The first assistant of the poor family

Chapter 543 True Japanese and False Japanese [4000 words 2 in 1 chapter]

Chapter 543 True Japanese and False Japanese [4000 words two in one chapter]

As soon as the news of the new governor of Nanzhili's appointment came out, officials from various prefectures and counties rushed to Suzhou to welcome him.

There were originally two governors in Nanzhili, one was Governor Yingtian, who was stationed in Suzhou Prefecture.One is the governor of Fengyang, stationed in Huai'an Mansion.Emperor Zhengde combined the two into one to express his full trust in Wang Shouren.The main responsibility of the governor of Nanzhili this time is to fight against the Japanese, so Wang Shouren decided to stay in Suzhou Prefecture, which is closer to the front line of the Anti-Japanese War, to take charge of the overall situation of the suppression of the Japanese.

Songjiang Mansion is adjacent to Suzhou Mansion, and they are collectively called Susong.

Su Song's heavy taxes are the highest among the two capitals and thirteen chief secretaries of the Ming Dynasty.

It is very rare to stare at one or two prefectural cities to gather wool. It can only be said that Su Song is so rich that even His Majesty the Emperor can't help but want to share some profits.

Wang Shouren shouldered a heavy responsibility this time, so he was naturally in a heavy mood, and he was not in the mood to make a big show.

After he arrived in Suzhou Mansion, he didn't stay long before going to Songjiang Mansion.As the front line of the Anti-Japanese War, Songjiang Prefecture was under even greater pressure.Wang Shouren lived directly in the magistrate's yamen, and the poor Songjiang prefect had to move to another courtyard to live and work.

Although Wang Shouren's official position was only the governor of Nanzhili, but because he was ordered by the emperor to preside over the overall situation of the Pingwa, he was able to mobilize the troops in Zhejiang Province and Fujian, especially the new army.

Of course, compared with Zhejiang Province and Nanzhili, Fujian has less serious Japanese problems. Wang Shouren mainly wants to fight Japanese in Nanzhi and Zhejiang Provinces.

The Japanese pirates acted very cautiously. Although they burned, killed and looted, they were not sure that they would never go deep into the hinterland.

Only in rare cases, they will go to the hinterland to plunder, but that is a special case and cannot be used as an argument.

Before Wang Shouren came to Nanzhili, Xie Shen had specifically told him that he must not use brute force but outsmart when dealing with Japanese pirates.

Among the Japanese pirates, there are many children of Zhejiang merchants and Fujian merchants.They are very familiar with the local terrain, so even if they face the Ming army several times their size, they can still get away easily.

It was often the Ming army who flocked to the Japanese pirates after learning about them, but ended up in vain.

Wang Shouren's advantage is that he has a new army in his hands, but if he cannot confront the Japanese pirates head-on, this advantage will not be brought into play.

So how to determine the location of the Japanese pirates and trick them into fighting is the most important thing.

Wang Shouren fell into thought as he looked at the thick wall charts hanging on the wall inside the house.

He found that Japanese pirates often entrenched on small islands not far from the coast. The size of these small islands varies greatly with the ebb and flow of the tide, so it is not easy to be found.Coupled with the fact that the Ming army was an amateur in water warfare, they did not dare to go to the island easily, which made the Japanese pirates feel confident.

In this way, the Japanese pirates can calmly leave and return to the island to rest after going ashore to plunder.

After a period of time, it will come back again, sometimes back and forth.

If you want to eradicate the Japanese invasion forever, the best way is naturally to seize these small islands and cut off the Japanese pirates' retreat.

But this is easier said than done.

After all, for a long time, the naval divisions of the Ming army existed in name only, and the soldiers were all landlubbers.Although this situation has been changed after the implementation of Xie Shen's New Deal, after all, the gap in the early stage is too large, and it cannot be made up in a few years.

Hastily mobilizing the army to eradicate these Japanese pirate strongholds is likely to put the soldiers in danger.

Wang Shouren is not the kind of person with a cold nature, and he can't do it if he is asked to sacrifice the lives of countless brothers for the so-called merit.What he seeks is to solve the Japanese problem with the smallest loss.

"Master Futai, the lower officials have a trick to lure the pirates into the bait."

When Wang Shouren was frowning, Ren Yanbin, the magistrate of Huating County, Songjiang Prefecture, offered advice in a loud voice.

"Oh? You talk about it."

If you listen to it, you will know that Wang Shouren still wants to hear what his subordinates have to say.

The county magistrate Ren said respectfully: "There is a batch of silk cloth in Songjiang Mansion that is going to be offered to the palace. It is said that it will be shipped in a few days, and the Japanese pirates are coveting it. If Master Futai releases the news, those Japanese pirates will definitely not hold back. live."

Wang Shouren couldn't help gasping when he heard the words.

"The Japanese pirates are so arrogant that they even dare to rob tribute?"

"Your Majesty Futai doesn't know that these pirates are extremely vicious and can do anything. Besides, it's not that the tributes have never been robbed."

Wang Shouren was silent.What kind of people are these pirates?They are desperately doing evil, as if only in this way can they reflect the value of their existence.

"But what if the tribute is really robbed?"

That's a tribute, wouldn't it be too risky to use this as bait?

County Magistrate Ren sighed and said, "If you don't go into the tiger's lair, you won't catch the cubs. It is impossible for Master Futai to lure the Japanese pirates to attack if he is not willing to take risks. Besides, you have no confidence in the new army?"

Wang Shouren said angrily, "Joke! How can I have no confidence in the new army? I will release the news according to what you said. I want to see how much trouble these Japanese pirates can cause!"

"Your Majesty Futai is wise!" County magistrate Ren flattered him, and his heart was already full of joy.

If Mr. Futai really succeeds in suppressing the Japanese according to his suggestion, then he will also be the number one hero, needless to say, he will be rewarded and promoted.

Even if it failed in the end, it would be the governor Wang Shouren's responsibility, and he would not blame a small county magistrate.

Wokou is the general name of the Ming court for pirates in the southeast. In fact, they are independent of each other and often attached to a big local family.

These big families have enough financial resources to support smuggling, and these Japanese pirates in turn give back a steady stream of wealth to the big families. The two are mutually beneficial and symbiotic.Han Zun, a wealthy businessman in Nanzhili, owned such a shady smuggling fleet.As the largest silk merchant in the area, the silk and silk produced by the Han family are the best sellers.But Han Zun was still not satisfied.What he wants is a greater profit return.This can only be brought by smuggling.

The Han family sold the silk to Fanguo through a smuggling fleet, and then shipped back local specialties such as spices.Smuggling in one voyage can earn huge profits twice, and the Han family has tasted the sweetness of smuggling more and more frequently.

Right now, half of the Han family's profits are obtained through smuggling. The sudden lifting of the sea ban will have a huge impact on the Han family.This made Han Zun furious, and ordered the smuggling fleet to plunder the people along the coast to demonstrate against the court.

I never thought that the imperial court would be extra tough this time, and even send a new governor to Nanzhili to inspect and suppress the Japanese pirates.

Han Zun felt that there seemed to be some problems with his demonstration strategy, and he should slap the court more directly in the face, making him angry from embarrassment.

Now there is such an opportunity.

Songjiang Mansion wants to escort a batch of tributes to the capital.These tributes are stored in a warehouse near the pier. If these tributes can be looted, the face of the Ming emperor will be wiped out.

This was naturally what Han Zun wanted to see the most.

What about the emperor?Don't think about it if you stand in the way of Lao Tzu's money.

He just wanted to let the emperor understand that the sea ban was not opened casually.If you want to open the sea ban and collect heavy taxes, you will have to pay a price.

Therefore, Han Zun instructed the smuggling fleet to take the initiative to attack, and must rob these Kampots before loading them to the north.

Although the Han family is a big family in Songjiang, Nanzhili, things like robbing tributes are too sensitive.It is impossible to launch directly from the land, it is still necessary to call the smuggling armed forces to launch from the sea.

The Han family's smuggling fleet is stationed on Tanhu Mountain in the south of Jinshan Weinan. The island here is relatively large, and even if the tide rises, it will not be completely submerged.Therefore, the Han family built a large number of fortifications on it, and even if the officers and soldiers found out that they wanted to encircle and suppress them, they were unlikely to succeed easily.

Like other families who smuggle sea trade, the Han family's fleet also has two people in charge.It was roughly formulated by Han Zun's confidant Han Lun, and Ronin Oda Keiro made the decision in case of an emergency when smuggling out to sea.This not only ensures that the fleet is sufficiently loyal to the Han family, but also ensures that the fleet has been efficiently smuggling out to sea.

After receiving Han Zun's order, Han Lun and Oda Keiro discussed the plan of landing and looting.

Oda Huilang felt that this move was too risky, but after all, it was the order of Han Zun, the head of the Han family, and he could not disobey it.

When he and a few companions traveled across the ocean to Daming Songjiang Mansion, it was Han Zun who took him in when he had nowhere to go.

"Oda, if we land from Tuolin, wouldn't it be better to avoid Jinshanwei? Then we can go straight to the South Bridge Pier."

Wang Lun was very clear about the terrain of Songjiang Prefecture. He understood that if the tributes were to be transported to the capital, they had to be shipped at the South Bridge Wharf. As long as they could arrive at the South Bridge Wharf, there was a high possibility of intercepting the tribute.

The only question is whether the officers and soldiers will lay an ambush and wait for them to take the bait.

Oda Keiro pursed his lips and remained silent.

He doesn't like to talk too much, he is more used to relying on the knife in his hand than bragging.

After a long time, Oda Keiro sighed and said, "If you really want to go, this is the only way to go. But I need you to confirm one thing, that is, the officers and soldiers of the two guards will not take the initiative to attack."

Wang Lun nodded and said: "You can rest assured about this point, Zhitian. The South Bridge is between Jinshanwei and Qingcun Zhongqian, and it belongs to the overlapping area of ​​jurisdiction. In our Ming Dynasty, there is a saying that'everyone sweeps the front door by himself. Xuemo doesn't care about others' troubles." If there is overlap, there will be disputes. No one will rush to patrol and manage this area. The only armed force may be a small army at the South Bridge Wharf, but there are only a few hundred People, there is nothing to be afraid of."

Oda Keiro let out a long breath with a relaxed look on his face.

"That's good. I'm not afraid of the Ming Dynasty's officers and soldiers. I've dealt with them for so many years, and I know their strength well. What I'm afraid of is exposing the identity of the proprietor."

Oda Keiro's worries are not unreasonable.

Not all the crew members of the Han family's smuggling fleet were ronin warriors.In fact, only a dozen people in the entire smuggling fleet were Ronin Shinwa, and the remaining more than 100 people were domestic servants of the Han family.

These domestic servants are all registered with the government, and once they are seen by others, it is likely to bring disaster to the Han family.

"Well, what Oda said makes sense, so as long as we intercept the tribute this time, we will return immediately, and the guards and soldiers will definitely not be able to react. In this way, as long as they get on the boat, they will be beyond their reach. The government has no evidence, even if they see a few What about the servants of the Han family? It’s impossible to go to the Han family with a portrait to ask Master Xingshi for his crimes, right?”

In Han Lun's view, the officers and soldiers of the guard are a bunch of cowards.They have an inexplicable fear of the sea.As long as they saw the dark blue and black water, the calves of these officers and soldiers would tremble, and it was impossible to pursue them by boat.

"Okay, since that's the case, we will set off from Tanhu Mountain by boat early tomorrow morning, land at Tuolin, and go straight to the South Bridge as planned!"

Oda Keiro is also a straightforward character, once a decision is made, he will not procrastinate.At the beginning, Han Zun handed over the smuggling fleet to Oda Keiro because he liked Oda Keiro's character.

In the early morning of the next day, just after dawn, more than 100 people from the Han family stationed on the island jumped into boats and rowed to the opposite bank.

The reason why there is no large ship for smuggling out to sea is to not easily expose the target.

Their purpose is clear, there is no need to expose themselves in the process of looting tribute.

More than 100 people quickly approached the opposite shore in ten small boats. Due to the heavy fog on the sea today, the small target was even more difficult to be found.

Oda Keiro and Han Lun were in the same boat.

Han Lun stroked his beard from time to time with a relaxed expression, but Oda Keiro was frowning, holding the handle of the Japanese sword tightly with his right hand.

This is the instinctive reaction of a professional samurai. When performing important tasks, the body will tense up and adjust to the best state.

Soon, the boats docked one after another.

Led by more than a dozen real Japanese, more than a hundred fake Japanese jumped off the boat one after another and rushed ashore on the waves.

They are all too familiar with this land.This is the land that gave birth to them, and they have also grabbed countless wealth from it.

Soon, all the Japanese pirates rushed into a tidal flat not far from the coast, and then walked around a low mangrove forest to a path stepped out by pedestrian traders.

"Oda, go straight along this road to the South Bridge Pier."

Han Lun said excitedly.

Everything was easier than he had imagined. They hadn't encountered any resistance since they landed. Judging from this momentum, intercepting the tribute was like picking something out of a bag.

No one knew better than Han Lun how much his master valued these tributes.If he can really intercept the tribute, his status in the master's mind will definitely be greatly improved.In this way, it is not impossible to transfer back to the Han family to serve as the chief steward.

To be honest, being in charge of maritime smuggling earns a lot more than being the butler of the Han Mansion, but Han Lun is a little tired after all these years.

Staying on the boat all day, looking up at the endless sea, that kind of loneliness and loneliness drove him a little crazy.

So he wants to change, he wants to go back to Songjiang Mansion and enjoy the rest of his life with his wife in his arms.He has earned enough money to squander, there is no need to continue to lick blood on the knife edge.

And Oda Keiro also has his own plans.

In his opinion, intercepting the tribute will greatly enhance the reputation of the fleet.The rest of the pirate fleets only plundered the people along the coast at most, and they didn't even dare to attack the government's official warehouse.

If the Han family's fleet intercepted the tribute, it would definitely become famous in the circle and become a leading figure.

This is what Keiro Oda dreamed of.

He has always hoped to gather the ronin warriors on the southeast coast and form a fleet of his own.This was impossible in the past, because the rogues were not familiar with the terrain of Daming's coastal states and counties, and they did not have enough funds to build a fleet.

But after so many years, they are familiar enough with Daming's terrain and have saved a lot of money, why not form a fleet composed entirely of ronin for smuggling?

After all, working for Daming Marine is not a long-term solution.

 ps: Thanks to the book friend Changshu Qian for the reward of 100 coins ^O^
(End of this chapter)

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