 8th Squad, grabbed the machine gun tripod, carried it on his shoulders, and used his body as a support to let the deputy company commander shoot. A large number of enemies rushed to the position, and then Chen Zhiguo died gloriously. The left leg of Xue Zhigao, the deputy squad leader of the 5th company, was blown off, and the soldier Wang Heliang was blinded by the blast.

Shocking, weeping ghosts and gods.

Before the start of this battle, both sides thought it was just a small-scale offensive and defensive battle, with the volunteers as the defender and the US military as the attacker.

The U.S. military believes that the Volunteer Army has more and more clearly grasped the initiative in ground operations. The commander of the United Nations Army stationed in South Korea and the famous mountain warfare expert of the U.S. Army, Van Fleet, wrote to his superior, the then commander of the U.S. Army in the Far East, Clarke a letter.

In the letter, Van Fleet suggested to his superiors: "In order to reverse the situation, we must first take small-scale offensive actions to put the enemy in a passive defensive position. At present, we are all taking defensive actions to deal with the enemy's offensive, causing us suffered heavy casualties in all fighting since October and November 1951."

Van Fleet suggested adopting the 9th Army's plan code-named "Operation Showdown".

What is Showdown Action?

In order to regain the initiative on the ground and return the Volunteer Army to a passive defensive position, two battalions of the 7th Division of the United States and the 2nd Division of the Korean Army were sent to capture part of the positions controlled by the Volunteer Army without paying huge sacrifices.

Van Fleet estimated that the operation would take six days and that at most 280 soldiers would be sacrificed.With the support of 200 cannons from [-] artillery battalions and more than [-] sorties of fighters and bombers, the infantry will not encounter too many obstacles.

In this way, the boss Clutter approved the operation.

But what he didn't expect was that what he thought was just a small-scale offensive and defensive battle turned into a human battle, which lasted 43 days and caused 600 casualties on both sides.

Wang Liang, who participated in the battle, added for his grandson: "In fact, Van Fleet's estimate is accurate. Although the strategic position of Shangganling is very important, the terrain is very narrow. There are only two highlands at 597.9 and 537.7. The defenders have the most Only two companies can be placed on it. Therefore, the 200 casualties planned by the US is reasonable."

"But both sides made a lot of mistakes before the battle, because in the first few days of the battle, traitors appeared on both sides and leaked military information to the other side. It is a pity that the commanders of both sides did not attract enough attention. Otherwise, the situation of the entire Korean War may also change." After his grandfather's suggestion, Wang Shuo had a new idea.

Having said that, netizens immediately became interested. There are also traitors who defected to the enemy on the volunteer army side?
Some unbelievable.

But history is like this, whether you believe it or not, it just happened and became an established fact.

Before the start of the battle, there were dozens of defectors from the Volunteer Army, and the leader was Yan Zhongjiao, a commando cadre from the 38th Regiment of the 340th Army.

Gu Zhongjiao revealed to the enemy that Shangganling had been replaced by the newly arrived 15th Division of the 44th Army with all Soviet-style equipment.

Having said that, Wang Shuo took out a document.

[Report on the interrogation of Jiao Gu by the United Nations Army]

500th Military Intelligence Service Group

Interrogation Report KT No. 3831

战地报告 523 MISCI-0443,第10军,1952年10月6日

Edited remake of the 500th Military Intelligence Service Group, October 1952, 10

Name of prisoner of war: Jiao in the valley
Alias: Gu Yonglian
POW number: 25
Rank: Deputy Platoon Officer

Position: Cultural Teacher


Location of capture: CT403397
Assessment: Prisoner of war is a deserter, physically fit, alert, and cooperative during interrogation.He seemed intelligent, observant, and sincere.Information provided should be reliable.It is recommended that the psychological warfare department and the commander conduct further interrogation.

Personal experience: Joined the army in June 1949
Troop organization and strength:
38th Army: 112th, 113th, 114th divisions, and an artillery division with an unknown number.

114th Division: 340th, 341st, 342nd regiments, and an unknown artillery regiment.


Equipment; 7.62mm carbine, M1938, PPS-1943, 60mm mortar, 90mm rocket launcher, Japanese-made Type 92 7.7mm heavy machine gun, 57mm rearless gun. On September 9, the 25th company received 7 A long de-tona-tor bag, each soldier is issued 60 additional grenades in addition to the original 4.Most weapons are supplied with two bases of ammo.

Communications: Each infantry company has a field telephone to battalion headquarters.The company at the front is issued with two field radios, one at the company headquarters and the other at the front platoon.

Code word: 340th Company, 3rd Battalion, 7th Regiment—Huanghe No. 7

death - honor


A combat area—a factory

The 7th Company used red, white, blue, and yellow fireworks as communication signals with the reconnaissance team, and the signals were different from day to day or each operation.Whistles are used for communication within the company, and trumpets are used between companies.

All in all, the U.S. military quickly obtained the intelligence they wanted, which was very specific and comprehensive.

But the ridiculous Van Fleet did not accept the intelligence.


ps: War is like this, cruel.Some people would rather die standing than live on their knees, while others prefer to live on their knees.In this regard, not much to do evaluation.Because we have not been to that era and have not experienced it personally, we are not qualified to comment on it.

For the martyrs, we respect and admire, and that is enough.

We don't know what value choices and value judgments we would make if we traveled to that era and that situation.

(End of this chapter)

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