Chapter 243 Qingcheng II (10)
Such a thunder, your "husband" and your lover actually have a blood feud with each other!

When Hu Dongduo arrived, I was still in a daze for a long time in Li Menglu's last sentence.

As soon as Hu Dongduo saw me, he got excited and said, it's better to be a relative, you see, you ran to the door and waited for me.

When she said this, I was embarrassed to say that I was thrown out by Cui Jiu when I was about to confess my love to Gu Lang, because Gu Lang and his father came to kill me again.

Hu Dongduo looked at me and said, hey, why did you call me just now?Why did you hang up again?Still not answering my phone.Jiang Han is coming back?That's a good thing!Divorce quickly, take Gu Lang down, stay in Changsha, and be the proprietress of Tang Hui.Hey, did you confess your love just now...

Her babbling made me dizzy. I dragged her hand and said, let's go.

Hu Dongduo looked at my disappointed expression and said, rejected?
I shook my head and said, no.

Hu Dongduo said, well, after I solve the three emergencies in life first, I will accompany you to make a good plan, how to capture Gu Lang with ease, and successfully get out of the wall!

As she spoke, she dragged me up to the second floor, looking for the bathroom.

I bite the bullet and was dragged up to the second floor by her. As soon as I reached the corridor, suddenly, there was a heated argument between Gu Zhidong and Gu Lang in the room.

Gu Zhidong's voice was like a roaring angry lion, he said, good!Since you want to avenge your mother so much!Since you are trying so hard to find out the truth!Then I will tell you the truth!Your mother was killed by Qin Xin and Jiang Huailin, are you satisfied now?
Gu Lang's voice was obviously full of disbelief, he almost tremblingly asked Gu Zhidong, what are you talking about? !

Gu Zhidong smiled mockingly, and said, let me tell you, you keep shouting to avenge your mother, but you are serving your enemy at all!You took over her shop, you took care of her business, and you worked hard for her!You are her lackey!You are now satisfied!

What followed was a deathly silence.

My head exploded instantly.

Hu Dongduo also froze by my side. Obviously, she was thinking quickly about some complicated relationships caused by this dialogue.

The two of us seemed to be watching a movie, and we encountered the bloodiest climax as soon as we entered the scene.

The unexpected secret exploded in front of Hu Dongduo and me.

After that death-like silence came Gu Lang's hoarse voice, his vocal cords seemed to be covered with bloodstains, he asked Gu Zhidong, why did you tell me now?Is it to humiliate me?Just to punish me for going against your will all these years, so you want to see my jokes, don't you!If yes, you made it!

Gu Zhidong said something lightly, and I just investigated it.

Then I heard the sound of glass shattering and tearing.

Gu Lang probably wanted to rush out the door, but was held back by Gu Zhidong and his men.

The voices suddenly became complicated, and the clearest thing I heard was Gu Zhidong's words: People don't fight with officials!Even if it is to avenge your mother, now is not the time!You better calm down!

Then there was another sound of tables and stools falling down.

The door of the room was suddenly opened.

I, who was still staying in the same place, suddenly woke up. If I don’t withdraw, I will never want to withdraw in this life. So I desperately pulled Hu Dongduo, who was still immersed in the plot of the movie, and rushed like crazy before Gu Zhidong and the others came out. After going down the first floor, she got into a taxi parked in front of the door and left Tang Hui.


Usually in TV dramas, under such circumstances, when gangsters are plotting ulterior motives, they will launch a chase when they open the door and hear footsteps coming down the stairs. Swords and swords and hail of bullets.

Hu Dongduo's emotions were a little agitated, mixed with excitement and a little panic, she looked at me and said, Tianya, help me make sure, help me sort it out, I suddenly feel a little stupid... Qin Xin... Is it Jiang Han's mother?
My brain turned a few times quickly before I was sure, and nodded to her.

Hu Dongduo said, God!Such thunder, your "husband" Jiang Han and your lover Gu Lang actually have a blood feud with each other!

The driver glanced at me in the side mirror, obviously sensitive to the word "lover".

The emotions between the two of us didn't subside until we reached the seventh floor of the Peace Hall, and after eating a buffet for a while, Hu Dongduo suddenly remembered that he still had one of the "three urgent things in life" that he had not resolved, and immediately rushed to the bathroom.

When Hu Dongduo came back, he asked me, Tianya, tell me, will Gu and Jiang be able to...

I didn't speak, but I was just thinking, is Gu Zhidong's understatement "I just investigated it now", is that really the case?Or did he know all along?

If he has always known, then it means that he has been enduring this hatred, his wife and daughter were killed, this hatred is absolutely irreconcilable.And if he doesn't go through legal procedures, then it must be that he doesn't want to die, because he must be afraid that too many scandals of his will be uprooted and affect his power.Could it be that he was really waiting for the most suitable opportunity to counterattack?This is horrible.

I must be worrying too much.

It must not be this complicated.

Hu Dongduo glanced at me and said, Tianya, if you poke again, you will break this plate.

I lowered my head and found that the lamb chop I had been poking with the knife had fallen on the table, and the knife could only poke the poor plate back and forth.

Hu Dongduo said, hey, tell me, speaking of it, if the Gu family really retaliated against the Jiang family, you should also be in the scope of being retaliated against.Think about it, it must be reasonable for Jiang Han's parents to kill Gu Lang's mother and sister, and Gu Lang to kill Jiang Han's wife—that is, you.

As soon as Hu Dongduo finished speaking, I sprayed a sip of water on her face.

Hu Dongduo wiped his face and said, Tianya, so, you should divorce Jiang Han quickly, otherwise, you will be finished, this is a disaster for nothing.very nice!He is going back home!Let him leave when he returns home!

Later, I forgot what Hu Dongduo said, and I just felt my head was suddenly at a loss.

Should I call my mom and ask her to check the date, it must be an auspicious day.Otherwise, why did everyone bump into today to let me see, and everything bumped into today to let me know.

I was still in a daze when the phone rang, startled.

The name displayed on the screen is: Du Yali.

I like to listen to her voice, that voice always reminds me of Ye Ling, clean and slightly lonely tone, it is innate, and cannot be imitated.

On the phone, Du Yali seemed very happy, asked about my recent situation, and then said, Tianya, I'm going to Changsha soon.hehe.That's right, this trip to Changsha has dragged on for a long time.That's right, I remember that I said I would come the year before last, but my friend went abroad, so I didn't come, and I couldn't meet you.

I laughed on the phone and said, haha, anyway, I have already met you in Beijing.

Half a year ago, that is, last winter, during the Beijing Book Fair, Xia Tong and I went to Beijing with Ma Xiaozhuo, and Ma Xiaozhuo said that he would take us to see the capital.

This was the first time I went to Beijing. I didn't see Tiananmen, but I saw Du Yali.

Every time I said that, Du Yali always laughed happily and said, ah, Tianya, I am actually on the same level as Tiananmen Square.

Sometimes, it is difficult for you to explain clearly, some people make you feel like old friends at first sight, some people make you feel unexpectedly kind, while some people make you feel a kind of pilgrimage for no reason.

For this, Hu Dongduo said, the biggest reason is, Ai Tianya, you are a village girl.

I hate the word village girl the most, because Jiang Han always uses this word to refer to me.

I told Du Yali on the phone, come on, I'll take you to Nanmenkou to eat stinky tofu.Ha, there are also local ducks from Qianliang Lake, and Hunan cuisine from Xiaoxiang with Chopsticks.

Du Yali said, oh, don't talk about it, I'm drooling.Okay, when my friend decides to return to China, I will go to Changsha, and I will contact you when the time comes.

I said, yes!Then I will take the credit of your amazing friend, and wait for you to stop by to see me.

Du Yali just smiled, like a woman in love, making people feel the sweetness of her smile even on the phone.

After I hung up the phone, Hu Dongduo leaned his head over and asked me, Du Yali?

I nodded.

Hu Dongduo said, hey, you have been in contact for so long, but you have never collaborated on a book.She is very powerful. When I buy books, I always see their "Jingming Culture" logo.And the book production is also very beautiful.Tsk tsk, it is much more exquisite than your previous books.

I smiled.

In fact, a long time ago, I also felt sorry for myself, and felt that the production of many books at the beginning was not very satisfactory.But, later, Du Yali told me, she said, you should feel proud, your books are like this step by step, even if they are not exquisite, they still record every step of your growth.

In fact, friends are the people who can influence you the most. They can change you from mean to tolerant, from worry to calm. Even if they are just ordinary acquaintances, they will also affect your life.

My affection for Du Yali became stronger and stronger after that chat, just like what Hu Dongduo said, as a company that ranks among the best in the youth literature section, she can definitely tell you, Ai Tianya, your former Book cover production is really ugly!The design is backward and the grade is not enough.Look at our how...

I think that’s why I respected her so much even though she hadn’t collaborated on a book at the time, even though she wasn’t my boss.She makes you fall in love with every step of your growth, even if your wings are not full, it is your own and unique growth.

(End of this chapter)

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