Chapter 276 Qingcheng II (43)
at (18)
If you don't love, what can you do if you have a stable life?If it is love, even wandering and wandering will feel happy.

In Changsha in December, the sky is already slightly cold.

Gu Lang's body gradually recovered, his face was no longer pale, but began to turn rosy.However, every time I fell asleep, Li Menglu would hand me a glass of water with sleeping pills very skillfully, and said, there are sleeping pills in it, feed him, so that he can have a good sleep.

Every time at this moment, infinite pity grows in my heart, this man, how many overwhelming things he has to bear in his heart, so that he cannot sleep peacefully without sleeping pills.

It was at that moment that my hand lightly brushed across his chest through the shirt, and I recited it like an oath—the bird passed by my heart, and I would never leave again.

I recalled the morning when I first saw him, when he woke up, his lips were pale, and when he saw me, there was a gleam of brilliance in his eyes, but they were instantly gloomy.

I handed the water to his lips and said, I have seen it all.

He looked at me, stunned for a moment, put his hands lightly on his chest, and looked a little helpless. After a long while, he slowly opened his mouth, it was a voice like a helpless sigh, he said, Tianya, the road I walked, from From the start, there is no turning back.That little bird, I can't give her a safe place to live...

I shook my head, like being possessed by a romantic heroine, and said, if I don't love, what can I do if I live a stable life?If it is love, even wandering and wandering will feel happy.

That morning, Gu Lang's hand gently held mine.And my tears, tears of happiness or anticipation, just fell down so gently.

In the tears, I actually saw Jiang Han's face, at such a happy moment, I actually saw him! ! !

This face beat my head and feet in pain, pointed at me and Gu Lang's nose and yelled, adulterer and adulterer!Adulterer!You adulterers and whores!A stable life?I bother!Displacement is happiness?I bother!Use true love to beautify your red apricot cheating!Out of the wall!
I don't know why, but for Gu Lang's love in the past, I always believed so confidently that my marriage with Jiang Han was a fart!I just feel sorry for Gu Lang, and I don't know how to make him accept the fact that Jiang Han and I have obtained a marriage certificate.

But now, obviously, I also began to feel ashamed of my "marriage" with Jiang Han, so I had to comfort myself, Tianya, your marriage with Jiang Han is a fart.

I blinked, tried to push Jiang Han's face out of my eyes, and looked at Gu Lang intently, I told myself that this must be the sequelae of psychosis caused by the kidnapping.

Love is like this, the person who made you extremely painful and resentful, even the person who has moved the determination not to communicate with each other, does not need his vows, sweet words, just a hesitant look in his eyes, You will fight back overwhelmingly.



Love makes people upset.

The longer I spend with Gu Lang, the more I worry about whether I can get the "divorce agreement" from Jiang Han.

Even, I began to regret that I didn't throw Jiang Han down when he was drunk that night, and let him sign the "divorce agreement" I had drawn up.

What I'm more worried about is, even if one day I get the divorce certificate, how can I explain to Gu Lang this entanglement that I can't figure out myself?

Will he believe me?

(End of this chapter)

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