Veteran never die

Chapter 123 Veterans Don't Die

Chapter 123 Veterans Don't Die
0122 Veterans Don't Die
[PS: "Katyusha", the Russian version of this song sounds more emotional. 】

"Katyusha stood on the steep bank, singing like a bright spring."

"Katyusha", the song that set off a patriotic upsurge in the Union of Soviet Republics.

It is difficult for people who have not experienced the war years to appreciate her taste.

The reason why this love song can be circulated in the war is because the singing blends the beautiful music with the just war, and the singing closely connects the girl's love with the soldiers' heroic devotion to the country.

The singing full of girlish innocence made those soldiers holding cold rifles and lying in the cold trenches feel the tenderness and comfort of love and love in their hearts in the unbearable gunpowder smoke and loneliness.

Veterans of the Great Patriotic War in Red Square.

They had witnessed the rise of the Soviet Union, and finally watched it go to ruin.

At that time, they were thankful for those comrades who died, and glad that they did not see the picture of the Soviet flag falling from the Kremlin.

The veteran is grateful in his heart, to those comrades who protected him through the tragic war, and to the motherland he swore to defend to the death.

But now, neither the comrades-in-arms nor the motherland no longer exists.

That kind of sadness is beyond the comprehension of outsiders.

The Soviet veterans who were down and out in their later years, just like Russia now, once a huge empire ended overnight like that.

But these veterans, forever.

Seeing people thinking about the past, sadness filled my heart.

After a long time, Wang Liang came back to his senses and asked Rechagov, "Old Lei, did you come to China with the National Guards participating in the joint exercise?"

"Yes, I was supposed to arrive with the National Guard, but there were some minor accidents on the way, and an accompanying veteran died... I was delayed on the road for two days and arrived today."

Mentioning this, Rechagov's expression became visibly gloomy, and it could be seen that he was very sad.


"Yes, they are like me. Some of them fought against the Japanese in this land. They all want to come back and see."

"Well, well, China welcomes you! The Chinese people welcome you!"

Speaking of this, Wang Liang knew that he might not be able to rest again, and he was going to meet those veterans.

Helped Chinese veterans.

Wang Liang did not forget to introduce to netizens: "Friends, you can imagine such a picture. A veteran with medals on his chest is sitting alone on an empty bench, as if waiting for his comrades. arrival."

"This is one of the most sad and emotional scenes on the Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War in Russia over the years."

"Since the victory of the World Anti-Japanese War 72 years ago, the veterans who have made great contributions and sacrifices in this war have long passed away in their youth, and have passed away one after another. But their spirit has been passed down from generation to generation and will never die."

Wang Liang asked: "Today, they are here. We invite these distinguished guests to share those war years with us, shall we?"

Wang Liang didn't know what impression they had of the Soviet Union.

For many people, the time is too long and too strange for many people.

There may be love, or hate.

Help us, or hurt us.

Wang Liang didn't want to talk about politics, so he talked about anti-government and World War II.

Both are veterans in their 90s and cherish each other.

Comment area.

"it is good!"

"No problem, but old chief, can your body handle it?"

"Yeah, we are most worried about your body now! We had a busy day yesterday and didn't take much rest, and today we are still here"

Wang Liang was very moved by the concern of netizens.

"My friends, please rest assured. Of course I know my body well. Compared with the difficult years of war, this is really nothing. I can continue to fight."

Wang Liangyun's calm words deeply touched the hearts of netizens.

They can't help but reflect, modern conditions are getting better and better, why is the spirit of bearing hardships fading away?

Compared with those predecessors, I am really far behind.

Quantitative changes are happening little by little.

In the end, what will be caused is bound to be a qualitative change.

Following Rechagov to the barracks where the veteran stayed, after a brief exchange of greetings, the unique story sharing began.

"Hi everyone! I am a veteran of the Pacific Fleet!" a veteran introduced himself.

"Many years ago, I came to China and fought against the Japanese!"

The name of the veteran is Anatoly Alexievich Kodin, an engineer in the former Soviet army, and he is 93 years old this year.

In [-], Kodin entered a military school in Leningrad. After graduation, he became a corporal and stayed on as a teacher.

During the teaching period, he applied again and again to go to the front line to fight.

Finally, on promotion to second lieutenant, Koggin was approved to join the [-]st Baltic Front.

The young Kojin served as the platoon leader of the independent vanguard platoon of the engineering battalion in the army. In addition to manufacturing various weapon parts, he was also responsible for removing roadblocks and landmines for the army on the way to march, and clearing the enemy's firepower.

In [-], during the Battle of Konigsberg, Koggin's formation had built a command post and lookout post for General Baghramyan, the general of the [-]st Baltic Front.

In this battle, the First Front Army on the Baltic Sea cooperated with the Third Front Army of Belarus to annihilate the German Tilsit Group.

With tears in his eyes, Kojin recalled: “I still remember one time when we were performing a mission, we stepped on an anti-personnel mine. It exploded, and my comrade covered the mine with his body, saving us all."

After the end of the battle against the German army, Kodin's troops were incorporated into the Transbaikal Front Army and marched to the Chinese battlefield.

Initially, Kojin's troops were stationed in a remote mountain village on the Sino-Russian border, and their mission was to destroy the Hailaer Fortress built by the Japanese Kwantung Army on the northeast border of China.

"As engineers, our task is to open up passages for the charging infantry in the shortest possible time. Amidst the hail of bullets, we pushed hard through the anti-tank minefields laid by the Japanese, and finally succeeded in opening two passages, and two They can reach the Japanese trenches directly." Kojin said proudly.

Perhaps the netizens on the other end can hardly understand how thrilling and exciting it was at that time from Kojin's understated description, but one thing is clear.

That is, Kojin fought on the battlefield. In that era, he was not cowardly, but took up arms to fight.

(End of this chapter)

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