Veteran never die

Chapter 121 Amulet: Bold and Meticulous

Chapter 121 Amulet: Bold and Meticulous
0120 Amulet: Bold and careful, no luck

If you have no skills, how can the soldiers serve you and how to carry out their work?
Zeng Jianlin described his profession in this way: "If EOD is dancing on the tip of a knife, then our EOD soldiers are death squads."

In August [-], during the live ammunition shooting of [-] rockets organized by the Qingtongxia Artillery Company, Zeng Jianlin led the company to eliminate dud bombs and undertook the search and platoon work.

Due to the extremely soft soil in the area where the bombs fell, some duds were deeply smashed into the soil, and some were exposed on the ground.

In the view of Zeng Jianlin, who has rich experience in demining, the difficulty of this task is very great.

Because the temper of the dud is difficult to figure out, sometimes it will explode when touched.

Thrilling in just a few seconds.

In the process of removing the dud bombs, one of the dud bombs was covered by camel thorns. Zeng Jianlin took out an engineering shovel, carefully removed the surrounding gravel and weeds, and then slowly peeled away the camel thorns with his hands. Then, an accident happened.

The firing fuze of the dud bomb popped out instantly due to unexpected force!

"Seeing the smoke from the dud bomb, my head exploded with a buzzing sound. I felt that I was really going to be honored this time. My mind was blank, only the sound of my heartbeat and breathing remained." Zeng Jianlin I still remember the scene and my mental activity state at that time.

"At that time, the only thought in my mind was that this dud bomb was about to explode, and the company commander must have no bones left. At that moment, I felt that my heart stopped and I couldn't breathe." This is the officers and soldiers present. Inner monologue.

Engineers who can perform tasks have undergone rigorous training.

Technical training is important, but psychological quality also has extremely high requirements.

It can make the soldiers nervous to such an extent, which shows how critical the situation was at that time.

Fortunately, after a few seconds, the shell did not explode.

Not dead, still alive.

"Huh—" Zeng Jianlin took a long breath, sat on the ground and rested for a minute, adjusting his breathing.

After experiencing such a thing, most people will definitely feel lingering fear and retreat.

But Zeng Jianlin didn't. He had to be worthy of the military rank he was wearing and the military uniform he was wearing.

What is a PLA officer?
Fight the battle and rush to the forefront, leaving the danger to yourself.

Zeng Jianlin continued to work, lying on the ground with his whole body, using a bamboo stick to remove the soil covered on the projectile body bit by bit.

Carefully and repeatedly checked the bomb markings, projectile structure, fuze device, filling, etc., and finally determined a safe and feasible destruction method.

With a loud bang, the dud was finally detonated safely.

In May of [-], in order to prepare for the upcoming course demonstration, Zeng Jianlin decided to take a risk.

Reduce the length of the fuse from fifteen centimeters to thirteen centimeters, and then carry out the detonation test.

You know, every millimeter of fuse reduction means that the danger has increased by one point.

Zeng Jianlin was the leader of the demonstration mission of the "Operation of Opening the Path" live explosive operation.

He made a request that real obstacles and real goals should be carried out in accordance with actual combat.

Real obstacles and real goals make this mission different from the previous ones. The large dose of blasting medicine and the long distance of explosion scattering can be imagined.

At the moment when Zeng Jianlin ignited the fire and quickly retreated to lie down, "There was a loud bang, the anti-tank cone was blown up all over the sky, and the detonation wave mixed with debris hit the face.

The oldest sergeant major was startled into a cold sweat, ran up to Zeng Jianlin aggressively and yelled, "Company Commander Zeng, you are fucking dead! Do you know how dangerous it was just now?! You almost died! do you know?"

Unexpectedly, Zeng Jianlin got up and moved his arms and legs, and the first sentence he said was: "Reduce the fuse to ten centimeters, and blast it again!"

It turned out that in order to maximize the suddenness and rapidity of opening the passage, Zeng Jianlin had just risked his life trying to gradually shorten the fuse from the previous [-] centimeters to [-] centimeters.

Why do you want to do this?
In order that when war breaks out one day in the future, he and his engineers will not have diarrhea on the battlefield and be beaten to the ground by the enemy.

Practice for fighting, not for watching.

Training is for fighting, not for watching.

Keep improving.

This time, he was ready to challenge the ten centimeters again.

After three experiments, he succeeded.

When Zeng Jianlin recalled the scene at that time, he said: "We soldiers have to be a little bloody."

The soldier asked: "Company commander, are you really not afraid of death?"

Zeng Jianlin replied: "Of course I am afraid of death. When I am going through the test of life and death, I will definitely think of my family. It is because of this concern that my mind becomes calmer and I understand what my responsibilities are. It’s been five years, I’ve never been injured, it’s not luck. As long as you remember the eight words ‘be bold and careful, don’t take chances’, danger will never find you.”

During his 13 years in the army, Zeng Jianlin was successively rated as an excellent commander, an excellent company commander, and was awarded a second-class personal meritorious service.

The EOD team led by him has been rated as an advanced group of "Moving Tiger Brigade" by the brigade for two consecutive years.

But the thing Zeng Jianlin is most proud of is that he has undertaken more than [-] real explosive missions, and he has successfully completed each mission and returned safely.

Behind the success is the result of his unremitting training wearing explosion-proof suits weighing more than 30 kilograms.

How many years have been married, his wife has never known the specific work of her husband.

Not long ago, when his wife came to visit relatives in the army, she learned about her husband's job from his mouth at the same time.

EOD soldiers, listening to it makes people daunting.

The wife couldn't say a word for a long time, she didn't know what her husband was going through every day.

Zeng Jianlin: "I didn't tell her before, just because I was afraid that she would be worried and wouldn't be able to sleep. The nature of my job is quite special, and I would disappear for a few days whenever I have a task. I know how uncomfortable it is to feel that the phone cannot be connected."

I learned from the Internet that EOD soldiers die every year in the army, and my worried wife kept trying to persuade Zeng Jianlin to change jobs.

Zeng Jianlin said: "My wife, to be honest, I also know that this job is dangerous and not easy. But every job has to be done by someone, not to mention that this is my job and my original job. Choice. Furthermore, being able to perform so many tasks and being needed by positions and jobs is a value in life in itself.”

In Zeng Jianlin's view, as a soldier, one should not become a deserter because of the word "fear".

(End of this chapter)

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