Chapter 263 Qingcheng II (30)
at (5)
One is someone I loved, and the other is someone I married.

Later, according to what Hu Dongduo told me, that night, with the strength of alcohol, I not only cried impermanently, but also began to sing some strange songs—I couldn’t complete the five notes, but my heart was broken.

As a result, more people were attracted to watch the fun.

Huba, who was surrounded by the crowd, faced my imageless crying, and felt that there was no place to put his old face. He tremblingly said to Hu Dongduo next to him, hurry up, what, what, what? her!At any rate, there is a literary young woman who has cooperated with your company. Although she is not a contracted author or her own child, she cannot be allowed to degenerate like this, making her look like a rural non-mainstream. Gu Lang from MB, I must kill him!

Hu Dongduo was busy kicking Kang Tianqiao, who was afraid that the world would not be chaotic. As soon as Huba said, she immediately came to her senses and persuaded me, Tianya, what do you think you are doing?Are you putting down your wealth to experience life for writing novels?Ma Xiaozhuo won't give you an extra fee!If you have time to make trouble, it is better to go home and finish the manuscript early.

As soon as she mentioned that I still had manuscripts in arrears, I cried even more sadly.

Li Menglu was giggling and giggling in the back, seeing her full of excitement, she still didn't forget to amuse me, holding her voice like reciting a poem, hey, Tianya, don't look at my lack of reading, but our family Xin Baibai is also a literary master at any rate.I think, if you literary youths are emotionally hurt, at least in the rainy night, it is more appropriate to silently cut your wrists and commit suicide; or go to the top of the building to play the violin for a while, and then jump down. Maybe you didn't fall to your death, but you fell paralyzed, but Gu Lang was moved to take care of you for the rest of your life...

Hu Dongduo glared at her, and Hu Ba hurriedly pushed Li Menglu, saying, one Ai Tianya is big enough!Can you stop talking a few words!
I didn't pay attention to Li Menglu, but when she mentioned "Xin Baibai" - my once little first love, I suddenly hated it for no reason! Writer of MB!If he hadn't broken up with me because of that rich girl Liu Yunyun, I guess I would still be in love with him.Based on the word "loyalty" in the love novels I read when I was a child, even if I meet Gu Lang again, I will not fall into it. There is no need to be so painful. I will definitely guard Xin Baibai, a pair of 2B literary youths, "one Break up every now and then, reconcile every two, four, and six", reciting poems, juggling lyrics, living this life pretentiously to the death, not to mention meeting a cheating enemy on the way—Uncle Jiang Hanjiang.

Thinking of Jiang Han, my head felt as if I had been injected with a dose of pethidine, and I suddenly woke up—I "married" Jiang Han without any integrity, and even "moved" to his house. What else do you want to ask Gu Lang?

Yeah, what else can I ask him?

Am I still qualified to question him?

Do you want him to cry and say to me, Tianya, I love you!Then, with tears in my eyes, I said to him, Ouba, I'm sorry!I am married!Or, Oppa, let's commit suicide together!
At this moment, I realized that I was really ridiculous, and my thoughts suddenly became terribly sober in this calm night, yes, Jiang Han and I were married.

Thinking of this, my tears flowed more happily, it was a sense of hopelessness that could not be recovered.

While weeping, I calmed down, turned around silently, silently pushed away the group of onlookers, walked away from Gu Lang's door, and walked out of Tang Hui.

And the few live treasures behind me only knew that I was heartbroken by Gu Lang, but they didn't know that I was deeply desperate for Uncle Jiang's "marriage certificate" that could not be recovered.

As soon as I walked out the door, the rain poured down without warning.

Huba and Hu Dongduo shouted in unison, Tianya, come back quickly, be careful to become a water-injected pig.

How annoyed I am, how tacitly you two run on me!If you have sympathy, you should say "drowned chicken".

I was walking in the torrential rain, thinking of Li Menglu's words.

She also said just now that if we literary youths are emotionally hurt, at least in the rainy night, it is more appropriate to silently cut our wrists and commit suicide.

God loves her so much, he will give me a heavy rain immediately; if another knife falls from the sky, I will cut my wrist immediately without saying a word.

Walking alone in the rain, I got a headache from being hit by heavy raindrops. I really wanted to look back, why didn't any of these bitches catch up to give me an umbrella.

In the future, I will be in a hurry with whoever tells me that friendship is long live.

Hu Dongduo asked Cui Jiu for an umbrella and wanted to chase me, but Huba stopped her and said, let this stupid kid calm down.

Kang Tianqiao said, that's right, you still have a wound on your head, don't get caught in the rain.

Hu Dongduo sighed repeatedly and said, what if she catches a cold?
Li Menglu said, a cold?Why do I think she walks very high by herself, so flirtatious.In this situation, if the male protagonist appeared, he would have to hold his head and cry when he saw the slender and helpless female protagonist getting wet in the rain, right?The liver and intestines...not cut by inches, but by centimeters!

Cui Jiu said, stop beeping, hurry up!quick!There...there...look, that wobbly man...isn't he the boss?

At this time, a lonely shadow appeared unsteadily in the rain.

Under the heavy rain, I was alone.

Behind the shadow, not far away is a black car, with fog lights flashing faintly, following this desperate shadow and slowly moving forward. There seems to be a pair of falcon-like black eyes in the car that have been watching this lonely man. And the desperate figure, peep carefully.

My breathing suddenly becomes unclear.

(End of this chapter)

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