Veteran never die

Chapter 111 The Story of Loyalty

Chapter 111 The Story of Loyalty
0110 Loyalty Story
Loyalty groped his way forward. He didn't know how long he had walked, but was covered by a man who suddenly emerged from the grass and dragged him to the ground.

Is it an enemy? !

Loyalty pulled out his dagger and was just about to stab the opponent's heart when he heard the opponent say: "From top to bottom!"

Loyalty was overjoyed, quickly put away the dagger and responded: "Guangdong is united?"

From top to bottom, widely united.

This is a riddle in the [-] CCTV Spring Festival Gala!
It is also the secret signal of our troops' operation this time.

The Spring Festival Gala in [-] was CCTV's first Spring Festival Gala.

Despite the urgency of the border situation, the army organized soldiers to watch the Spring Festival Gala on the night of the [-]th day of the twelfth lunar month in Xugou. For these revolutionary soldiers, it had special meaning.

That year, Li Guyi's "New Year's Song" made the soldiers receive blessings, and their bodies were filled with warmth.Beaming with incomparable happiness.

In Ma Yan and Zhao Ji's cross talk "Little Girl" and "Say One, Not Two", the soldiers learned a lot from the laughter.

There are also Taiwanese actor Lin Lifang's poem recitation "Every Festive Day", Wang Jingyu and Jiang Kun's sketch "Eating Chicken", and Liu Xiaoqing's song "Looking For the Red Army".
The Spring Festival Gala with songs and laughter strengthened the soldiers' determination to defend their homes and the country.

So when he heard the riddle, Zhong Zhong was so excited, it was his comrades!
Taking a closer look, it was Lao Fu, the squad leader of the third company and the first class, who led the whole class to rush up, Zhong Zhong immediately joined the fighting ranks of the first class.

"Report, the mines laid by the enemy are found under the mountain bag, and the density is very high!"

Loyalty: "Leave it to me, you guys help me."

Zhong Zhong knew that it was time to use his engineer, and with the help of a group of comrades in arms, he quickly set up the opener and prepared to launch the detonating cord to detonate the mine.

But things turned out to be contrary to expectations. Due to the deep grass and dense forests in this area, the detonating cord could not be fired very far. The detonating locks that went out were all hung on the branches or in the grass, suspended in mid-air, and could not detonate the landmines on the ground smoothly.

Seeing that the time for the large force to attack is coming, the detonating cord has been used up, but the road is still not opened.

The squad leader, Lao Fu, was in a hurry. He grabbed a two-meter-long blasting bamboo pole filled with explosives and threw it vigorously. With a burst of roar, a series of mines detonated, finally opening a road.

Following the squad leader, the soldiers threw out the explosive bamboo poles one by one, seven or eight in a row, and finally blasted a 200-meter-long passage.

Loyalty and the soldiers followed Lao Fu forward and rushed up the hill.

At this time, difficulties came, and a wide and deep anti-infantry trench blocked their way.

Old Fu jumped into the trench first, followed by the soldiers.

They moved tens of meters according to the direction, and then helped each other to turn over to the outside of the trench.

At this time, they were in a position that was facing the 662.6 highland occupied by the enemy. As long as they rushed down this hillside, they would reach the foot of the main peak of 662.6 highland.

At that time, the enemy will have nowhere to hide, and it will be a duel of guns to guns and knives to knives.

Zhong Zhong had been looking forward to this moment, to be like an infantryman, holding a submachine gun, charging forward with a roar, killing a few Yue monkeys with his own hands, and seizing a few guns.

If he can do this, he will be able to return with honor when he is discharged from the army.

Just when the big guy was happy to reach his destination, the problem came again.

"Report, squad leader, the hillside under our feet is another minefield!"

Hearing this, Lao Fu's head grew big, and he grabbed the binoculars to check it out, and couldn't help but yell: "The monkey is so fucking insidious!"

I saw landmines on the hillside under my feet one after another, layered on top of each other, some hideously exposed half of the soil, and some simply exposed their whole body.

The enemy has really spent their blood. The density of the mines is not buried one by one at all, but poured down one by one!

Yue Monkey: "Chinese, come here if you are not afraid of death! Let's see what you can do?"

Loyalty raised his eyebrows, his big handsome eyes widened, he took a breath of cold air, and sweat ran down his cheeks.

He's not scared at all, he's angry.

From the moment he put on his military uniform and came to the border guards to join the engineering company, he had long put life and death aside.

He wanted to be a battle hero, and heroes on the battlefield are often only one step away from death.

Those who survive the war are heroes.

Those who die in battle are martyrs.

A ghost who is afraid of death cannot be a hero, but if you want to be a hero, don't be afraid of death!

The loyal heart is very anxious, like a fire.

He naturally received systematic training in the engineering company, and he could tell at a glance that this was a compound minefield mixed with various mines, or a serial formation.

As long as one is moved, it will move the branches and leaves and make a sound.

He knew all these mines, touched them and even disassembled them. Zhong Zhong was completely sure to dismantle them one by one, pull out the fuses, and throw them aside like scrap iron.

But time, the most important thing now is time!
The orders of the headquarters, the expectations of the people, and the responsibilities of the soldiers cannot be delayed for a second!
In just a few minutes, the squad leader Lao Fu, the squad deputy, and the soldiers were all thinking hard, thinking that there could be a way.

Eliminate the minefields and open up a passage so that large troops can pass through smoothly.

The fighters are all nervously brainstorming, looking for a solution, and no one pays special attention to loyalty.

But loyalty feels that everyone's eyes are on him.

Are you not a sapper?

Did you come here to make you stare blankly at Landmine?
Otherwise, what use are you?

Want to be a hero?

I think the bear is about the same.

The loyal self-suggestion made him feel his blood rushing upwards, making him dizzy for a while.

At this moment, the artillery fire of our army's sudden attack also turned into extended shooting.

The extended shooting of the artillery, in the battle of covering the infantry, the artillery first attacks the enemy's forward position for a period of time, then stops the shelling of the area, and turns to the deep shelling of the enemy, cutting off the enemy's first and second line of defense with powerful firepower connection and support.

At this time, the artillery attack target has extended to the enemy's forward position and deep areas.

When the artillery turns to extended shooting, it means that the infantry should charge.

The sound of artillery fire is an order: "Soldiers, the large forces are about to attack!"

At this time, the enemy is pretending to be dying.

662.6 Heights.

The main peak was condescending, and the enemy used light and heavy machine guns and rocket launchers to shoot wildly at the attacking three companies.

The assault troops were forced to stop under the suppression of enemy fire, and several comrades died on the hillside.

Blood instantly stained the land red.

(End of this chapter)

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