Veteran never die

Chapter 106 Using Life to Interpret the Sincerity of Northern Border Guards

Chapter 106 Using Life to Interpret the Sincerity of Northern Border Guards
0105 Use life to interpret the sincerity of Northern Xinjiang guards
In the anticipation of netizens, Wang Liang began to tell the story amidst the howling wind.

It was the winter of [-]. The young Du Hong joined the army. From his hometown of E City, Mongolia Province, he came to the frontier defense of northern Xinjiang thousands of miles away and became a soldier of the Chinese People's Liberation Army.

When the recruits left the company, because of their outstanding performance and excellent results in various training subjects, Du Hong was scrambled for by various companies.

Just when the big guy thought that Du Hong would choose a position with the best conditions, his choice surprised people.

Du Hong took the initiative to apply to go to the most remote and difficult Yimu River border defense company.

In this way, Du Hong worked hard in Yimuhe for five years.

Later, because of his excellent performance in the army, he was sent to the Mechanized Infantry Academy in Shishi in [-] for further study.

Before graduating, he made another choice, which was to choose to return to the Yimuhe Frontier Defense Company where he had fought.

Continue his unfinished business.

The border defense company's resident Yimuhe is located deep in the Greater Khingan Mountains, on the south bank of the Erguna River, the border river between China and Russia.

It is cold there, the temperature can reach minus [-] degrees Celsius in extremely cold weather, and the frost-free period is only [-] days a year.

It is bitter there, and the mountains are blocked by heavy snow for four months every year.

It was deserted, with a radius of [-] kilometers, which was deserted and uninhabited.

There are dangers, and we have to face complicated situations all the time.

But Du Hong still resolutely chose here.

Just because there are familiar barracks, familiar comrades-in-arms, familiar borders, familiar loneliness, loneliness and cold.

When Du Hong returned to the company to meet his comrades again, the first thing he said was: "Finally back home!"

Yes, he calls it home.

In [-], the Frontier Defense Company was awarded the "Honorary Title of Yimuhe Model Frontier Defense Company" by the Beijing Military Region.

In the second year, the regiment party committee first solicited Du Hong's opinion when selecting a new company commander for the company.

Du Hong's classmates and friends suggested that he leave Yimuhe and take this opportunity to choose a position closer to home.

At this moment, Du Hong's heart is also up and down. He knows the bitterness of being away from his parents and not being able to take care of them.

He knew how hard it was to be away from a lover and leave her alone at home.

He is more aware of the reality that he is old, has low education, and has limited room for development and progress.

But Du Hong still has the firm belief in his heart: "I am a soldier of Yimuhe. If I don't lead this company well, I will be a sinner through the ages."

In this way, he chose Yimuhe for the third time.

When Wang Liang spoke here, the comment area became lively.

"This cadre is not bad!"

"Good job!"

"and after?"

"Go ahead, old chief."

"How come such a good person has never been reported?"

"I know Du Hong, he is... Hey, forget it, let's continue to listen to the old man."

"Why do I vaguely have a bad premonition? Commander Du? Finally?"

Wang Liang paused for a while, organized his words, and continued his narration.

The Yimu River border defense pipeline section is more than 100 kilometers long, with high mountains and dense forests, steep terrain, and complicated conditions. The task of on-duty and border control is very heavy.

From an ordinary soldier to the commander of a company, the belief in serving as a soldier, leading troops to fight, and training to fight has long been integrated into Du Hong's blood.

He led the officers and soldiers of the company to practice military skills hard, improve their actual combat skills, and temper the bloody responsibility of elite soldiers in the snowy areas at border checkpoints.

Du Hong knows very well that if he wants to defend the dignity of the motherland's territory, he must have excellent skills.

When he first joined the army, his physical condition was not outstanding. With his unyielding energy, he started a small fire for himself.

Every time he runs, he has to wear sand leggings and a sand vest; to do push-ups, he tied a few bricks on his back; to practice parallel bars, others do ten, but he insists on doing twenty. Stay on the bar for a while; throw grenades, and throw at least seventy or eighty coach bombs every day.

After a lot of hard training, Du Hong won three firsts and one second in the final assessment of the new training.

Since then, he has gradually become a top trainer in the regiment, and a fierce general in the competition arena at all levels.

In [-], the entire regiment's organic company competed in military skills, and the newly awarded frontier defense company faced off with other companies for the first time. Du Hong was under tremendous pressure.

He led his comrades to fight for more than a month, soaking in the training ground.

During the competition, Du Hong participated in thirteen of the twenty competitions by himself, and finally won the first place in seven competitions, carrying the red flag of No. 1 in the team's total score back to the company.

Four years later, in 30, the [-]-year-old Du Hong was already the oldest company commander in the regiment.

On the field of martial arts again, Du Hong's performance shocked the officers and soldiers of the regiment once again.

Due to long-term high-intensity training, Du Hong's left arm was habitually dislocated. During the 400-meter obstacle competition, the old injury recurred, and he fell down the obstacle heavily in the middle of climbing the ladder.

The officers and soldiers of the company advised him: "Company commander, don't go up, we can still take the first place!"

The head of the team at the scene also looked distressed: "As far as Du Hong's spirit is concerned, I will give 60 points if he can't finish."

But Du Hong said: "I am a soldier of Yimuhe, and I am the commander of a company. If I don't go now, when will I go?"

With his left arm drooping, he insisted on standing on the runway again, fell down from the ladder several times, climbed up again with the help of his comrades, gritted his teeth and insisted on running the whole distance.

People who have seen Du Hong's training say he is too "ruthless" and "crazy".

The officers and soldiers of the frontier defense company all know: "The company commander is a person who will not change the training plan."

One afternoon in [-], when it rained suddenly, the sergeant major suggested changing the tactical training planned to be conducted outdoors to indoor learning. He found Du Hong, and Du Hong held back his words in the middle of his sentence: "Don't you stop fighting when it rains?"

Afterwards, the whole company assembled as usual and headed for the training ground.

There was a puddle on the road, and the officers and soldiers went around it and continued on.

Seeing this, Du Hong didn't say a word. He crawled over the puddle and stood up with his body covered in muddy water.

Everyone understood the meaning of the company commander in an instant: war does not choose the weather!

Afterwards, from cadres to soldiers, everyone crawled through the puddles one by one.

In order to train every soldier into an elite soldier, Du Hong often took the officers and soldiers to "torture himself". It took two or three days to survive in the field, and the "imaginary enemy" attacked in the middle of the night.

He took everyone to rebuild the special shooting range, completely disassembled the three types of firearms, and let the officers and soldiers combine to shoot.

Just days before the sacrifice.

He also plans to use the New Year's Day holiday to carry out adaptive training and organize a "hunter's competition" on the forest and snow field.

When the word "sacrifice" was uttered, Wang Liang was already in tears.

(End of this chapter)

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