Chapter 296 Qingcheng II (63)
The city (13)
Every class of people has their happiness and their unhappiness.But they disagree with each other.

The day before the Spring Festival, my mother finally decided to leave Changsha.

The night before she left, she discussed with me that she would take the boy back to Qingdao to be raised by her and his father's side, saying that it would save money for the two nanny.

I said, it's better for the children to be taken by their parents, besides, Jiang Han is also reluctant.

My mother said, silly girl, why don't you understand what it means to be a mother?

In fact, I don't understand, my mother mistakenly thought that I gave Jiang Han a cuckold, and I didn't know who made Xiaotong with someone, and then she quickly got Xiaotong, a hot potato, in order to maintain the stability of my marriage with Jiang Han Let's go, let Jiang Han and I make persistent efforts to create socialist newcomers to make up for the rift in our marriage.

I said, Mom, don't worry about my business, you go home for the Spring Festival.

My mother immediately became anxious and said, why are you so ignorant!Jiang Han can tolerate this matter, it's not because you are young now!Look, his mother came to scold him a few days ago!Tell me, how could you do such a thing!As she said that, my mother began to cry. She said, if you stay here during the Spring Festival, you don’t know if your mother-in-law can let you rest, or you and Jiang Han will go back to Qingdao with your mother for the New Year.Just in time for a wedding in the spring!
I looked at her, both amused and sad.

The funny thing is that the matter between me and Jiang Han actually played out like this in her heart, but she can't explain it; the sad thing is that I am so old, and I still make her so worried. If she knows the truth about me and Jiang Han, I can't even tell how uncomfortable it will be.

I said, Mom, don't do this.Why do people become more and more hypocritical as they live, and it's not like I won't go home.I'm just very busy this year. I have a book to be published and am revising; another book is in the end, and I'll go home after I'm busy.good or not?

My mother's face was even longer, saying, don't always mention your books to me, no matter how important it is, is it more important than family and men?Let those books give you old age in the future.

I quickly apologized, saying that I would handle the relationship with Jiang Han well, and try to make her old man feel at ease earlier.

In the end, my mother bid farewell to Jiang Han and me in tears.

On the way back from the airport, Jiang Han looked at me and said, "Your mother said something to me when she left, and it makes me sad to think about it."

I said, what are you talking about?

He said, your mother said that although she felt ashamed to ask me, she still hoped that I could treat you well.

After finishing speaking, he sighed and said, how I wish my parents could also give me this kind of normal love and treatment.

I bowed my head, smiled, and said, if you exchange your ordinary life for your luxury car, beautiful house, good horse, manor, and wine that won't blink when you drink it, would you be willing?
Jiang Han said, what is there to refuse?

I pouted.

It was only later that I realized that Jiang Han's sentence "Why don't you refuse" was definitely not a slap in the face to make a fat man, but a real sentence.Because in our eyes, those luxuries they have are just their lives, which are very common things; while some of the real, happy and ordinary things we have seem to be a kind of luxury in their eyes.

Every class of people has their happiness and their unhappiness.But they disagree with each other.

(End of this chapter)

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