Veteran never die

Chapter 129 The Choice of 1995

Chapter 129 The Choice in [-]
0128 Choice of [-]
Deep in the mountains of Ning Province late at night, the temperature was minus [-] degrees.

It was cold to the bone, and that's it, the special forces members fell asleep with exhaustion.

At some point, they had to get up and continue fighting.

Only half an hour passed.

Fierce gunshots rang out.

The 'terrorists' went crazy, and they took advantage of the night to launch a surprise attack on the army camp.

The special forces members are not soft persimmons, they quickly organized defense, and then turned to attack.

During the fierce battle, the 'terrorists' who came to sneak attack saw that they had suffered heavy losses, and immediately turned around and fled towards the valley.

The joint command group quickly issued an order, and adopted the tactics of tail pursuit and air landing roundabout ambush to intercept the 'terrorists' group in the encirclement.

"The mobile phone signal of the 'terrorist' has been detected in the valley on the north side, and the location of its lair has been confirmed! Attack!"

After the reconnaissance found out the situation, the battle started again.

"Don't force me! Let us go! The hostage is in my hands, and I will tear up my ticket if I go any further!"

"You let us go, I don't want to die!"

The 'terrorists' discovered that the special operations team members were organizing an attack, threatened them with hostages, and continued to resist relying on favorable terrain for their own side.

The command group quickly made a decision, and on the basis of attracting the attention of the 'terrorists' head-on, sent several groups of special operations teams to covertly approach from multiple directions, and then launched an attack at the same time.

Bang bang bang, bang bang—

The teams were in place, found the fighter plane, and opened fire immediately.

The 'terrorists' were caught off guard, and the hostages were rescued immediately. Seeing that the situation was over, the leader hurriedly fled with a few cronies.

Can they run?

The helicopter is equipped with a team of special forces for rapid maneuvering to overtake and intercept the fleeing enemy.

The rest of the special forces soldiers were divided into two groups, and pursued them in a flanking manner.

Just 10 to [-] minutes later, the good news of the complete annihilation of the remaining enemies came from the walkie-talkie, and the battle against terrorism in the mountains was finally won.

This is a happy thing, a complete victory!

But the soldiers were not happy, and some veterans and cadres even quietly wiped away their tears.

"Huang Guotao, deputy commander of a special warfare brigade of the Ning Provincial Corps of the Chinese Armed Forces, suffered a car accident during the exercise and unfortunately died."

Comment area.

"Huang Guotao? Is that the colonel who showed his face before?"

"Sacrificed? How is this possible? It's a lie. Not long ago, I greeted the old chief. What about returning in triumph?"

"This must be fake! Deputy Brigadier Huang was killed during the exercise, right? Don't be so fucking nonsense, he is my old company commander!"

Netizens don't want to believe it.

Huang Guotao, with a height of 1.8 meters four, a burly figure and a voice like a bell, just left.

Wang Liang couldn't say a word for a long time, he just felt colic in his heart.

Although he didn't get along with Huang Guotao for a long time, he knew this officer very well.

"He was the guide when he came. It was he who brought the officers and soldiers from the barracks to the deep mountains and old forests in the vast Gobi. Stay on the Gobi? Guotao, tell me why?!" Wang Liang said to himself.

The troops were about to evacuate, and there were tears of sorrow in the eyes of the comrades-in-arms.

The convoy gradually drove out of the Gobi and left the depths of the mountains. The officers and soldiers looked back frequently, wanting to bring the deputy brigade commander home.

Yes, he is a chief.

Colonel Deputy Brigadier.

But the soldiers all admired him and admired him from the bottom of their hearts.

For them, Huang Guotao is not only the chief, but also their elder brother, taking care of their elder brother meticulously.

"Guo Tao's parents are both policemen. He has been loyal, faithful and righteous since elementary school. In such a family, defending the family, defending the country, and eradicating violence and peace are all deeply rooted in his bones. Serving the country in the army The ideal took root and sprouted in his heart when he was very young."

Wang Liang sat in the rear compartment of the Dongfeng personnel carrier, with only Sun Weimin beside him, talking to himself, it sounded like he was talking about Huang Guotao in his eyes.

Netizens quieted down, and the comment area stopped.

They were all listening quietly, wanting to hear the story of the deputy brigade commander.

You always talk about how well officers are treated and how powerful they are. Do you ever know what they paid and what they took.

I have heard the story of the grassroots officer, now let’s listen to the story of the deputy brigade commander.

"In 390, on the [-]th anniversary of the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, the Central Military Commission issued an order to award ten veterans of the Beijing Military Region and Jishi Military Region with the Red Star Medal of Merit or the Medal of Merit for Independence. So far, the entire army has participated Fifty-seven thousand, three hundred and ninety four veterans of the Red Army and the Old Eight Route Army in the War of Resistance Against Japan have been awarded this kind of meritorious honor medal."

"In [-], the Fifth Plenary Session of the Fourteenth Central Committee was held in Beijing. It emphasized the need to correctly handle several major relationships in the socialist modernization drive - the relationship between national defense construction and economic construction. The only Central Committee member in the history of the Chinese People's Liberation Army Add General Zhang Wannian, Chief of Staff, as Vice Chairman of the Central Military Commission."

"In [-], two-way selection was implemented for university graduates, and the Beijing-Kowloon Railway was fully opened."

"In [-], Guotao finished the college entrance examination, and his first choice to fill in the report was the military academy. He was finally admitted to the Armed Police Academy. After entering the military academy, he studied hard and trained hard. He always walked in a hurry in the dormitory, cafeteria, and classrooms alone. On the line at three o'clock."

"Four years later, Guo Tao graduated as an outstanding student. He gave up the opportunity to stay in school as a teacher, but became a platoon leader and left the company. It was a critical juncture for the army to conduct martial arts competitions. His mother suffered a cerebral hemorrhage and was hospitalized. , He heard from my younger brother that his father’s hair turned gray overnight, and he even had the idea of ​​switching jobs and going home to take care of his parents.”

"The father, who is a people's policeman, wrote a letter after learning about the elder son's thoughts, which completely changed his mind."

[The party has trained our family, you have to do something in the army.My mother is taking care of me at home, don't be distracted]

Are you singing loudly?
Feel funny?
Do you feel disdainful?

I can only say that this was an ordinary family letter at that time, a letter from a military and police family, a letter full of patriotism.

This is the expectation and admonition of a party member's father to his son.

A piece of sincerity.

After Huang Guotao received the letter, he gave up those previous thoughts.

Since then, he has learned to focus on nothing else, get used to bearing pressure, challenges and all kinds of trials.

He is fearless, and stubbornly polishes himself little by little, making himself more tenacious, more determined, and stronger.

Determined to stay in the army down-to-earth and continue to work, his ambition to commit to the military camp became more determined. In the final competition assessment, he won No.1.

When he was the company commander, Huang Guotao often said this sentence: "If you can't do it yourself in training, the officers and soldiers will not be convinced."

(End of this chapter)

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