Veteran never die

Chapter 101 It's not that soldiers are not afraid of death, soldiers just dare to die!

Chapter 101 It's not that soldiers are not afraid of death, soldiers just dare to die!

0101 Soldiers are not afraid of death, soldiers just dare to die!

Name: Zhou Liang

Military rank: Sergeant Major [-]rd Class
Text: Wife, when you read the letter, I have already sacrificed, and I have a few things to explain.

Taking care of children alone can be very stressful. You are still young. If there is a suitable person who can take care of you for the rest of your life, let’s spend it together. I understand.

I just hope that my son will not change his surname, and he can visit my parents when he is free. Don’t tell them that I sacrificed myself. They are too old to bear it.

Just say that I went to perform a mission and it will take a long time to come back. I have already agreed with the army, so don't miss it.

As for your son, when he grows up, you must tell him that his father is a hero, an upright man, so that he will become an upright man in the future.

Usually, you also persuade your parents to stop planting the land in your hometown. You can’t make much money through hard work, and your health is the most important thing.

There will be a pension in the army, and you will dispose of it.

I have two comrades-in-arms here who bought a house and borrowed some money from me. I saved a little money from my own house, so I didn’t tell you. They are all brothers and didn’t issue an IOU. It’s only 3 yuan. If they give you more, they will be firm. can't have...

That's it, take care of yourself. - love your husband
Name: Geng Shuai
Military rank: Corporal

Text: Mom, when you read this letter, your son may not be here anymore, but I have a lot of things in my heart to tell you.

In your eyes, your son may be unfilial.

When you were at home, you and your dad divorced early. Later, I stopped going to school and didn't look for a job. You have always raised me alone.

I never considered your feelings, became very rebellious, kept arguing with you at home, scolded you, made you cry, often didn’t go home, played outside every day, surfed the Internet outside, and had no money I went home and asked you for money, you never made me feel bad.

But I am ungrateful, just hurt you again and again.

Mom, my son regrets it now. I don’t know if I can express the sadness in my son’s heart to you face to face. You sent my son to the army. I hope I can have a good development in the future.

The army has changed me, and it may be what you want to see the most. If your son can’t give you a hug face to face in the future, he must do something that will make you feel honored. I know that you have been single because you are afraid of finding him again One pissed me off.

If your son is really gone, find someone who will take good care of you. Please don’t be sad. I hope you will be proud of me. If there is another life, I will definitely be your son!
Mom, I love you!

The camera showed a suicide note, and the soldiers recited it one by one in the most plain language.

There are many grammatical errors, logical errors, and even many typos.

Yes, the cultural level of the soldiers is not high, but those heartfelt words deeply moved the audience.

Wang Liang picked up a tissue and wiped away his tears. His heart became softer and weaker as he got older.

I have experienced too many life and death in this life, I thought it would be calm, but I was still moved by these boys.

With these outstanding young people, the country will never perish!

Wang Liang paused, he did not forget his mission: "Warriors don't love money, military officials don't hesitate to die, the world is at peace. The thick stack of suicide notes in my hand is not only the most direct proof that military officials don't hesitate to die, It is the pure heart of the soldiers, the purest loyalty, and the deepest love for our land."

"No one knows their deeds, and their achievements will last forever. I believe that any soldier in the Republic will make the same choice when he receives an order. Behind the soldiers is the motherland, and soldiers cannot retreat! Sad mountain Easy, but difficult for the PLA!"

[Dad, I want to say to you: "Dad, you have worked hard." Try to drink as little alcohol as possible when I am away, and don't feel sad because of my departure. In war, soldiers should dedicate 'Take care of yourself, you have to be proud of your son, Dad, I love you, take care! 】

[Don't think about buying a house for me, marrying a wife, enjoy life, believe in love, be healthy, I will be your son in the next life, and I will repay you when the time comes! 】

【Dad, Mom, after I die, don't make any demands on the organization.All the pension was given to me to pay party dues. 】

[If I die, mom, please donate my cornea so that those who need it can see this peaceful and prosperous world for me. 】

[No matter what bad news you hear, please believe that it is the way I am destined to leave my heart because of my choice of this profession. 】

A suicide note, with traces of tears soaked on it.

What a lovely person!

What a holy warrior!
Wang Liang's memories were completely opened up, and he thought about those soldiers who fell in front of him. They fulfilled their military experiments and used their blood-stained demeanor to add luster to the military flag and the national flag.

"Liu Bocheng, who was the commander of the 129th Division at the time, said: 'Since I joined the army, I have been prepared. The road is dead, the ditch is buried, and the dog eats a meat coffin.' Soldiers should be fearless and face death. Born to win. How can we win without paying the price? 2000 million martyrs died heroically for national independence, national prosperity, and people's happiness. Heroes have created a new China, a peaceful China, and a rejuvenated China."

Wang Liang's speech was resounding.

Yes, he has been through too much.

I have stories, do you have wine?

The soldiers were moved, what about the netizens?

"If the motherland needs it, the zero-year soldiers of the 38th Army's reconnaissance battalion are willing to carry their guns!"

"After watching it, I really shed tears. I hope that the word "soldier" can be respected and recognized by the society. The families of the martyrs need to care about it. It is their dedication that enables us to live a comfortable life now."

"Reform needs, disarm and return to the field. The motherland calls, die in battle, no regrets."

"Seeing such young children write suicide notes, I burst into tears. Why don't the soldiers get high-tech? Why don't the soldiers get priority?"

"See? In peaceful times, we can't forget to respect soldiers and treat them well. Their dedication has brought us a happy life."

"Seeing it makes people cry. The Chinese soldiers are unparalleled. Only with your motherland can there be peace. I hope the motherland and the people will never forget you!"

"In 98, I participated in flood fighting at the gate of the river dam. On the second day, because the gap in the river dam was too wide, the chief issued an order to form a flood fighting and emergency death squad. I bravely signed up and was honorably selected. But when he reached the most dangerous position, the chief said: 'Only when there are two children in the family.' I immediately reported; 'I have a younger brother.'”

"A soldier should be the most revered profession in society."

"Which child is not the darling of their parents? I hope there will be no more wars in the world."

"A child in his teens and 20s writes a suicide note and goes to the battlefield. Do you know why soldiers are given priority?"

"Tears are moist, seeing you guys are so cute, and then thinking about those sissies in the entertainment industry, I really want to"

"With poor health, I can no longer do strenuous exercise, but if the war comes, the veterans of the Vietnam War are willing to throw their flesh and blood into the minefields. For nothing else, behind them is the motherland and family, for the parents, and for the stable life of the two daughters. There is nothing we former soldiers can't abandon. The motherland and relatives, with me, the enemy wants to take a step forward, and step on my flesh and blood!"

"Corporal report from the 54649nd Battalion Machine Gun Company of the 174th Regiment of the former 2 Troop in Yu Province!"

"83049 Artillery Three Gunners, let me know when you use it, charge for free."

"Ninety-eight Automobile Soldiers, as soon as the troops were called, they rushed to assemble as soon as possible."

(End of this chapter)

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