the most beautiful time

Chapter 25 Give You the Fullest Bloom

Chapter 25 Give You a Full Bloom (2)

In the four years of college, I was always the superior princess who led the way, while Cailian followed me panting, watching my infinite scenery.Speech, hosting, singing, every competition, I have done my best.Often I shine brightly on the stage, while Cailian sits in a corner under the stage where the light cannot reach, silently blessing me.When the applause is the loudest, I will always subconsciously look for the sight of Cailian. It seems that only with her, the joy will bloom to the maximum, and in an instant, the fragrance will fill every inch of space around me.And love, beside me, is even more prosperous and enchanting.To me, they are just flowers on the side of the road. When I like them, I pick them and stick them to my ears. When I am bored, I pick them off and leave them alone.It seems that Cailian always cleans up the mess for my love again and again; but I never thought that Cailian is also a girl who waits for others to love and care for her. What she needs is not just to distinguish love for others The authenticity, but a true love that belongs to oneself.

Until graduation, Cailian did not wait for this love. I once suspected that she had a crush on the eve of graduation, because she became strangely fond of dressing up, and shyly borrowed my clothes several times to wear.But every time I ask, she always shakes her head in denial.At that time, I was too busy to ask Cailian, thinking that if she said no, it must be a clean blank.So as usual, I pulled her to appreciate my performance, showed her the brand-name clothing that my boyfriend just bought for me, or told her about a certain affair with relish.Cailian is indeed a very good listener, she always sends a heartfelt compliment when I need it, and shares my happiness sincerely; so that I often ignore it, Cailian's eyes are getting more and more Growing melancholy.

Yes, I only cared about my love and postgraduate entrance examination, and I had the most perfect ending, but I forgot that Cailian is also a woman who needs encouragement and love from others, and a woman who can brew even a little bit of happiness. Become a friend of fragrant wine.To celebrate, I invited many people to dinner with great fanfare, and told them that I was recommended to study as a graduate student in a prestigious university, and my boyfriend also found the most satisfying job.The people who were invited all complimented me sincerely, saying that God really loves me so much that I can't find any flaws in my life.My happiness, in the flattery of outsiders, swelled to the point where I almost drowned myself.And at this moment, I unintentionally leaned down from the clouds, and saw the light in Cailian's eyes suddenly go out.

Cailian was the first and last time, when I was bragging about myself endlessly, I made random excuses and left early.Afterwards, we were busy with many trivial matters before graduation, and our contact gradually decreased. It was only on the day when I received my graduation certificate that I suddenly remembered that it was time to send off Cailian.But when I texted her, she said thank you indifferently and turned me down.I didn't understand, and when I asked, she coldly refused to answer my call.I finally lost my patience, and texted her to ask her, is it that graduation is coming, and our friendship will also end?It took a long time for Cailian to reply: It is friendship itself that has come to an end; I think I have done my best for it, and our paths will be completely different after that, and there is no need for you to worry about losing a friend. Ordinary friends, overly sad; after all, you are surrounded by flowers and fragrance...

I once thought that Cailian, who returned to work alone in a small town in her hometown, was only gradually alienated from me because of jealousy.But one day, I was left behind after a game. The excited winner bought ice cream for every player who was PKed by her in order to express his congratulations. I peeled it off carelessly and put it in my mouth , but found that the original favorite chocolate ice cream has become so bitter for some reason.When I looked up and saw the winner's smile, I realized that it was such a difficult thing to share happiness with others.But Cailian, on the other hand, shared it with me willingly for four years.It was only at the last moment that she suddenly saw her own humbleness in my perfect life.

But it was only when I completely forgot about Cailian that I realized that what Cailian shared with me was such an open-minded truth.

I had just graduated from university that year and was working as a writer in a company in Beijing.Because the salary is too low to afford to rent an expensive house, I live in the cheapest basement; and in order to save the fare as much as possible, I get up half an hour earlier to walk a certain distance and take the bus instead of the one right in front of me. subway.

This kind of life, entangled in a job I don't like very much, makes me feel tired, lonely, and helpless in my whole body and mind.The colleagues around are all indifferent, never caring about people's private affairs, and don't want to care.Everyone just concentrates on doing things. As for who has a headache, is in a bad mood, whose family member is sick and needs leave to accompany him, and who has been approved by the leader and needs comfort, no one will pay attention.In the small cubicle, people walk cautiously among each other, and when they bump into each other occasionally, they dodge quickly, as if, afraid of being peeped by each other, the privacy of promotion and salary increase.

I was a novice at that time, because I was not familiar with the work, I had to figure everything out by myself.No one reached out to give me a little help.Often after work, everyone else has already left, and I am still revising and perfecting a copy again and again.It was late autumn at that time, and the evening wind swirled in from the window, blowing the sky-blue curtain into a fluffy lotus, but it was a lotus that was about to wither and had decayed colors.Occasionally, the wind in the corridor will blow open the door, and then blow the paper on the table to the ground with a clatter, or sweep it out of the door.

Every time at this time, there will always be a man who is older than me, help me pick them up one by one, and then gently knock on the door a few times, beckoning me to take them back.This is a man with a warm smile and simple clothes. I once thought that he was a newcomer in the company at the same level as me, or those cleaning staff and computer repairers who came and went freely; because of his gentle and friendly demeanor, he always made me I naturally distinguish it from my colleagues in the cubicle.So when he picked up documents for me again and again, or quietly helped me close the windows in the corridor, I just smiled and said thank you, and never wanted to get to know him better.

Then one day, I saw him again under the bus stop sign, with his hands in his trouser pockets, and he was blowing a piece of music easily, with a smile still on his lips, that smile seemed to have a fragrance, faintly present The ground floated over and encircled me gently.He was obviously waiting for the bus too.It was the rush hour for getting off work, and two cars drove past one after another, but they did not stop at the stop because of overcrowding.Many people are anxious and complaining, raising their wrists every now and then to see the precious time.And he was blowing the fast-paced tune while watching the scenery on the road.In the eyes, there has never been the slightest upset and boredom.

I walked over curiously and greeted him.He glanced at me with a tired look, and then joked, saying, look, the troubles on your face can be scraped off, and you can knead it into a lively doughnut.I was finally amused by him, and asked him, what exactly did your eyes see that could make you sing with joy after being dropped by several buses in a row?

His eyes instantly seemed to light up a lamp, brighter than before.He pointed to the hurrying crowd on the road and said, if you observe carefully, you will find that every bit around you is a lens of a movie.I didn't understand, so he pointed to the crowd and explained it to me little by little.You see, the child sleeping soundly in the car, his calf is as strong and powerful as a newborn lotus root. Perhaps at this moment, in his dream, he is struggling to joint.And that middle-aged woman with heavy makeup on her face, will she still have such high self-confidence after removing her makeup?And the middle-aged man in the car just now was holding the steering wheel while talking on the phone. He must be proud and conceited in his heart. He always feels that the world lacks him, and he can't even turn the wheels.As for you, a frowning girl, if you were to play the girl in a movie who is chased by love and can't find an exit, you wouldn't even need makeup.

I was finally teased by his last sentence, making me lean forward and backward.After laughing, I asked him, what exactly do you do in the company?He squinted and smiled at me, and said, it must be a small position that is not humane, otherwise, how could it be regarded as a negligible air by you?

I saw him again at the company collective meeting a few days later.At that time, he was on the rostrum, sitting with the company's leading backbone, still smiling, confident, peaceful, calm, clean, and extremely flexible.He turned out to be the backbone of the company's key training, and his humor, humor, open-mindedness and tolerance once made many girls in the company fall in love with him.

But I, because I blindly cared about my little sorrows, ignored what he once told me, those bright and colorful scenery on the surface of life.

After a year, I finally found a job I liked and left that company.But it is difficult for me to forget him anymore, just like, in the following walks, I will never ignore any scenery in life that can make life rich and flexible.

(End of this chapter)

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