Chapter 303 Qingcheng II (70)
The city (20)
If she stole food, he would feel better.

The weather in May, the sunshine is really good.

I lay on the sofa, the sunlight still hurt my eyes, I thought of Ye Ling and the letter she left behind, looked up at the sun, and burst into tears.

Huba called me, his voice was very hoarse, he said, Tudou, spend more time with the boss.

Only then did I know that he had been hiding from me that something happened to my mother in Hainan Island, and they didn't want me to worry, so they have been hiding from me these days, just like I kept from them about Ye Ling.

She said, I'm sorry, my Huba, my boss Hai, I can't say goodbye to you until we part.


When Huba came to pick me up, he drove a very cool sports car. Since he joined the rich man Lao Ou, his calf has become thicker than the waist of ordinary people. Every time Hainan Island always warns him, Don't meddle!People like Lao Ou are human beings, if you follow him, you won't do anything good!Otherwise, can the money come so quickly?Can?Can?Huba, your grandson, if you do something wrong again, I will not be able to protect you!Can you count on him?Don't be sold by him at that time, and you will count the money back to him!
Huba grabbed my arm and said with a playful smile, hurry up!Tudou, you see, Hai Dazhuang is jealous because he is richer than him?Ha ha ha ha.


Those happy little days slowly solidified like this, and slowly ended in this black May.

In the car, Huba told me the whole thing.

That night, when they found their mother in Hainan Island along the way, she had been beaten beyond recognition by a group of people and she was unconscious.All this is not the work of the city management.At first, the urban management only confiscated her things, and the old toy gun was also taken away... She was taken away from the busiest street in the city.

Maybe it was because of her deep obsession, or maybe it was God's will. She just walked aimlessly like this, and as she walked, she wanted to buy a pack of instant noodles in the supermarket to satisfy her hunger, but found that her wallet had long since disappeared during the jostling with the urban management. up.

Hunger, fear, despair, the stimulation she has endured for so many years of wandering, has made her behavior a little abnormal... She just wandered around the toy section of the supermarket like a ghost, looking at those various toys, she felt like Thinking of her son who ran away from home back then... She didn't know if she was possessed by an evil spirit or what, she suddenly picked up a toy gun in the supermarket, and rushed out the door as if hugging her son who had been lost for many years... …

In this era when everyone hates "thieves", the consequences can be imagined.

So many people chased after her. Faced with chasing, beating and tearing her apart, she desperately wanted to escape with that gun in her arms, and refused to return it to others... Finally, when a group of people knocked her down to the ground, she still held onto the gun. He held the toy gun under his body.

She curled up to protect the handle of the broken toy gun, just like a mother protecting her young son.

He said that Hainan Island has been talking about why she didn't steal food?Why did she steal instead of food?If she stole food, he would feel better...

I heard tears streaming down my face, and Huba also cried. He said, the boss wants to kill himself!

I wiped my tears and said, is she recovered now?In any case, the mother and son are finally reunited.In fact, I'm also to blame, why can't I hold him like Xia Tong and let him recognize his mother...

Huba sighed and said, don't take everything on yourself.

I said, has Aunt Gu recovered?
Huba sighed, and after a long time, he slowly opened his mouth, saying that he was fine, but he had a mental problem.The doctor said that the stimulation and external force over the years had damaged her central nervous system...

I froze in the car.

a long time.

When Huba and I walked into the ward carefully, Hainan Island was facing us, sitting silently opposite her, carefully put a peeled egg into her hand, and said, Mom, eat something .

She didn't look at Hainan Island, her eyes didn't have any focus, she took the egg, and she fed it to the toy gun in her arms. At that moment, her eyes were full of too much love.She said, Xiaotian, eat.

Hainan Island sighed, and wanted to take out the toy gun from her arms and let her eat well, but she bit his arm like a mother beast protecting her son.

Huba and I saw it and hurried forward.

Hainan Island restrained us, so he closed his eyes in pain, and let her ruthlessly bite off the ruthless tooth marks on his wrist.

Suddenly, she raised her head, as if she had sensed something, and said, Xiaotian, are you back?Xiaotian, you are really back.

After speaking, she cried.

An expression of endless sadness.

Hainan Island hugged her excitedly and said, Mom, Mom, you recognize

But she avoided him. Only then did we discover that her gaze was originally staring at Huba in a daze. Waiting for the boy she had been looking for for many years to open the door...

In the end, the light in her eyes finally dimmed, and she muttered to herself, Xiaotian... let's go home... Mom doesn't care about you playing games anymore... Mom doesn't care about you anymore...

She lowered her head, looked at the toy gun in her arms, and suddenly smiled again. She held the crushed egg in her hand, fed it, and said,'s time to eat...

Hainan Island turned his head and rushed out of the ward, clenched his fists tightly, panting heavily, trying to hold back the tears rushing into his eyes.

I followed out and tugged on his sleeve lightly, but I didn't know how to comfort him.

He glanced back at me, his eye sockets were as red as blood, and he hugged me tightly into his arms, as if he was picking up a little bit of strength to support him.

There was a painful muffled breath in his throat, and finally tears wet my shoulders.

(End of this chapter)

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