Daughter Shenghua

Chapter 176 Conquering Mingfeng

Chapter 176 Conquering Mingfeng
Xiao Muyun's resolute attitude made Ming Feng shake his mind a little.

He arrived at the so-called General Feng's recuperation place early in the morning, but was stopped by the guards outside the door.

"No one can enter without General Chen's token!"

Ming Feng was furious, "Presumptuous! Don't you know me? I am Ming Feng, and I want to see my adoptive father!"

The guard's attitude was still very tough and refused to let him go.

A bright light flashed in Mingfeng's eyes, and he said angrily: "Where is Lin Qiang! Let him come to see me. If you don't know me, someone will know me. He is the leader of the guards next to the adoptive father, and he can prove my identity!"

"I don't know Lin Qiang, Zhang Qiang, if you say you can't enter, you can't enter! Go away, or I will be rude!"

Ming Feng's face darkened immediately, he already believed Xiao Muyun's words.

When he came before, he was accompanied by Deputy General Chen, and he just took a look outside the door before leaving, so he didn't notice anything wrong.Now that I think about it, there is indeed a big problem. This person doesn't know Lin Qiang, which means that he is not the guardian of the adoptive father at all.

Then Mingfeng went to the places that Xiao Muyun mentioned and walked around, and he really found out that something was wrong.

He didn't know any of the guards in those important places.This is extremely abnormal for him.

He is General Feng's adoptive son, and he was raised by General Feng's side since he was a child. He can't say he knows all of those generals, at least most of them. Now he doesn't even know any of them.

Ming Feng was thinking while walking, and accidentally bumped into a child.

The child was knocked down to the ground by Ming Feng, and Ming Feng came back to his senses, quickly stepped forward to pick him up, patted the dust on his body, and said, "Are you okay? Didn't it hurt somewhere?"

Unexpectedly, the child suddenly stuffed something into Mingfeng's hand and ran away.

Mingfeng was obviously stunned for a moment, but quickly realized that he clenched the things in his hand and continued to walk forward as if nothing had happened.

In a corner where no one was paying attention, Mingfeng opened the note in his hand, which read: Shake off your tail!
Ming Feng frowned, looked around pretending to be nonchalant, and then walked into a restaurant.

As soon as he got to the attic, he immediately hid by the door, quietly opened a crack, and looked down.

Sure enough, after a while, two men came into the store, looked around and called the waiter over, and then saw those men looking towards their position.

Mingfeng closed the door and thought for a while.

When he strode out the door again, the two men immediately followed him out.

Ming Feng pretended to be nonchalant and wandered around all the way, but suddenly disappeared in the eyes of those two people as he walked.

Seeing that the target was gone, the two men immediately shouted to their companions: "It's not easy to lose it, go find it!"

Immediately, a dozen men appeared around, and even two street vendors took off their disguises and quickly joined the search team.

Mingfeng's eyelids twitched in the dark, and only now did he realize the seriousness of the situation.

No wonder I haven't noticed anything unusual for so long, who would have thought that the vendors on the side of the road were among those who watched him.


Xiao Muyun was not at all surprised when he saw Mingfeng in front of him.

"Have you made up your mind?"

Ming Feng said in a deep voice: "I don't understand any important national affairs, if you can avenge me, I will follow you from now on!"

Xiao Muyun smiled and said, "It's better to do it yourself for revenge. Now that you've thought about it, you should know how to do it!"

"I also ask Shizi Xiao to make it clear!"

Xiao Muyun snorted coldly, but didn't care, and said in a deep voice: "If you don't catch that Vice General Chen and his accomplices, how can you take revenge!"

Ming Feng thought for a while, then glanced at Xiao Muyun and said: "After the matter is completed, please ask Shizi Xiao not to implicate the Lincheng Army."

"You have no room for bargaining. Without you, I can still kill them. The reason why I waited for you for a long time is just to save some troubles! Do you really think you have to?" Xiao Muyun said angrily.

"No, my son misunderstood. I don't think so. It's just that not everyone in the Lincheng Army is rebellious. Some of them are just confused by Vice General Chen. If I explain the situation to them in person, they will listen !"

Xiao Muyun turned around, looked at Mingfeng thoughtfully, and said with a smile: "Okay, I agree. But after those people have made their choices, I can't be blamed for things."

Mingfeng nodded.

The Lincheng Army was the lifelong painstaking effort of his adoptive father, and he didn't want it to be ruined just like that.


When Mingfeng was found by those people, he was thirsty for wine in a restaurant.

Those people were relieved when they saw that there was nothing unusual about Mingfeng. If they let him run away at this time and spoil the business of the adults, then they will die.

Mingfeng glanced at those people from the corner of his eyes and stopped looking at them.

After coming out of the restaurant, he went to Vice General Chen's residence.

Vice General Chen received the following reward, he already knew what happened during the day.At this moment, he is waiting for Mingfeng to come to the door.

In his eyes, Mingfeng is an ignorant and reckless man, just a few words of coaxing will do.

Sure enough, as soon as Mingfeng saw him, he yelled: "Brother Chen, I went to see my adoptive father today, and those people didn't let me in, I'm so angry!" Then he sat down on a chair beside him.

Deputy General Chen was very disdainful in his heart, but he persuaded with a smile on his face: "Why didn't you inform me. Those people are just to protect the general. Brother Ming, don't be angry."

Ming Feng seemed to be indifferent and said: "I have summoned all the generals of the whole army to visit my adoptive father. Let me see if those people dare to stop me!"

Deputy General Chen's expression changed drastically immediately, and he said, "What? You summoned all the generals of the army? Why didn't I know about this?"

Mingfeng also sneered in his heart, if I let you know, can it be done!
"Didn't I come to call you in person? Come on, they should be here soon. It's been a long time since I saw my adoptive father." As he spoke, he wanted to pull him.

Deputy General Chen's mind was spinning fast, and he kept thinking of ways along the way.Others don't know, but he knows, there is no General Feng in that yard, he has been thrown in a mass grave long ago, where can I find a General Feng right now.

"Brother Ming, don't bother General Feng at this late hour. Why don't we go tomorrow!" Deputy General Chen tried his best to persuade, but Ming Feng was unmoved.

"It's hard for everyone to come today. They all have official business. How can I bother them to come again tomorrow. The brothers have not seen their adoptive father for a while, so how can they please them! I agree, righteous Father will not agree even if he knows. Don't worry, Vice General Chen, foster father won't blame you! I will take responsibility for any accidents!"

Ming Feng slapped his chest boldly, and the matter was settled.

Deputy General Chen felt a little uneasy in his heart. He always felt that the bright wind today was a little different, but he couldn't tell what was different, so he had to persuade himself that he was thinking too much.

When he walked outside General Feng's recuperating house, Vice General Chen was still shocked.

A dense crowd of people stood in front of the door.There are still a few people in the lead who are arguing with the guards guarding the gate.

"Go away! What are you, you dare to stand in my way. Let Lin Qiang come out!"

"No, no one can go in without General Chen's order!" The guard was obviously frightened by the crowd.

"General Chen? Who is he? When I followed General Feng to the battlefield, he didn't even know where he was!"

"Let him out quickly. Why doesn't he let us see General Feng? Where did Lin Qiang go? Why didn't he stay by General Feng's side?"

"Yes, yes. We want to see General Feng!"

(End of this chapter)

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