Veteran never die

Chapter 108 Counter-Strike-win!

Chapter 108 Counter-Strike-win!

0107 Counter-Strike-win!

The story drawn by a grassroots officer in the early morning moved everyone.

After waking up from the dream, more and more people watched that video.

Commander Du and his Yimuhe are watched by tens of thousands of people.

An uncharted landscape.

A remote and mysterious frontier.

A perennial frozen outpost.

From the moment the story was told in the early hours of the morning, for everyone, Yimuhe means discovery, moving, shocking and nostalgia.

In the evening, after standing for an hour at the night guard, it was so cold that people's bone marrow was cold.

What kind of cold is this?
Why are those young soldiers stubbornly sticking there?
It's just because the eighteen words of "defend every inch of the motherland with blood and life" are deeply engraved into their bones and integrated into their blood.

It is even more engraved in the lives that have passed away and once lived.

The olive green on the border sacrifices the reunion with parents, the sacrifice of staying with his wife, and the so-called hasty pace of chasing gold and waves by keeping up with the times.

Perhaps, I will sacrifice my young life.

at all costs.

The sun is rising, ushering in a brand new day.

And Wang Liang's work started again, continuing to discover the stories in the barracks.

"According to the report from the superior, the terrorists installed explosives in the parking area, and ordered the special forces to quickly eliminate them!"

"Roger that!"

Just a few minutes later, an EOD vehicle quickly arrived at the parking spot.

I saw three special forces members in EOD suits remove an instrument the size of a radio station for a single soldier from the car.

The antenna of the instrument was pulled out half a person's height, and it kept making "cheep" and "cheep" sounds.

This is the EOD scene of the China-Russia Cooperation-2017 Joint Anti-Terrorism Exercise.

Comment area.

"After the live broadcast in the early morning, I couldn't sleep, tossed and turned, and thought a lot. Originally, I was full of negative energy and often complained. But after hearing the story of Company Commander Du Hong told by the old chief, I felt that I, I'm really selfish. Think about those who sacrificed silently for the Republic, what else can you be dissatisfied with? Wash your face and continue watching the live broadcast!"

"Yimuhe, the frontier defense company, Du Hong, has been engraved in my heart!"

"On the top floor! Like it!"

"I've asked the leader for leave today, and I'll watch the live broadcast all day!"

"Huh—wash your face and continue fighting, your blood is boiling."

"EOD, it must be very exciting."

"Old Chief, you must pay attention to your health. It doesn't matter if there are fewer live broadcasts, but don't fall ill!!! We can't do without you!"

"The tears have dried up, please give my eyes a break, old chief!"

As soon as the live broadcast started, many viewers flooded in.

The numbers keep growing.





The increase did not start to slow down until it soared to 20.

Today is a working day, many netizens have gone to work, but it doesn't matter, you can watch the replay!
Back to the EOD scene.

Chinese-Russian special forces armed with military dogs and electronic detection equipment began to approach suspicious vehicles and jointly discharge explosives.

After a day of running-in, although there is a language barrier, the players from both sides have initially established a tacit understanding.

The search is going on, and the team is very careful.

Suddenly, a black bag that fell under the chassis of the car aroused the vigilance of the special operations team.

It seems to contain something!

The team members immediately pressed the remote control to direct the EOD robot to approach the car, scooped up the bag with a small shovel mounted on the handle of the robot, and then put it firmly into the EOD tank.

Just when everyone thought that the crisis had been resolved, they only heard the sound of the electronic listening device.

"There is a situation!"

The source of the sound was in a nearby car, which was found to be a ticking time bomb through an X-ray detector.

The EOD hand immediately peeled off the tight carton layer by layer with non-magnetic tongs.

I saw a bomb wrapped with red, yellow, blue, white, and black power cords inside the box!

An electronic watch-sized display on the bomb was making "tick" and "tick" sounds.

There are less than 20 seconds left before the explosion.

After obtaining the license, Sun Weimin followed the filming all the way, and netizens naturally saw the bomb.

"Fuck! Run!"

"18 seconds, can it still be dismantled?"

"my heart!"

"I kept telling myself that this is a drill, this is a drill, but the drill won't use real bombs, will it?"

"Honestly, the first thing I thought of when I saw this bomb was to run? But these players are calm. I know, not only because this is a drill, but also because they are used to it. Strong mental capacity."

In the comments of netizens, the special forces must make emergency response in just 20 seconds.

Apparently it was too late.

The wire connecting the timer must be cut quickly!
So which one of the five colored wires should you cut off?

Veterans know that if you cut one wrongly, the bomb will explode immediately.

Only a 20.00% chance of success.

12 秒

11 秒

ten seconds
five seconds
four seconds
The palms of the netizens were so tense that they were sweating, and they were so anxious that they stomped their feet and scratched their heads.

I saw the special forces team member calmly, carefully checking the line with tweezers, and finally cut off the blue line very decisively.


With the moment the blue thread was cut.

The timer lost its sound, and the time was always frozen at two seconds.


"Win! Win!"


"It's so handsome! It's so exciting!"

There was applause in the comment area, but the special operators did not show much excitement or excitement, and the EOD work continued.

Just because you didn't die in one second doesn't mean you can live in the next second.

The military dogs working together were not idle either, and quickly entered each compartment to clean up the scene.

As soon as it entered the compartment, it became excited, and searched from the front seat to the back row, from the backrest to the bottom of the seat, and kept making "huh" and "huh" sounds from its nose.

When it smelled the co-pilot position, it stopped suddenly, raised its head, stared at the back of the seat, pricked up its ears, and then uttered "Wow", "Wow" very confidently.

Immediately afterwards, the special forces members discovered an explosive package from the interlayer of the seat back.

Finally, the EOD task was completed.

At the request of many netizens, Wang Liang stopped several special forces members and asked them to accept an interview.

Even though he was wearing a mask, Wang Liang could still feel that these young men were very restrained, obviously not as confident and relaxed as when they were just cutting the thread.

In business, they are absolutely dominant.

But because of the closed training day after day, his communication skills are much weaker.

This is also a common problem of many soldiers.

Wang Liang thought of a way to warm up the field first, so that the players would no longer be restrained.

"Friends, was the EOD session exciting just now? Are our special forces handsome?"

(End of this chapter)

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