Chapter 311 Qingcheng II (78)
The city (28)
If you don't love it, you just don't love it anymore.

On the streets of Changsha shrouded in heat, I wrapped myself tightly, as if being a little naked was a kind of silent mockery, humiliating and tormenting me.

It was so dark at night that I couldn't find any way.

I hugged the quilt and cried at night, crying and crying. I found that I didn't have a mobile phone, and I couldn't find a way to ask for help.

When Jiang Han came out, I was in a ball of tears. He handed me the phone and said, I thought you had a strong resistance against me, and I thought you would never be able to conquer your castle in this far so good!

Then, he smiled at me and said, you also want to open up a little bit, young people, don't we just have fun together.

I looked at him, but couldn't say another word.

Yeah, how can I believe that he will fall in love with me?
How can I believe that such a man is willing to fall in love with me?

The good, the bad, and the entanglement in these years are just a game of playing hard to get!

I watched his leaving back, and my heart seemed to be opened with a big hole. I couldn't hate him, I couldn't hate him, I only hated my innocence!
Suddenly, I looked at the stars in the sky, and they blinked at me as if mocking me.

I suddenly laughed, and with a smile, I called Gu Lang.

I said, Gu Lang, where are you?

I said, Gu Lang, take me away!You can take me anywhere!I will follow you tonight!

After I finished speaking, I hung up the phone - at this moment, I looked like Xiaoci, like Li Menglu, like every woman whose heart was broken by love.

It seems that only by destroying himself can this scar be healed.

Jiang Han turned to look at me, smiled, and said, count me as a gift to Brother Gu tonight!

I was still not angry, I just smiled at him.

The heart is broken like blood, and the smile is like a flower.

The night when Gu Lang took me away, I kept smiling at him, patted his shoulder and said, tonight, I'm yours!I kid you not!
Gu Lang looked at me distressedly, he turned his head and looked deeply at the neighborhood.

I snapped his head off, and I said, Gu Lang, do you love me?

He didn't speak.

I just laughed, and I said, look, am I ugly?

Gu Lang suddenly hugged me tightly in his arms, he said, I'm sorry, Tianya!How could I put you in someone else's arms!How can I believe that others will give you love!

After he said this, I finally cried out.

That's right, even the man I've loved for ten years won't give me a complete love, how can I trust a man who has been frivolous for so many years?

I looked up at Gu Lang and said, I hate you!
Then I laughed again, and looked up at the stars in the sky. Those stars were my childhood partners. Now, how would they feel when they saw that I was so frustrated in love?
That night, Gu Lang hugged me tightly, trying to warm my coldness.

However, I can no longer feel the sound of my heartbeat - I suddenly remembered that sentence, he said, if you don't love, you just don't love.

I looked at Gu Lang, smelled his breath deeply, and burst into tears.

Why don't you give me such a hug when I love you so much?Why did you give me such a hug when my heart was given to that man!
But my heart is for you, I don't love you anymore, I just don't love you anymore.

(End of this chapter)

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