Chapter 225 Qingcheng I (47)
I seem to have returned to the classroom in the second year of junior high school, the moment when Teacher Ouyang opened the door and walked in with the boy Hainan Island.

Many years later, I still remember that winter night, in the dry air, the sound of cracking silk resounded through the parking lot.

That voice was mixed with begging and begging for mercy, it was a voice that was contained in the throat and did not dare to explode, desolate and helpless.During the period, there were still voices of cursing, saying, who asked you to set up a stall here?Do you know that it affects the appearance of the city?

It was these voices that made Jiang Han let me go quickly. His lower lip was slightly red, dripping with delicate blood, while there was a trace of bright red between my lips and teeth.

Our two attentions were attracted by the sound of cracking silk and the subsequent loud cries and reprimands.As a result, Jiang Han forgot the pain in his lower lip, and I forgot the embarrassment of being offended.

Not far away, an old man was hunched, holding tightly to the legs of the law enforcement officers, trying to get back the things they confiscated. Her tattered clothes were torn between pushing and pushing, and the sound of ripping silk was silent and clear. .She cried vaguely in her mouth, and said, please, I won't mess around again, give me back the things.

The voice was a little familiar, and it made me feel dazed, but I couldn't remember where I heard it.

The night wind was raging, blowing up her torn clothes, a piece of paper the size of a photo flew out of her arms, and some scattered coins flew out together, the paper bounced to the ground, and flew up again with the wind— —

For a moment, the old man didn't know whether to chase the bills flying in the wind, or beg the city management not to confiscate her things, she almost knelt on the ground, in a dilemma, and finally ran after the paper... …

The piece of paper was blown towards my cheek by the wind. Jiang Han tried to block it with his hands, but the wind was so strong that the piece of paper still blew towards my face. Fortunately, the old man had held it in his arms for a long time. Both fluffed up and not sharp.Otherwise, my face will definitely be left with small wounds.

After hitting my face, the piece of paper landed at Jiang Han's feet.

The old man rolled and crawled towards us, at this moment.I just discovered that the piece of paper she was chasing tearfully seemed to be an old photo.Looking at the old man again, it turned out to be the woman who Hu Dongduo helped to find her son. We met in front of the trash can at Tang Hui's door more than a month ago.

Jiang Han looked at the woman who was running, and there was a gleam of pity in his eyes. He bent down to pick up the photo, and the drop of delicate blood on his lips fell on the photo.Jiang Han stared at the drop of blood, then squinted at me coldly, with a mocking smile on the corner of his mouth, he said in a hateful voice, wait!

I also looked at him arrogantly and said, just wait and wait!Wherever I catch and bite!

Jiang Han wiped away the blood on the photo, smiled narrowly at me, his eyes were slightly drunk, and said, OK!Next time, I want to see your ability to catch and bite!
He handed the photo to the woman who ran over crying. The woman thanked me a lot. She looked at me while wiping her tears, was slightly taken aback, and said, girl, it's you.

I looked at her, my heart was sore, and I said, Auntie, why are you?

She said, I just set up a stall to sell some small things, but they were confiscated.When she said this, the tears flowed more urgently.But he was afraid of being rejected by us, so he hurriedly wiped his nose and tears with his sleeve, acting like a child.

It was probably because I felt too uncomfortable in my heart, tears fell down, and said, it’s okay for them to take those things, but I’m looking for some things from my son...they can’t take them away. After so many years, I just rely on these to find out If you want to find him for the news, it will be confiscated, and there will be nothing left... At this point, she burst into tears.

The cry didn't stop, she swallowed it down her throat, she seemed to realize something, and quickly said, girl, don't delay you, I'll beg them again.

I was about to speak and said, let me help you.

At this time, Jiang Han grabbed the woman's arm, blocked me behind her, and only said two words, simple but powerful, I'll go.

The night wind blew his hair away. At that moment, I suddenly felt that Jiang Han was actually very kind.From the look of compassion in this woman's eyes, I felt that his heart was actually very sensitive, and that a playboy's appearance was not a cynical heart.

Similarly, it was this subtle movement that reminded me of the sentence he said in Tang Hui that day - Ai Tianya, has no one told you that a woman's position should never be standing in front of a man!The sky is falling is also a man's business.

I don't know why, but suddenly there was a special warmth in my heart, thin and urgent, my whole body was a little dizzy, and my body suddenly became unstable.

That day, Jiang Han helped the aunt get her things back, and exchanged some polite words with those urban management.

That aunt almost knelt down to Jiang Han, she was so grateful that she didn't know what to say.She kept rubbing the photo in her hands, spreading it in her hands, with tears in her eyes.

Jiang Han and I were about to leave, but seeing her so sad, we stepped forward and tried to comfort her.My hand just landed on her shoulder, and my eyes glanced at the photo. I was stunned for a moment, and I couldn't help taking it from her hand, and carefully sizing it up. After a long while, I was deeply shocked by this photo. As if it was smashed down, it felt like the sky was falling apart, the past was mixed with memories, and the lightning flashed and thundered before my eyes——

In the yellowed photo, the boy wearing a vest, with narrow single eyelids, sharp eyebrows and white teeth, and messy hair... I seem to have returned to the classroom in the second year of junior high school. The moment when Teacher Ouyang opened the door with the boy Hainan Island, At that time, he was only a little taller than the boy in the photo, and his face was a little longer.

Jiang Han noticed that my face had changed, he looked at the photo, but couldn't see anything, so he frowned and said, what's wrong, Tianya?

Of course he couldn't see anything, because the appearance of the current Hainan Island and the Hainan Island of his youth had somewhat changed, and more importantly, Jiang Han and Hainan Island were not familiar, so it was only natural that he couldn't tell.

The aunt also looked at me nervously, with tears in her eyes, and she said, why, girl, have you seen him and my son?
My throat was hoarse and I didn't know how to answer.

There are countless voices rising and rolling in my heart, influencing my thinking——

——Is it just that they look similar?If I said the wrong thing indiscriminately, it would lead to embarrassment and empty joy.

——Could it be that the woman in Hainan Island who donated 200 yuan is the woman in front of him. He also wanted to find his mother, so he gave 200 yuan to the woman who was in the same situation.


Suddenly, I have a splitting headache.

I gathered myself together and said to the woman, Auntie, has the last two months...has anyone...give you 200 yuan?

The middle-aged woman was stunned suddenly, feeling a little helpless, her mouth was trembling, and she said, yes, yes.However, when I looked up, the man had already left.Why... a gleam of light suddenly flashed in her eyes.

But this ray of light fell into my eyes and was annihilated. I understand that Hainan Island has seen her...

I tried my best to control my emotions, and I said, Auntie, it’s nothing, it was given by the girl who fought for you at the beginning, my friend Hu Dongduo.She told me about it.

Oh.The eyes of the middle-aged woman dimmed, and she said, thank you so much for your classmate.

I lied to her, and all of this clearly fell into Jiang Han's eyes. He looked at me with scrutiny in his eyes.

I was worried that I would not be able to contact her again in the future, so I quickly said, Auntie, I can also help you find out the news.You can give me a contact information.

The middle-aged woman was so grateful that she didn't know how to speak. She quickly wrote down the phone number of her hometown and told me, with a shy face on her face, she said, I don't have any contact information, this is from my hometown.If you have any news, please tell my old family, and they will pass it on to me.

I nodded and gave her my contact information.I said, within a month, Auntie, you must call me once, no matter whether I can find it for you, we will contact you again.

She froze for a moment, then said, okay.

In the end, she told me that her lost son was named Gu Botian.

Gu Potian.

I muttered in my mouth.

It turns out that Hainan Island, you have such a beautiful name.I always thought that the original names you would never mention were Gou Sheng, Tie Dan, Satellite, Long March and so on.

Or, I really admitted my mistake and was dazzled.Gu Botian is not you, you are not the lost boy, you are Hainan Island, you are an orphan, you are the little ruffian that Prince Mu brought back to the hemp spinning factory, you are our boss...

Jiang Han was driving, his mouth was slightly raised, and bent into a particularly beautiful arc, he said, can't you tell, you and the person surnamed Gu are really destined.I looked at him without arguing, my eyes turned red, and I said, Jiang Han, I am suddenly very tired.

Jiang Han was taken aback, he was not used to me showing weakness, very not used to it, so she smiled and stared at the front intently, don't pretend to be pitiful, pretend to be pitiful and I will not let you go!
When I went to find Xia Tong with a condom, her experiment was over.

Xia Tong returned the condom to me, patted my face and said, take it!Blow up balloons and play!

When I turned to leave, Xia Tong stopped me and said, Tianya, is there something...

I am indeed a person who will always be seen through by her at a glance, and it has not changed over the years.

I shook my head and said that I was very tired from tossing around at Huba and wanted to go back early to rest.

This is the second time I lied today.

After I left Xiatong, I ran out of the school in a hurry, holding the package of pregnancy test paper in my hand, my heart was full of turmoil, what should I say when I saw Hainan Island?What do you say?

It was only when a beam of headlights swayed towards my face that I saw that Jiang Han was still at the school gate, his car was slowly approaching in front of my eyes, he rolled down the window glass, looked at me, and said, what, again Go to that trash can and dig through that pendant?It has been more than a month, and you toss and turn, are you annoying?
I was taken aback and said, how do you know?
Jiang Han smiled and said, as long as it is something I want to know.

I also returned a sneer to him, and I said, I thought you were a young man who was doing nothing, but I didn't expect you to run a detective agency.

Jiang Han ignored my words, he licked the wound on his lower lip, looked at me, and said, I can't see what's good about that man, he's just a gangster and a pimp.Do you even have a brain!
The reason why Jiang Han said that Gu Lang was a pimp was that in such a feasting entertainment place like Tang Hui, there would inevitably be ladies and the like.The ladies of Tang Hui are all as beautiful as flowers and jade. A few days ago, I went to Tang Hui for a stroll, trying to "coincidence" with Gu Lang, and I have seen them before.From time to time, they climbed on Cui Jiu, the head of the broom, and Cui Jiu looked at me from a distance and smiled. The meaning in his eyes probably meant, don't try to trick our boss!You haven't seen the girls here are more coquettish than the other, what kind of onion are you!

I don't know about Gu Lang now, but I just know that he is no longer the angel boy who handed me the sky blue bear towel on campus.However, I still don't want him to be ridiculed like this.Especially being ridiculed by Jiang Han, a playboy who is full of brains, conceited, and takes pleasure in harassing my life.

So, I forgot the good impression I had on Jiang Han's compassion and kindness towards that strange woman in the parking lot.I glared at Jiang Han, and retorted, what's the matter?Did he pimp you?You whore!
Jiang Han smiled contemptuously, and said, I am a prostitute, and I will not prostitute you!
(End of this chapter)

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