Chapter 298 Qingcheng II (65)
The city (15)
In fact, you are nothing; but because I love you.

After that night, I told them about Xia Tong's father in Hainan Island.

I told Hainan Island, Boss, you will spend more time with Xia Tong in the future. A girl with a family on her back is too hard. If it were me, I wouldn’t even know... Sigh...

Hainan Island looked at me with complicated eyes, and finally smiled and said, Tudou, you really...will take me as a gift!
That being said, Hainan Island still finds time to spend time with Xia Tong.

Hu Dongduo said, Tianya, why do you always put Tongtong and Dahainan together? Even ghosts can see that every time Hainan Island sees you, its eyes are blinding!You are going to divorce Jiang Han in the future, he is a good candidate.

I have black hair all over my head.

Huba, who is well-dressed recently, almost jumped up from the sidelines, saying, your sister, she and Hainan Island?Brother and sister, this is incest.

I'm covered in black wool again.

Xiaoci stared at me fiercely from the side, with those little eyes, she wished to tear me into pieces.I wonder if Hu Dongduo deliberately framed me.

Wanwan was also there, and she took out the manuscript fee that she had saved for a long time, and asked me to hand it over to Xia Tong.She said, no matter how you say it, Xia Tong is also half of her teacher.

That night, we had dinner together in an extremely simple restaurant - Renming Commune.A group of people sat around a pile of steaming dry pots to cheer Xia Tong up.

Xia Tong didn't speak, she sat beside Hainan Island, her eyes were red several times, but the tears refused to fall - I like her calmness, although I know she endured very hard; If you were me, you would already be crying.

Hu Dongduo gnawed at my ears and said, Tianya, you help Xia Tong out of the manuscript fee.

I nodded and said, yes.

Hu Dongduo said, haha, maybe it got to Ma Xiaozhuo's ears, and Xia Tong accepted the bribe.

I curled my lips and said, as a colleague, if you pay Xia Tong your salary, then Xia Tong has become the mole you and Jiang Kemeng planted in the company with Ma Xiaozhuo.

Hu Dongduo just laughed, looking heartless, and said, what should I do?Our group will send Xia Xiaotong's "little friend" to hell.Ha ha ha ha.

Wanwan looked at us from the side, quietly, like a shadow, she didn't speak, just watched quietly.

After eating and drinking too much, we a group of boring people walked shoulder to shoulder, hand in hand, and wandered on the pedestrian street without innovation at Xia Tong's suggestion.

Hainan Island shook his head and said that he would invite us to eat "Braised Wild Goose Turtle" another day.

In fact, I have never understood why Hainan Island can eat so many dishes that I have never heard of, let alone seen, such as "dog meat stewed crab", "wild geese stewed turtle", and "hedgehog roast". Potato"……

At that moment, I realized that, in fact, I had not been in the small circle in Hainan Island for a long time.When I was young, he, Huba, and Ye Ling were all I had, but now that I have my own circle of life, he is only, and can only be, a part of my life.

This change made me suddenly very emotional.

Suddenly, Xiaoci's eyes were attracted by a group of people watching the fun, and she dragged us to the crowd with extreme curiosity.

After standing still, I suddenly wanted to dodge.

Among the crowd was the woman who was looking for her child two years ago. She returned to this city after several searches. What was different from before was that the things she placed on the tarpaulin were no longer those simple paper prints. The missing person notice, but one very old and very old toy after another——

There are wooden slingshots, toy pistols made of wire, game machine coins, four-corner cards, glass beads, some small Transformers scattered around, and all the damaged comic books... In her arms He's also holding a squirt gun that's worn out, but apparently never used.

She was like this, holding her tightly in her arms.

This old water spray gun seems to hide a story, a story that only a poor mother and a playful son can understand——

Maybe before he ran away from home, he begged his mother for a water spray gun. This is a new style in the commissary, and it must be very popular among his companions.But the mother who was struggling to make ends meet had no choice but to reject him... Later, the boy ran away from home for unknown reasons, but the frightened and remorseful mother could only think that the toy gun that failed to fulfill her son's wish was to blame. So she bought the gun back with tears, and began to watch for her son's return.

From searching to disappointment; from disappointment to watching; from watching to searching...

After so many years, she must have blamed herself immensely for her rejection that day - it was just a toy gun, but it was poorer, but if she could get her son back, she would do anything...

Mother is a powerful term; but it is also an extremely weak term.

Her fragility stems from the child who was born in October of her pregnancy, relying on her own love and her own favor to demand excessively from herself.

Yes, in fact, you are nothing; but because I love you.


On the pedestrian street with people coming and going, she knelt and swayed back and forth, as if it was a mechanical movement. She said, Xiaotian, come back.Come back, mom doesn't care about you playing games anymore.Come back, come back...

In front of her, she seemed to be still living at the age when her son ran away from home in her teens. She didn't seem to know that at this time, if his son was alive, he should be a man in his twenties, and then It's not that playful boy back then...

The great uneasiness seized my whole heart, and my eyes unconsciously glanced at Hainan Island, only to find that Xia Tong was staring up at him.

And his fists were clenched tightly, and the tears in his eyes were endless.

I suddenly discovered that Xia Tong is really smart. She always knew that the mother who was looking for her son Gu Botian came to Changsha, so she quietly led Hainan Island here at an unintentional time... …

If it were me, I would drag Hainan Island here, point to this woman, and ask him, look, is this your mother!
Just as Xiaoci was about to squeeze forward to look at that old photo of Gu Botian, Hainan Island grabbed her and he walked away without saying a word.

Xia Tong grabbed him tightly, with thousands of words in his chest, but he never opened his mouth.

A group of us followed, and everyone except me looked at the two of them strangely—yes, this young man is holding hands affectionately...

Hu Dongduo's eyes widened, and he said, Tongtong really has an affair with Xiaohainan!

Huba also stared wide-eyed.

At the moment of the stalemate between him and her, a group of city officials driving a battery car rushed towards the stall where the woman was, blasting away the onlookers, and they overturned the woman's booth as fast as they could, shouting through loudspeakers, Small businesses and hawkers are prohibited from setting up stalls on the pedestrian street!

Seeing that her son's former toy was overturned, the woman rushed down, cried, and said, I dare not set up a stall, I am looking for my son!
Find your son and go to the side!Do not occupy public resources such as pedestrian streets!

Immediately afterwards, they began confiscating all the woman's belongings, regardless of her crying and pleading.

Xia Tong and I stared closely at Hainan Island. Yes, at this moment, how much we hope that he can stand up and block this storm for this mother who has been precarious for half her life.

We are so convinced that he is Gu Botian.

Those eyebrows, those eyes, that laziness, after so many years, cannot be changed.

All kinds of pain and embarrassment fluttered on Hainan Island's face, and Xiao Ci looked at the accident with round eyes like a little fox.

At this moment, Hu Dongduo suddenly turned around and shouted at the urban management, since it is a public resource, what is wrong with her here!Don't you all have sons!
Hu Dongduo will always live like a female fighter who has been beaten with chicken blood.

When she said a word, some people around her began to get angry—yes, it’s just a mother looking for her son, why should she press so hard.

When Hu Dongduo rushed to the front line of the battle, Xia Tong and I were disappointed because they were probably afraid that the situation would get out of control, and Hainan Island pulled Xiaoci and left.


Later, Hainan Island said, you always blame me.However, you don't even know that on that day, every step I took to leave there was like walking on a sharp knife.

You will never understand the pain and shame of a son facing his mother but not being able to protect him.

(End of this chapter)

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