The first assistant of the poor family

Chapter 518 The Death of Miao Li

Chapter 518 The Death of Miao Li
Miao Li, the second head of the East Factory, has kept silent since he was brought to the West Factory.Regardless of whether the interrogator was intimidating or intimidating Miao Li, he remained silent.

This three-no strategy of not speaking out, not expressing a position, and not cooperating obviously angered the interrogators.

Eunuch Miao, you thought it was in Dongchang?

This is the site of Xichang, if this person surnamed Miao is not allowed to try the "craftsmanship" of Xichang people, he will think that Xichang is full of stupid people.

However, the factory owner ordered Miao Li not to be severely punished, probably because he was worried that this guy would not be able to survive and died directly.

Miao Li was involved in an imperial case, if he died in Xichang inexplicably, His Majesty would be furious.If not, His Majesty will think that Xichang killed Miaoli in order to avenge his personal revenge, and even Ma Changgong will have to follow suit.

Therefore, Mr. Machang ordered that eunuch Miao should not be punished severely. If he didn't want to, he really couldn't.

However, there are policies and countermeasures. The factory owner said that eunuch Miao should not be tortured, but he did not say that he could not be tortured.

As long as the punishment doesn't hurt Eunuch Miao's life and people can't see that he has been punished, isn't it all right?
When it comes to the types of punishments in the West Factory, there are really countless.Even if Eunuch Miao made the same one in one day, it would be repeated after a month.

But to say that it is the most torturous, waterboarding is the most tortured, people can not survive or die.

The so-called water torture is to lock the prisoner in the water prison, which is actually a sunken pit filled with water.After the prisoner was locked in, the prisoner had to stand to avoid being submerged because the water surface did not reach the prisoner's chest.Standing for a long time without rest is undoubtedly hopeless. Once the prisoner is sleepy and tired and sits down subconsciously, he will be choked by water pouring into his mouth and nose.

The most frightening thing is that there are usually more than a dozen prisoners in the water prison, and there is a lot of feces and urine in it, and the stench is endless.Just smelling it already makes people nauseous. If you take a sip of it, your stomach will really be overwhelmed.Therefore, many prisoners who were arrested in Xichang would rather suffer dozens of boards than be locked up in water prisons.

Once in the water dungeon, it's really hard to eat and eat, and it's hard to sleep.You can't live, you can't die.There is no way to go to heaven, and no way to go to earth!
Eunuch Miao, as the second-in-command of the East Factory, naturally knew the severity of the water prison.Therefore, when he was brought to the water prison, a look of horror finally appeared on his originally dull face.

"You guys, what are you going to do! Our family is from Dongchang, how dare you."

Before Eunuch Miao could finish his sentence, he was kicked hard on the ass by Xichang Fanzi, and he stumbled into the dungeon.

Eunuch Miao's posture when entering the prison was really unsightly, and he drank a big mouthful of muddy water from the prison. The smell of feces and urine irritated Eunuch Miao's mouth and nose, and he almost fainted.

Eunuch Miao struggled to stand up, glared at the Xichang fanzi and said, "You little bastard, how dare you do this to our family. Aren't you afraid that our family will go out and kill you?"

The Xichang fan looked at Eunuch Miao like a fool: "I said, Mr. Miao, don't lie to yourself. Do you really think you can get out alive? I'm afraid the best result is a glass of poisoned wine."

Mrs. Miao was shocked when she listened, but she didn't argue.He knew very well that the other party was not threatening him.

If things really come to light, the emperor can kill him a hundred times.The most important thing is that the emperor may not punish him at all, but will order someone to end him in prison.

After all, he is the second head of the East Factory, and the scandal will have a great impact on the face of the royal family.

Isn't this about dying in prison?

But eunuch Miao couldn't figure out how his plan was seen through, logically speaking, his arrangement was perfect.

"Eunuch Miao, I advise you to save some energy and recruit earlier. It also saves the brothers effort. Everyone is living for a living, why bother?"

Eunuch Miao didn't listen to a word that Xichang Fanzi said.All he could think about now was how things had come to light.If he can't figure this out, he will die with regret!

Seeing that eunuch Miao was still unwilling to confess, the Xichang fanzi couldn't help but said angrily: "You are shameless, you can stay here if you want, you can bear it!"

After saying that, he turned and left.

"You, what about you, what did you do to get in?"

Just as Eunuch Miao was about to close his eyes and take a rest, a harsh voice sounded behind him.

Eunuch Miao looked back, only to see a strong man.


In the middle of the conversation, Eunuch Miao suddenly stopped speaking.Who knows if these prisoners were arranged by Gu Dayong, what if they are deliberately spoofing?

Now that he has not confessed, everything is Gu Dayong's inference. Since it is an inference, it cannot be used as a basis for conviction.

Although he knew that if the stalemate continued, he might not be able to walk out of the West Factory alive, but Eunuch Miao decided to give it a try.

Ants are greedy for life, let alone humans?
He is not reconciled to killing him just by pulling his neck like this!
"I stole something."

Eunuch Miao pursed his lips and made up a random crime.

Unexpectedly, the strong man burst out laughing.

"Stealing things? Those who steal things will be caught in Xichang? What are the offices of Wanping County, Daxing County, and Shuntian Prefecture doing?"

Eunuch Miao's face turned red immediately, he hesitated and stopped talking.

"I think you should be a prince with delicate skin and tender flesh, right? You people are used to rich clothes and rich food, and your temper has also been cultivated with arrogance. Isn't it good to live a good life and enjoy the blessings? You have to rebel, alas."

The brawny man had concluded that eunuch Miao was the son of the clan who had failed in the rebellion, which made eunuch Miao dumbfounded.

What kind of eyes does this person have? Can't you tell that he is a father-in-law?
That's all, that's all, what's the status if you've already fallen into such a situation.

"Hey, how is this water dungeon tastes good? After you stay in it for a day, I will guarantee that you will go out crying. If I had known today, why bother?"

Seeing the relaxed look on the strong man's face, Eunuch Miao was very puzzled.

Most people in this water prison would rather die than live after a day. This person has obviously been imprisoned in the water prison for a long time. Why is his face not only not tired but also relaxed?

"You, why aren't you tired?"

Eunuch Miao finally couldn't help asking.

"Me? Haha, good question."

The strong man leaned over and whispered something to eunuch Miao, eunuch Miao was shocked.

"Can you do that?"

"Money can make ghosts turn the millstone. As long as you have money, you can run rampant in the prison of Xichang!"

The strong man said very proudly.

"Can you use it for me?"

Eunuch Miao swallowed, almost begging.

"How about that!"

The strong man immediately changed his attitude.

"It was only exchanged for 100 taels of silver a month. Do you have money? Oh, you may have been rich before, but now your house has been ransacked?"

Miao Li smacked his lips, spat out a grass root, and said with a smile on his face: "To be honest, I still have some money outside, and I would like to give it all to you to exchange this stone stool for sitting on."

"Have money? It doesn't work if you have money! Why should I sit if I give you one? I really don't think it's tiring to stand."

Eunuch Miao: "."

He looked at the burly man with a resentful expression, which made the burly man feel hairy.

Hey, this guy is probably a rabbit, right?

It is said that Mr. Wang and grandson are tired of playing with women, and usually raise a few rabbits to play with.Long Yang's style of breaking sleeves is very prevalent in the elite circles, as if one is not a man without this habit.

"Don't mess around, I still do."

How embarrassing it is that the words came to his lips but he didn't say them out of his mouth.

"What do you want to say?"

Eunuch Miao naturally didn't know that the strong man thought he was a rabbit, so he still asked himself.

"Don't pester me, there are so many people in this cell, you go find them. Have you seen the one with the scar on his face? He likes to walk the way of men the most. Make sure you feel comfortable."


Eunuch Miao Fang understood what the strong man meant, and his complexion turned pale.

Hearing the words, the scarred face leaned over and looked Eunuch Miao up and down.

Tsk tsk, it's really thin skin and tender meat, it's definitely a good rabbit.

"Don't come here, I will call someone if you come here again."

Eunuch Miao subconsciously took a few steps back, but the water prison is only this big, no matter how much he retreats, he can't escape.

Forced to the prison door, Eunuch Miao had no way out but closed his eyes and let the scarred face slaughter him.

"Brother Chen, borrow your stone stool!"

With a lewd smile on Scar's face, he mentioned Eunuch Miao and threw it towards the strong man.

After being ravaged, eunuch Miao lifted his trousers and walked to the corner to lean against, with tears in the corners of his eyes like a walking corpse.

This scarred face is too perverted, so eunuch Miao is really chrysanthemum crippled, full of bruises.

This feeling is even more unacceptable than being killed.

Eunuch Miao felt bitter, he was not a man in the first place, and he was molested like this, he was not even a eunuch, what's the point of living like this.

"It's time for dinner, it's time for dinner!"

At this time, some prison guards came to deliver food, first to the prisoners in ordinary cells, and finally to the water prison.

As soon as it was said that the meal was about to be served, the prisoners who had been huddled in the corner rushed towards the cell door one after another, so crowded that Eunuch Miao stumbled and almost fell down.

"It's yours, it's yours, don't grab it, it's all yours!"

The jailer distributed the food impatiently, and at the end deliberately called Eunuch Miao over.

"This is yours."

Eunuch Miao took the food and was furious when he found that it was half less than everyone else's.

"Why do they have so many and mine so little?"

"Oh, it's good to give you food, and you're still complaining here. Believe it or not, I'm going to dump this food now to make you hungry?"

Although eunuch Miao wanted to smear the food directly on the jailer's face, his growling stomach told him to bear it.

Eunuch Miao walked to a corner carrying the food with his head drooping, and began to eat on his own.

The rice is round-grained rice, and the vegetables are sour, like pig food.

But even if it was pig food, eunuch Miao struggled desperately, filling his stomach with less than half a bowl of food in a short while.

He returned the bowl and chopsticks to the jailer, and then walked back to the corner to lean against, so that he could save a little effort.

After about a cup of tea, eunuch Miao suddenly felt a cramping pain in his stomach, which made him look pale and hunched over.

He wanted to call for help but couldn't make a sound. Everyone in the cell knew that he was a man with a scar face, so no one who hid him far away dared to come over.

Eunuch Miao's eyes were full of despair, his body gradually bent and twitched, and finally slipped limply into the water.

It wasn't until this that Scarface noticed something, and walked over with big strides dripping with water.

"What's wrong with you, hello!"

He shook Eunuch Miao desperately, but Eunuch Miao looked like a dead fish, and his eyes had long since lost their luster.

"Come on, come on. Someone is dead here!"

The jailer, who was dozing off, rushed over angrily when he heard the noise.

"Scream, how can someone be dead. You tell me who is dead. If you dare to play tricks on me, I will reward you with a whip!"

"It was the one who just came in. He died just after eating."


The jailer rushed to the prison door and took a closer look. Isn't the man in Scarface's arms the eunuch Miao?
At this moment, eunuch Miao was bleeding from all seven orifices, his complexion was so dark that he couldn't die anymore.

This kind of death can be concluded to be poisoned without an inspection. How should he treat it to the factory bus? He handed the food to eunuch Miao himself.The jailer's emotions almost collapsed, he stumbled out of the cell and reported to Gu Dayong.

It so happened that Gu Dayong was working in the West Factory at the moment, and almost passed out after hearing the jailer's report.

In the prison of Xichang, eunuch Miao was actually poisoned to death, which is enough to prove that this group of people is a bunch of trash!
"You can actually let a living person be poisoned to death in prison, what about our family, will our family also be poisoned to death in Xichang one day!"

Gu Dayong smashed all the porcelain in the house, and stared at the trash kneeling on the floor.

"Investigate, we must find out who did it for our family! Our family will go to ask the emperor for guilt now, if you can't find out, you just wait to lose your head!"

After speaking, Gu Dayong got up angrily and walked away.

When Gu Dayong came to the Leopard Room, Zhu Houzhao was practicing archery.

At this time, Zhu Houzhao hated being disturbed the most, and Gu Dayong had no choice but to wait.

Finally the emperor finished archery and summoned Gu Dayong.The admiral of the West Factory, the eunuch, hugged the emperor's thigh like a child and cried, begging to replace him as an incompetent factory owner.

Zhu Houzhao was confused, and quickly asked Gu Dayong why he said that.

Only then did Gu Dayong tell the emperor about eunuch Miao's bizarre death in the West Factory.

Zhu Houzhao's face was gloomy and uncertain when he heard the words, and it took a long time before he asked coldly: "The man died in your Xichang, if you say you have nothing to do with it, do you think I will believe it?"

This Xiagu Dayong is really beyond debate.Yes, people were poisoned to death in his west factory, and there are many old events between the east factory and the west factory. Gu Dayong had every motive to do this.

"My lord, it's useless to explain anything now, the only way to find out the real culprit is to plead guilty to the lord!"

"Hmph, I will give you time to investigate. Five days is enough time? If you can't give me an explanation after five days, you can go to Fengyang to guard the mausoleum."

However, Zhu Houzhao gave Gu Dayong a death order without mercy, without any room for negotiation.

(End of this chapter)

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