Jump over the wall to escape the marriage, hit the father

Chapter 24 Whose poisonous snake came into the house

Chapter 24 Whose poisonous snake came into the house

After a long time, the sound of the three people's footsteps became farther and farther away. Murong Zhen was still sitting on the edge of the rockery, slightly frowned, stretched out his hand to pinch his earlobe, and sighed softly.

Low status?Hu Meizi?To seduce King Ning?To snatch Miss Fourth's sweetheart?Overwhelmed?

Murong Zhen swayed her feet and stirred circles in the water. Although she heard it was said so badly, she didn't really care about it, because this kind of thing was expected, wasn't it?

Although she and Murong Xin are both young ladies of the Xiangguo Mansion, a concubine and a concubine are like the difference between a fish eye and a pearl. Princess Ning's position is infinitely more precious than a pearl. After the Ye Mingzhu, tens of thousands of people will naturally jump out to criticize the fish eye, saying that the fish eye is the lightest.

So Murong Zhen was not affected in any way by hearing those words, but something happened that night.

She has always had a light sleep, especially after arriving in this completely unfamiliar world, she has no sense of security in her subconscious mind, and just a little movement can wake her up from sleep.

It's not clear what time it is, but Murong Zhen was awakened suddenly from a light sleep, and when he opened his eyes, all he could see was darkness, only the faint sound of a flute came from far away.

She lay on the bed without moving, but turned her head to watch the window slowly open a crack, but no one appeared.

The silence of the night made it easier for her to hear those slight noises.

She heard a very light mopping sound, accompanied by a cold "hissing" sound.

For a moment, the hairs all over her body were blown up, and it was cold from the top of her head to the soles of her feet.

It's a snake!

Taking a deep breath quietly, she quickly calmed down from the initial chill, and lay quietly on the bed, as if she was still sleeping peacefully.

The "hissing" sound was getting closer and closer, she half closed her eyes, but she put her consciousness to the maximum, feeling the snake getting closer, slowly climbed onto her bed, and slid across the back of her hand , a burst of cold creaminess and bumps rubbed by the fine scales, and then passed through her lower abdomen to her chest, almost to her neck.

Murong Zhen was still half asleep and half awake, and even her pulse became much slower and softer, until she felt the cold feeling finally spread to the main artery on the side of her neck, and felt that the snake's head was starting to rise high, she suddenly moved up.

That movement startled the snake on her body, and it slammed towards her neck. At the same time, Murong Zhen tilted his neck, stretched out his hand, and grabbed seven inches of it with force, Just cut it off!With the other hand, he quickly took out a dagger from under the pillow, and shot it in a certain direction in the darkness. There was a "dole", as if something was struggling violently on the floor.

The sound of the flute in the distance suddenly stopped, and the snake that was cut seven inches by Murong Zhen was already so dead that she threw it out casually.

She was still sitting quietly on the bed, the hand that caught the snake just now still had a slippery and cold touch, which made her twitch the corners of her mouth uncontrollably, the hairs stood on end, super disgusting!
She is afraid of snakes. Although she killed two snakes just a few seconds ago, this is not a reason why she is not afraid of snakes.

That's right, two!
The night was quiet again, and a cool breeze came in from the open window, blowing the silence in the room, and her breathing finally relaxed like a breeze.

Faint light shines through the window, flickering yellow in the dark night, yet a bit weird in its tenderness. On a roof in the distance, a figure covered in a black cloak looks at the window that suddenly lights up with candlelight, fingers Swipe across the sound hole of the bamboo flute, then jump off the roof and disappear without a trace.

And inside the window, after Murong Zhen lit the candle, she walked to the place where her dagger fell, and saw that the dagger was pierced and nailed to the ground, not yet dead, still twisting and struggling, "Hiss "The poisonous snake that spat out the letter, and its dead companion that had been cut off by seven inches, frowned, took a step back subconsciously, and felt hairy all over.

Then she stopped looking at the ferocious poisonous snake that made her hairy, turned around and walked to the window, opened the slit window completely, looked at the darkness and silence that filled the world, remained silent for a long time, then suddenly chuckled There was a sound, soft and soft, but also very cool.

Murong Zhen seemed to be in a good mood today, and it was rare for him to go to the front yard to have lunch with this big family.

Murong Xiangguo looked at her thoughtfully, the wives looked at her in shock, and the brothers and sisters looked at her in disbelief.

Murong Yao came over and asked softly, "Sister, why did you come here for dinner today? But I haven't seen you here for quite a while."

"I'm in a good mood today." Murong Zhen buried his head in cooking, without even looking at Second Young Master Yao.

Thinking about it, it is true that since she came to this world, after Murong Zhen became Murong Zhen, she was sick on the first day, and escaped from marriage in the next few days. Those who don't want to get involved with them, today is really the first time to "come" to have lunch with them.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but feel a little bit of dark joy.

Murong Yao still wanted to ask, but out of the corner of his eye, he caught sight of his father's serious eyes and looked over. He hurriedly sat upright, making a gesture of "not talking when eating", and only secretly squeezed the corner of his eyes towards Murong Zhen, while Murong Xiangguo asked again. Glancing at Murong Zhen, he didn't ask any further questions, and ate his lunch in silence.

It was very quiet at the dinner table, although there was more than one person who wanted to say something, but no one dared to break the rules in front of the master, until another servant brought a plate of dishes, and the maid who stood by was busy serving everyone. The master has all the dishes.

The eldest lady took a bite, and seemed to think that the taste was quite good. She took another bite, and the others started to eat it too. The fresh and tender taste made them frowned. Of course, some felt that the taste was not good.

Another two handsome young men who looked almost exactly the same looked at each other with a look of surprise on their faces. They quickly swept over the ladies and sisters who were eating with gusto, then quickly swallowed the piece of meat, and buried their heads in the meat. meal.

(End of this chapter)

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