Chapter 257 Qingcheng II (24)
Dreams, to me, are the same as love, if you are not your favorite, why should you wrong yourself and make do with it?

Because Jiang Han made a fuss about my blind date with Lao Ou, Huba almost chopped me up, because after Lao Ou turned around, he almost sent someone to chop him up.

In the end, Huba gave up his company, saying that he was negligent in the investigation, so that a bad woman surnamed Ai who loves vanity and covets money deceived Mr. Ou and your pure feelings.It's just that I didn't complete the lifelong event for you, Mr. Ou. I will die with peace, and death is not enough for the common people to be angry.

In the end, he sent the high-ranking Li Menglu to the scene again to restore the situation—it is said that Lao Ou fell in love with Li Menglu, who was as delicate and charming as Daiyu, and proposed marriage again.Soon, he forgot about Huba getting a "married woman" for him.

As a result, Huba really made a fortune.

Compared with Huba, Hainan Island did not go so smoothly. There was a lot of conflict between him and Ma Xiaozhuo because of the company's shares.The reason is that Hainan Island is a black household with no identity card or household registration book... Therefore, it is a gentleman's agreement between him and Ma Xiaozhuo.

Xia Tong reminded Hainan Island at the beginning, she said, talk about being a gentleman with Ma Xiaozhuo?stop being funny!Are you scolding him or scolding him!
At that time, Hu Dongduo and I laughed at Xia Tong's meanness, it was entirely because Ma Xiaozhuo Pipa married Su Qingfan that Xia Tong smeared our brother Ma like a vinegar vat.

These days, Hu Dongduo works diligently as an editor.

Where there are many girls, there is always a lot of gossip and gossip.

After she and Xia Tong met each other and became a perfect match, I could always hear the latest news in the company through their twitter chats. What director Jiang Kemeng's core position made Ma Xiaozhuo very unhappy, and began to make her stand up; what did I hear? Ma Xiaozhuo has a mistress, poor Su Qingfan has entered the first level of combat preparation; why Ma Xiaozhuo treats the new talent Xin Baili as a treasure, and wishes to make him and me into golden boys and girls in the literary world...

When it comes to Xin Baibai, Hu Dongduo is still extremely disdainful, saying, ah bah, what kind of golden boy and jade girl should be made into Pan Jinlian Ximen Qing.

Over the years, I have seen too much of Ma Xiaozhuo's whimsical ideas.

I remember that after the publication of "Love in Lavender 1", the sales volume was considerable. Ma Xiaozhuo suddenly felt that I was a plastic cash cow, and kept asking me to have dinner and tea for bilateral talks. For the second book, he gave me the constellation series.

Speaking of which, he said his real purpose while swallowing his coffee. If you are afraid of getting tired, we will find someone to write it. You can read it and sign your name.

At that time, I was just young and frivolous, aloof and upright; what's more, the love for writing at the beginning was a true love. Writing is a dream-like existence, and it is nothing more than a life.

I wish I could spray coffee on Ma Xiaozhuo's face, I rejected my benefactor Ma Xiaozhuo with a green face like Liu Hulan.

How much I love myself back then, little girl, life has never tasted warm or cold, she is sincere and cold, and there is no room for half a grain of sand in her eyes.

At this time, I am more and more duplicity.Even if Ma Xiaozhuo brought up something that was against my principles and bottom line, I would turn a blind eye to it, as long as he was entertaining himself.Many things, even if they have already refused in their hearts, they will put on a game posture of "Okay, you smashed me to death with money".

Not rejecting, and never accepting, was the way Ma Xiaozhuo and I got along later.

But even so, at this time, I would never have thought that the later self would experience more desolation and betrayal, expectations and disappointments, not to mention sand, even if someone stabbed me in the eye, I would pull her away The little hand said to her Taobao body: Dear.

Therefore, at this time, I thought I could be sophisticated, but I never thought that one day, I would give up everything I had worked hard for.


I detest myself who is no longer pure, and the people and companions around me who are no longer pure.

I am no longer happy on this road of words, I just feel more and more lonely and desolate as I go, I can no longer find the little girl who purely loves words, the stubborn and stubborn little girl, and she will never give up little girl.

Dreams, to me, are the same as love, if you are not your favorite, why should you wrong yourself and make do with it?

In the dark night of Qingdao, I hugged myself who was no longer me and cried. In the darkness, there was a faint voice calling—my world, dreams and love, only love, no love, absolutely don’t want to have it, will be At once.

In this way, I quietly left the circle of words, without warning, without a single word, I stubbornly and irresponsibly gave up the contract signed with the two companies.

In this way, in love, I failed to be self-willed; but in my dream, I was self-willed once with joy and no sense of responsibility.

I know it's not good to do this, but I want to be myself, a self who can be happy, sincere, without going through troubles, and without duplicity.

I love that self, but I don't know, even if I pay the price of letting go of this fame and fortune, whether I can really get back to the original self.

It is impossible for a person to know the foresight, so I don't know that I will realize this kind of sadness later, and I am still living happily and obsessively.

Hu Dongduo has moved to Xia Tong's place since he started working, in order to be close to the company and convenient to go to work. I was the only one left in the original apartment, but every weekend, Hu Dongduo came back to pamper me for two days.

Because I live alone, every time Wanwan is bullied by Li Menglu, she can hide by my side.

A few times, when I saw the bruises on her body, I wanted to talk to Li Menglu, but was stopped by Wanwan, she said with red eyes like a little white rabbit, you found my sister , she will beat me harder.

I sighed and said, how about, Wan Wan, you can live with me!
Wanwan nodded vigorously first, but then shook his head immediately, with sad eyes, and said, my sister will kill me!
I looked at her, and my heart was very sour. At such a young age, I lived in such a dilemma.

Seeing me sad, Wanwan pulled my sleeve, comforted me, and said, don't feel sorry for me, when I become independent and earn more money, I will get better.

Then, she blinked her eyes again, and said cautiously, in fact, my sister is also having a hard time, being with a man she doesn't like all day long, so she is always in a bad mood, that's why she takes me out...

I looked at Wan Wan with infinite pity, she was beaten up, and she still had to make excuses for Li Menglu.

However, I suddenly didn't quite understand, Li Menglu doesn't like Xin Baibai?Just because of her cold and pungent appearance, why would she hold on to someone she doesn't like?
(End of this chapter)

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